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Old 02-13-2005, 04:34 AM   #81
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generally chasing never bothered me. I was a primaraly offensive player and some one chasing me ment the rest of my team did not have to deal with him it has its good and bad. Bunny hopping i think is dumb and always has been. I hate HWG are meant to be slow its all about balance when an exploit is used to unbalance all that happens is that it ruins the game
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Old 02-13-2005, 05:46 AM   #82
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Although I'm only acquainted in passing with TPF, it seems representative to me of a relevant issue for FF as it is born and goes forward.

What role should player associations have in codifying or standardizing gameplay in terms of etiquette and rules?

To me, a helpful gaming organization is one that provides a place to get together and play, a forum where issues can be discussed and also where general talk can take place, fostering camaraderie, and a system of organized competition.

That boundary gets overstepped in my opinion when an organization tries to enforce its own interpretation of gameplay beyond the simple prevention of cheating. My definition of cheating is anything that breaks the game itself. Bunnyhopping, although an exploit, merely takes advantage of the existing game code. It doesn't require a hack.

Also, I feel an organization has overstepped its usefulness when anything besides the actual gameplay becomes an issue, such as the pride or self-image of those in charge, for instance.

All in all, I believe that in any governing body, that which affords the most freedom to the most possible participants is the best way to go. The player organization I've been most involved in, the TFC Attack/Defend community, has generally reflected this better than some. We've kept restrictions on gameplay very low in our league, so that many people call it an out-of-control spamfest and ridicule things like assisted jumps. Our forums and IRC have often been the scene of very juvenile infighting and horrible behavior.

But I'd take that any day over the kind of insufferable busybody-ish attitudes i've seen from some other leagues and guilds. TFC CTF play as a whole seems choked with over-management. I don't know how bad TPF has been in this regard, but I can see how it could be easy for a gaming organization to go from upholding a worthy ideal of team play to just telling everybody what to do all the time. Especially if the leadership becomes infected with Internet Way-Too-Serious Syndrome. Let's try to keep that dreaded disease out of FF, shall we?
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Old 02-13-2005, 09:11 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by Smack
Also, I feel an organization has overstepped its usefulness when anything besides the actual gameplay becomes an issue, such as the pride or self-image of those in charge, for instance.
Reminds me of the "Thatcher period" in Britain, glad I wasn't able to speak at that age, otherwise I would have been a very foul mouthed infant.
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Old 02-15-2005, 10:38 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by _Thursday_
Originally Posted by Vanquish
See someone that isn't a true TPFer? Ask em to remove the tag or try to educate them of our ideals, otherwise ignore them and take solice in the fact that you know they're a fraud. There really is little else we can do.
There is, read the last few pages, I 'stole' the idea from the NS mod for the FF team & TPF to incorporate and use as they can.

Its actually quite a useful concept, as the method could be used to ban someone's steam ID from any of the modifications servers. I never thought about that before, probably other ideas can come of that aswell.
I was talking about right now, not in the future. The idiots who wore the TPF tag but didn't play with a TPF attitude prompted the decision to change to a registration process, and as far as I'm concered it's likened to giving in to terrorist demands. IE If they change the way we live out our lives they've ultimately succeeded.
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Old 02-16-2005, 10:04 AM   #85
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Wow, you know I never really considered this 'stealing' of the -TPF- tag to be an issue, I always thought of it as like a clan tag, there is little you can do to stop people from stealing certain tags and wearing them, especially if you aren't on the server.

I never had much contact with the TPF community, I guessed the major reasons for that were

a) being from the UK, I'd imagine that a large part of the TPF guys were from the US, and as such I'd rarely find them

and b) my general choice of servers, again usually UK based, such as wireplay, jolt, and (the now dead) GamesInferno.

When I first heard about -TPF- from my first clans offence captain, I listened intently, because I loved the idea. Since then I've always worn the -TPF- tag, on publics, in matches, in CS, DoD, everything. I registered on the PF site, but that was virtually all the contact I had, occasionally I'd see other members, and occasionally people would ask me what it was about, and listen. Sometimes they liked it and went to the PF site for more, sometimes they laughed. But it seemed that most UK players were ignorant to -TPF-. Some seemed to think it was about some lan cafe in London called 'The Playing Fields' that was being forced to close, and that I was supporting them, when corrected, these people seemed hurt

So whilst I never encountered 'stealing' or 'malapropriation' of the tag, I'd fully support it if there were some way of doing so that was not detrimental to the rest of the community such as constant server updates etc. In fact the thought of a negative solution that results in TPF actually hurting/annoying/disrupting the rest of the community turns my stomach.

Oh, and for those that wonder where I stand on issues such as potshotting etc, see
(the ettiquette thread) and my post is on the second page, about half way down, you can't miss my sig, or the fact that it's quite a long post. As for Bhopping, to be truthful I never really considered it. Whilst it is an exploit, I don't consider it a cheat as such.

*edit* If any of the admins read this, if possible could they add -TPF- onto my name to save me having to register again, and delete the user 'kill', that was my fault (stupid, stupid autofilling of forms), thanks.
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Old 02-18-2005, 12:04 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by Killacockney
being from the UK, I'd imagine that a large part of the TPF guys were from the US, and as such I'd rarely find them
Actually, there are an aweful lot of active UK players in TPF these days. Maybe even more than North American players. Although they are mostly a new generation of TPFers, and most have their roots in Battlefield or Joint Operations. But I'm sure once FF, or TFCS get released, you'll see a lot of TPFers playing that again.
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Old 03-11-2006, 11:15 AM   #87
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in regards to the topic ... like around page 3?

there are bad players in every game, it can't be helped.

every genre I've played, and it spans quite a bit, theres ALWAYS 1 bad apple in the bunch, if not more.

be it because they're young and very immature or just down right malicious, they're still there.

just today, in WoW, people made these names with crazy amount of accent marks so they were hard to track and ignore while they flooded the chat channels. just yesterday, had script'ers come in and refused to use clean language when they were asked to stop. just last month, had people comin into the tfc server I play in, fake being an Admin (while reading up back ground info on the forum) to get some of the regs in trouble by telling them they could wear the tag freely - when you can't. Last year, Diablo 2's economy was horribly ruined AGAIN by item duplication. And we all know what hacks have done for CS.
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Old 07-17-2006, 01:25 AM   #88
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ahh yes TPF, brings back good old memories of the guild days. I was never in TPF but i used to play with a lot o ppl who were and they were always good guys. Stands for Team Play F.... something forget the F.
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Old 07-17-2006, 10:14 AM   #89
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Lol, he implied that Diablo 2 had an economy.

I wish.

(But I see your point)
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