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Old 11-20-2007, 12:25 AM   #1
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[RELEASED] FF Community Map Pack 1 - 12/23/2007

EDIT: RELEASED 12/23/2007!!

Readme is included. For a list of all the maps and their creators scroll through or check it out!

This is an executable so just download and run, no need for a desktop shortcut or anything. Simply navigate through the installer and you should be done in a few minutes!!


Screen Shots can be found here(click).

Actual Maps Included:

- conc_adam
Created by: Adam-g1

- conc_adam2
Created by: Adam-g1

- conc_adam2_r
Created by: Adam-g1

- ff_119snip
Created by: DeviusCreed

- ff_aardvark_battleships
Created by: caesium

- ff_blis_2fort
Created by: BlisTer

- ff_blockfort
Created by: apox

- ff_charybda
Created by: Span_

- ff_CiviBash_G
Created by: Robb "GambiT" Hebert II

- ff_concmap_mc
Created by: smallfluffybunnys

- ff_congestus
Originally Created by: danger (TFC)
Remake by: clover / Shadow

- ff_deadfall
Created by: DeviusCreed

- ff_dm3
Created by: Wowzorz1leeroy

- ff_dot
Created by: DeviusCreed

- ff_duality
Created by: Spike / whereismymind

- ff_duel1
Created by: David "REV6|VilePickle" Lohmeyer

- ff_fight_yard
Created by: Jancuks

- ff_flare
Created by: BlisTer

- ff_fragzone_g
Created by: Robb "GambiT" Hebert II

- ff_fragzone01_g
Created by: Robb "GambiT" Hebert II

- ff_hold
Created by: A1win

- ff_murderball_nyro
Created by: NyRoNiC
LUA By: AltPluzF4

- ff_nodconc1
Created by: Nodnarb / Mechanical Rabbit

- ff_openfire_sh4x
Originally Created by: Preston Glenn
Remake by: Sh4x

- ff_pigskin
Originally Created by: Krono (TFC)
Remake by: Volcom82 (FF)

- ff_pigskin_night
Originally Created by: Krono (TFC)
Remake by: Volcom82 (FF)

- ff_pirates
Created by: Doughboy

- ff_pitfall
Originally Created by: Drakir (TFC)
Remake by: Squeek (FF)

- ff_pz_prosniper
Created by: DeviusCreed

- ff_redgiant
Originally Created by: Kevin "Gustavo" Edwards (TFC)
Remake by: Robb "GambiT" Hebert II (FF)

- ff_runoff
Created by: Sacrifist

- ff_session
Created by: clover / Shadow

- ff_sniper_ruins
Created by: DeviusCreed

- ff_sniper_volcano
Created by: DeviusCreed

- ff_sniperwar
Created by: DeviusCreed

- ff_startec
Created by: Geenie

- ff_submarine
Created by: Doughboy

- ff_tehcrates
Created by: DeviusCreed

- ff_waterhazard
Created by: Mongoose

- ff_wellfortress
Created by: Bluestrike

- RJ_Midori_Obi
Created by: John "CowNaetion" Petricini

- RJ_Shiro_Obi
Created by: John "CowNaetion" Petricini

- snipe_bullseye
Created by: Wowzorz1leeroy

All maps and downloads taken from:

- and Various individual mirrors

Originally Posted by Dr.Satan
EDITED (11/20)
Originally Posted by Dr.Satan
I will be officially releasing the Map Pack on 12/21/2007 anyone who would like their maps to be included please attempt to have them to me by 12/19/2007 at the latest so that I can get the pack tested and ready by the 21st.

NOTE: If you have Beta's that you feel will be ready to be released by the 21st. Please let me know and I will be sure to keep an eye on them and try to grab them as soon as you make the official release.

Also if you map is already being included in the Official Updates, please don't send them to me as I'm only looking for Unofficial Maps here!

Here's what I will need:
  1. Name of your map
  2. What play type is it? (CTF, OvD, etc.)
  3. A link to where I can dl the files

Please be sure you dl includes all relevant files (including you LUA). You can either PM me or simply post here and I will dl and it update this post!


I will try to update this as often as I can!!

Capture The Flag (CTF)
  • ff_blis_2fort - BlisTer
  • ff_congestus - Shadow
  • ff_dropdown - sh4x
  • ff_duality - whereismymind
  • ff_flare - BlisTer
  • ff_openfire_sh4x - sh4x
  • ff_pirates - Doughnut-4|4-
  • ff_redgiant - GambiT (ff remake) / Gustavo (TFC and Original Map)
  • ff_runoff (Red vs Green) - Sacrifist
  • ff_session - shadow
  • ff_startec - GeENiE
  • ff_submarine - Doughnut-4|4-
  • ff_wellfortress - bluestrike
  • ff_xpress - Kam (still in beta but I like it so it will be included)
  • ff_aardvark_battleships - caesium (Capture the SHIPS!!)
Conc Maps
  • concmap5 - adam
  • conc_adam2 - adam
  • ff_charybda - span
  • ff_concmap_mc - smallfluffybunnys
  • ff_nodconc1 - Nodnarb / Mechanical Rabbit
  • RJ_Midori_Obi - cownaetion
  • RJ_Shiro_Obi - cownaetion

Deathmatch (DM)
  • FF_ALPINE_DM_BETA1 - SirTiger
  • ff_blockfort (4 way - Solly's and Demo's) - apox
  • ff_dm3
  • ff_fight_yard - Jancuks (Deathmatch and CTF)
  • ff_fragzone_g - GambiT

  • ff_murderball_nyro - NyRoNiC

Sniper's ONLY
  • ff_119snip - DeviusCreed
  • snipe_bullseye - Wowzorz
  • ff_deadfall - DeviusCreed
  • ff_dot - DeviusCreed
  • ff_pz_prosniper - DeviusCreed
  • ff_sniper_ruins - DeviusCreed
  • ff_sniper_volcano - DeviusCreed
  • ff_sniperwar - DeviusCreed
  • ff_tehcrates - DeviusCreed

  • ff_hold - A1win (King of the Hill)
  • ff_pigskin - Volcom82 (football / DM?)
  • ff_pigskin_night - Volcom82 (football / DM?)
  • ff_waterhazard - mongoose (Warpath)
  • ff_CiviBash_G - GambiT (Sollies vs Civi)
  • ff_duel1 - David Lohmeyer - REV6|VilePickle (Duel / Deathmatch)

Beta Maps

  • ff_2small2push_beta2 - -=bingo-bango=-
  • ff_amped_beta2 - ambex
  • ff_badlands_beta6 - stino
  • concpillar_b3 - Jaxe
  • conc_oneyed_b2
  • ff_engbat
  • ff_f_push - fzorg - 99%
  • ff_flag4sky_b1 (4 Way CTF) - stino
  • ff_flagtrap - tovlakas 7%
  • ff_flowb1 - BumGravy
  • ff_greek - ShakyZach - 1%
  • ff_horizon - UserErr0r - 2%
  • ff_openfire_b2 - Sidd
  • ff_pitfall - Squeek
  • ff_push_b7
  • ff_ramparts - Jinx - 25%
  • ff_siden_b2 - uliboh
  • ff_snip
  • ff_sq2
  • ff_twisteDfort_smallb2
  • ff_flagrun - MikeQuist - 15% - spoke to Mike...won't be completed in time
  • ff_thecove - Beetle - 50% - spoke to Beetle and this was abandoned I believe

Questions / Comments:

I have decided to delete this...all maps will be included regardless of my personal opinion.

Respectively if you DON'T want your map(s) to be included in the map pack, please let me know (either by PM or by posting here) and I will be sure to respect that wish.

Maps that will NOT be included:
  • ff_2fort
  • ff_2morefort
  • 2moreforever
  • ff_aardvark
  • ff_attrition
  • ff_bases
  • ff_cornfield
  • ff_crossover
  • ff_cz2
  • ff_dm
  • ff_dustbowl
  • ff_epicenter
  • ff_fatties
  • ff_hunted
  • ff_monkey
  • ff_palermo
  • ff_push
  • ff_shutdown2
  • ff_waterpolo
  • ff_well
  • 4play - Imbrifer - 71%
  • attrition - Imbrifer - 99%
  • cjf - Imbrifer - 64%

All these are already included in the Official Installers!
(Released) conc_school | hellion_classic | ksour_PAYLOAD | mulch_faf
(Beta) alchimy_b1
(Lua) base_payload_2015
(Models) props_trainyard
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Last edited by Dr.Satan; 04-20-2015 at 10:29 PM. Reason: broken links
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Old 11-20-2007, 12:47 AM   #2
[AE] 82694
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Here's a head start for you.

The maps in the pack are listed on that page. But they are only maps I put on the server. A couple have been updated from beta to final.
I Love GenghisTron . I miss you sooooo Much. LOL.
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Old 11-20-2007, 12:55 AM   #3
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How about the comunity picks the top 10 maps that they would like to see in the pack. That way we don't end up with maps we don't want.
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Old 11-20-2007, 01:21 AM   #4
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that's actually not a bad idea...

EDIT: Although thinking about it I might make something like that and then an all incumbent one...I'm hoping maybe doing this will encourage people to put the less played maps on and to check out the more obsecure community maps out there as opposed to the most popular (b/c who knows they may love it)!
(Released) conc_school | hellion_classic | ksour_PAYLOAD | mulch_faf
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Last edited by Dr.Satan; 11-20-2007 at 02:03 AM.
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Old 11-20-2007, 01:55 AM   #5
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nice map, ppl might like it if they actually tried it.
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Old 11-20-2007, 02:00 AM   #6
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Any of these maps
Except for blockfort, I don't really like that map

:e0: Will live on Forever
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Old 11-20-2007, 03:56 AM   #7
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Updated with all of those...keep em coming!
(Released) conc_school | hellion_classic | ksour_PAYLOAD | mulch_faf
(Beta) alchimy_b1
(Lua) base_payload_2015
(Models) props_trainyard
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Old 11-20-2007, 04:13 AM   #8
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A minor correction,
It's actually ff_session, in the singular.
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Old 11-20-2007, 04:25 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by shadow
A minor correction,
It's actually ff_session, in the singular.
I fixed it for ya.
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Old 11-20-2007, 05:05 AM   #10
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speaking of badlandsb6 whatever happen to that map it should be final by now eh?
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Old 11-20-2007, 02:23 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by ZeRo SkillZ
speaking of badlandsb6 whatever happen to that map it should be final by now eh?
heh I really hope that one comes out soon I LOVE that map and would love to get it out there!

~thanks for the fix nod
(Released) conc_school | hellion_classic | ksour_PAYLOAD | mulch_faf
(Beta) alchimy_b1
(Lua) base_payload_2015
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Old 11-20-2007, 02:27 PM   #12
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Satan, although I know you said no Betas, could you please include my map in spirit! It is finished and was going to be released last friday, but having complie issues Should be done by tonight! hope....

ff_waterhazard ---------- style: Warpath, aka: push command points
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Old 11-20-2007, 02:38 PM   #13
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I've actually been watching that one...looks pretty cool. If you can get it ready in the next week or so yeah I'll throw it in...I say week or so cause it will probably take me that long to get everything sorted out!
(Released) conc_school | hellion_classic | ksour_PAYLOAD | mulch_faf
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Old 11-20-2007, 03:46 PM   #14
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Wow there are soooooooo many maps in this section that have just been abandoned!

Anyone know of any other good placed to find more maps?
(Released) conc_school | hellion_classic | ksour_PAYLOAD | mulch_faf
(Beta) alchimy_b1
(Lua) base_payload_2015
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Old 11-20-2007, 05:30 PM   #15
[AE] 0112 Ihmhi *SJB
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Honestly I would wait a couple weeks before releasing a map pack. Nezumi is working on some stuff (obviously) and there are a lot of beta maps that are nearing completion (as you have mentioned).

I think you should slowly build up a list and set a release date for the map pack.

December 21st would be a good date for that for a few reasons.

1) It gives mappers currently working on stuff more than enough time to finish up their maps... at least the ones that are pretty damn close.

2) It gives us the grand hope that one of Nezumis 200 or so maps will actually be ready to go in that time...

3) It lets everyone know when they will be able to pick the map pack up, a definitive date instead of "I'll be done with this soon".

4) It's a Friday, so server owners would likely have more free time to downlaod the pack and put the maps in their rotation.

5) It's the Friday before Christmas, which means a lot of people will be on holiday break (in elementary school/primary school, high school/secondary school, and college/university) - meaning more people will have time to blow on playing the maps. Having it released on that date might make a lot more people consider trying them out compared to a map pack that has been out for like a month.

6) A few of the mappers are working on Christmas/Holiday maps in the shadows... I know of one or two personally, but I am sure that there are many more. These could be included as well and then these niche maps could end up on a lot of servers/computers.

So please, give that some thought.
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Old 11-20-2007, 05:46 PM   #16
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lol ihmhi you are a genious!

That sounds like a great idea...I was planning on setting a definitive release date and wasn't planning on making it too soon so that seems pretty perfect.

Also I really wanted to include the christmas maps so that works great...I am going to update the OP to include the date and make it official now!

EDIT - Does anyone know what is required to set up a server side dl? I know it's not much different, but I haven't run a sever since TFC (like 2yrs ago) so I can't really remember. I think it's just the directory that changes, but want to make sure...if so I will just release the pack for all clients and let the sever's upload themselves, but if not then I will try to get a server side dl set up for release as well.
(Released) conc_school | hellion_classic | ksour_PAYLOAD | mulch_faf
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Last edited by Dr.Satan; 11-20-2007 at 05:56 PM.
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Old 11-20-2007, 06:17 PM   #17
[AE] 0112 Ihmhi *SJB
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Click here to PM 82694 - he has been messing around with this stuff on Source for a while and probably would be able to tell you what you need to know.
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Old 11-20-2007, 06:36 PM   #18
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lol already been talking to him...but I will ask that now that you mentioned he might now!
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Old 11-20-2007, 09:32 PM   #19
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I hope to get Pitfall out by then. We'll see.
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Old 11-20-2007, 09:36 PM   #20
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I have one map about 95% done.

All I have to do is adjust some lights
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