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Old 06-07-2005, 08:10 AM   #41
o_lord asriel
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Originally Posted by meisteh
the r button is easy to hit, but not hitting it is even easier.
A simple conc is easy to do by hitting the button, but not hitting it is even easier.

The skills of a person does not change the fact that an rpg that is reloading can hide an emp at the middle bottom of the screen. Except if your fov is crazy. And you can miss the sound because tfc is a game of the type "all the time explosions r heard"

jerm: I really think we all need a 4-button mouse for grens. Really changes one's life.
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Old 06-07-2005, 09:48 AM   #42
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err you're going to be reloading anyway so any vision or sound things dont apply. With the speed of medics and scouts these days, frontline soldiers are pretty much always out of ammo as it is and you're saying they're not allowed to use a script that allows them to concentrate on the game instead of remembering to press r whenever they're not shooting?
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Old 06-07-2005, 10:09 AM   #43
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i have a 5 button mouse ?

bind mouse1 "+attkload"
bind mouse3 "say New Zealands TFC Community -"
bind mouse4 "say :<"
bind mouse5 "say ?"

they are much needed :>
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Old 06-07-2005, 06:03 PM   #44
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bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "MOUSE3" "lol1" (cycling mm1 bind)
bind "MOUSE4" "throwgren;primeone"
bind "MOUSE5" "throwgren;primetwo"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump"

couldn't play without nades on mouse anymore tbh D:
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Old 06-07-2005, 06:06 PM   #45
o_travis dane
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Originally Posted by kaMIKazE
err you're going to be reloading anyway so any vision or sound things dont apply. With the speed of medics and scouts these days, frontline soldiers are pretty much always out of ammo as it is and you're saying they're not allowed to use a script that allows them to concentrate on the game instead of remembering to press r whenever they're not shooting?
Remembering to reload IS part of the game...

Are we going to have people deciding themselfs what is part of the game and what is not? That's just fantastic...
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Old 06-07-2005, 06:33 PM   #46
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lewl typing messages is part of the game so binds which say text should be banned. especially considering it's quite a skill and all.

Originally Posted by Travis Dane
If something really is that tedious, the developers should hardcode a function to avoid it, and not have players using 'scripts' to circumvent things they happen to find tedious.
"scripts" aye. one thing i love about games like TFC is the developers have allowed you to "script" and thus you can make quite personalised configs. "script"ing has been in every TF mod has it not? i love it tbh, gives me more opportunity to focus on real skills. reloading is a 'skill' more left to cs/dod/etc.
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Old 06-18-2005, 10:00 PM   #47
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Oh man I haven’t seen a fight like this in ages! You can tell who uses scripts because they start in with the reload example right off the bat lol. I have never used a script of any kind. I think its cheating end of story. That said if any one wants to use one go ahead. I choose not to cheat that’s all. I still get called a "hacker" from time to time. I take it as a complement; I know I’m not one. It all comes down to taking the game too far. It’s a game. I know when you spend all your free time doing it (been there done that) it can seem like more. Let them cheat, deep down they know they suck. That’s why they started cheating in the first place!
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Old 06-18-2005, 10:06 PM   #48
o_sobe green
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I used to use a reload script but the downside is I found out I was shooting about half of a second slower due to the fact that I'd shoot my gun would start to reload and I'd interrupt the reload and shoot again. Try it with the normal shotgun. Without a reload script you can unload that thing fast, with one its slightly slower. I have a rj script but I normally don't use it as it sends me straight up and I like to get that angled speed jump. It does wonders for avoiding EMPs and small things like that though.
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Old 06-18-2005, 10:30 PM   #49
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bunnyhop script helps alot, and so do other scripts.

but tbh i press reload (r) as standard, i use a relaod script myslef and bhop script and some weapon change scripts.

i put it to you, people of FF that these scripts be IMPLEMENTED into FF and not shunned. And as for the "skill" aspect of it all thats BS. E.G Scouts conc about 400 times a game and time their concs to within .025 of a second to get the desierd effect WHILE bhoping, WHILE duck jumping, WHILE thinking about their next move, WHILE being shot at WHILE trying to listen to the EXACT location of the flag for the perfect enterance and exit. That MY DEARS is skill and every class has its own senario like that.

having an auto reload script means fuck all if you cant aim....
havng a bunny hop script means fuck all if your not clever.....
having a weapon change script means nothing if you cant use the weapon...
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Old 06-19-2005, 02:52 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Fresh
having an auto reload script means fuck all if you cant aim....
havng a bunny hop script means fuck all if your not clever.....
having a weapon change script means nothing if you cant use the weapon...
Fresh, the much hated n00b, with out flaming (BC this is a flame free forums) you are compleatly wrong. Reload scripts take a skill out of the game. infact, if you make that script standerd, why don't you just give everyone unlimited ammo? It's the same thing. Reloading is a weekness that shouldn't be able to be removed by a script. That's what I would call CHEATING. B-hop script time. I never learned to B-hop. I know HOW to, I just don't. Too much time needed to practice and I have tons of fun without it. If B-hop scripts were standerd, then you should just make every class as fast as the scout, BC if you can B-hop, you can move as fast as a scout. Can you say death to FF as we know it? And last but not least weapon change scripts. To tell you the truth, I have no idea what these are but quick change (Q button standerd) has always been good enough for me.

My job here is done.
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Old 06-19-2005, 05:00 AM   #51
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The only thing Im going to say on this subject is that SCRIPTS are EXPLOITS in the game mechanics. END OF STORY.
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Old 06-19-2005, 05:39 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Mooga
Fresh, the much hated n00b, with out flaming (BC this is a flame free forums) you are compleatly wrong. Reload scripts take a skill out of the game. infact, if you make that script standerd, why don't you just give everyone unlimited ammo? It's the same thing.

Originally Posted by Mooga
Reloading is a weekness that shouldn't be able to be removed by a script. That's what I would call CHEATING. B-hop script time. I never learned to B-hop. I know HOW to, I just don't.
Knowing isn't the same as doing. I also detest jump/bhop scripts, mostly because people think you'll be able to instantly bhop with one which means they haven't learned how bhop works.

I don't get the 'cheating' mentality with minor scripts like reload, seems like a cs generation trait where every very little advantage is cheating and must be removed from the game (it's taken too serious, probably because everyone thinks they're a pro in it ). Scripting is in all the great fps dm games and if you don't take advantage of it, it's your fault. Scripting itself is actually a skill

tbh I cbf debating pointless things anymore that I trust the devs will handle well.
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Old 06-19-2005, 07:54 AM   #53
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eload scripts take a skill out of the game. infact, if you make that script standerd, why don't you just give everyone unlimited ammo? It's the same thing. Reloading is a weekness that shouldn't be able to be removed by a script. That's what I would call CHEATING.
How is reloading a skill? Seriously. Hammering a button at every opportunity is not skillful.

How is it the same as unlimited ammo? If you use a reload script you still have to reload, you know, you just don't have the tedium of instructing the game to do it every other second. Reloading is a weakness, it is NOT removed by reload scripts. You still have to reload.

B-hop script time. I never learned to B-hop. I know HOW to, I just don't. Too much time needed to practice and I have tons of fun without it. If B-hop scripts were standerd, then you should just make every class as fast as the scout, BC if you can B-hop, you can move as fast as a scout.
Newsflash : scouts can Bhop too. A bunnyhopping medic can go as fast as a walking scout, but a bunnyhopping scout is still the fastest thing in the game. Are you claiming that if everyone could bhop, the HWGuy would be as manouverable as a scout? That's just wrong. Bunnyhopping in TFC is capped, so will FF bunnyhopping be.

Can you say death to FF as we know it?
Every fortress mod I've played has included movement skills like bunnyhopping. No, it doesn't mean an hwguy is as fast as a scout. No it doesn't break the game. It makes it a lot more fun.

And last but not least weapon change scripts. To tell you the truth, I have no idea what these are but quick change (Q button standerd) has always been good enough for me.
Weapon change scripts are 100% benign, but if you're willing to admit you have no idea, I don't need to bother explaining why.

The only thing Im going to say on this subject is that SCRIPTS are EXPLOITS in the game mechanics. END OF STORY.
Scripting is MEANT to be in TFC. It was built into the game. If it's exploitative in and of itself, why is it part of the game engine? Dumb generalisation.
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Old 06-19-2005, 09:10 AM   #54
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Reload scripts take a skill out of the game. infact, if you make that script standerd, why don't you just give everyone unlimited ammo? It's the same thing.
You are so very very wrong my friend

My job here is done
If your job was to prove your ignorance of the issue
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Old 06-19-2005, 09:14 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by ekiM
Scripting is MEANT to be in TFC. It was built into the game. If it's exploitative in and of itself, why is it part of the game engine? Dumb generalisation.

Do you know what an alias is?? like bind mouse1 "+attack1"

+attack1 is an alias. theres no other way to make 1 button do that.. if you were to rewrite the alias +attack to alias "+attack" "+movedown" you wouldnt fire anymore..... people going thru and making their OWN alias that do certain specific things, IE scripting, it exploiting the coders code.. yes its there.... but I think that it should only be usable and setable if you have sv_cheats 1, therefore eliminating online usage for custom alias and scripts. Or you can just add a server option that disables the use of alias and .cfg's where you can turn it on or off.. I think bunnyhoping is and WAS the worst EXPLOIT in game mechanics ever. it wasnt supposed to be there and it sure as hell isnt in HL2DM or CS:S.. they might have even fixed it for the HL2 Engine (hopefull).

Hell Bunnyhopping and Scripting is why i QUIT TFC along time ago in the first place.. It doesnt take SKILL to use a script that you read online how to make.
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Old 06-19-2005, 09:23 AM   #56
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lol see what I mean. Start calling scripts cheats and the guilty come out of the wood works... Cheating is anything that perverts how the game was intended to be in the first place. I could go one step farther and say that nade/conc jumps are cheats too since I dont think that is what conc nades where made for. Tho I think every one likes that part too much to say it should be outlawed. Agree with the guy that said if you give every one the option to use the reload scrip then you may has well give every one unlimited ammo, same same. How can you not see that what you are doing is cheating lol. oh well. If it makes you happy all I can say is stay on the script freindly servers plz. I hate stoping by a No Bhop no script blah blah blah pub and find every one doing it any how. If you think its fun to play like that get with all the others who do too and play till your scripts blead. I dont care what you do just keep your cheating ars away from me hehe. Its a gray area that means there is no "right" or ""wrong" its a choice every one has to make on there own. Cheat or not cheat? I think the only thing that any one can do is make FF just like TFC and go from there. We all still love it any how right? For shure wall hacks and aim hacks and all that crap are no good to any one. That we can all agree on right?
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Old 06-19-2005, 09:42 AM   #57
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Do you know what an alias is?? like bind mouse1 "+attack1"

+attack1 is an alias. theres no other way to make 1 button do that.. if you were to rewrite the alias +attack to alias "+attack" "+movedown" you wouldnt fire anymore..... people going thru and making their OWN alias that do certain specific things, IE scripting, it exploiting the coders code.. yes its there.... but I think that it should only be usable and setable if you have sv_cheats 1, therefore eliminating online usage for custom alias and scripts.
I know a fair bit about scripting, I'm not sure exactly what you're driving at. Scripting is MEANT to be in the game, calling all scripts exploits just proves your own ignorance, I'm afraid.

I think bunnyhoping is and WAS the worst EXPLOIT in game mechanics ever
Let me guess, you can't bunnyhop?

it wasnt supposed to be there and it sure as hell isnt in HL2DM or CS:S.. they might have even fixed it for the HL2 Engine (hopefull).
Well, almost every clanned TFC player and the whole dev team recognise it is an exploit of the physics, but realise "hey, that's kind of neat". It adds so much to the game, you can't really unerstand if you don't have experience of playing with it.

Anyway, to your point... bunnyhopping IS going to be included in FF, intentionally, so this point doesn't apply to FF, whatsoever.

Hell Bunnyhopping and Scripting is why i QUIT TFC along time ago in the first place.. It doesnt take SKILL to use a script that you read online how to make.
Bunnyhopping takes skill. So does playing TFC in general, with or without scripts. If someone is better than you with scripts, the likelihood is they would be without scripts, too. Scripts don't play for you.

lol see what I mean. Start calling scripts cheats and the guilty come out of the wood works... Cheating is anything that perverts how the game was intended to be in the first place. I could go one step farther and say that nade/conc jumps are cheats too since I dont think that is what conc nades where made for.
That's exactly what your logic implies. It's also deeply flawed because scripts were an INTENDED part of the game. What, you think the capability to script got coded by mistake somehow?

Tho I think every one likes that part too much to say it should be outlawed.
*ding ding ding* we have a hypocrite. The vast majority of people like bunnyhopping and benign scripts enough to think they should stay in the game. End of..

Agree with the guy that said if you give every one the option to use the reload scrip then you may has well give every one unlimited ammo, same same.
How? Do you even know what a reload script does? You still have to spend just as long reloading as someone who manually presses the reload button (SKILLZ).

How can you not see that what you are doing is cheating lol. oh well.
See above.
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Old 06-19-2005, 10:25 AM   #58
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I mean, just engage your brain, for just a second, please!

And bhop isnt a matter of pressing a button then you suddenly go as fast as a scout, no matter how much you pretend to yourself that it is.
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Old 06-19-2005, 10:32 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by ekiM
I know a fair bit about scripting, I'm not sure exactly what you're driving at. Scripting is MEANT to be in the game, calling all scripts exploits just proves your own ignorance, I'm afraid.
My ignorance? how about the fact that you misread what I said completely.. OF COURSE THERES SUPPOSED TO BE SCRIPTS!!! However I dont think players should be able to make their own.

Originally Posted by ekiM
Anyway, to your point... bunnyhopping IS going to be included in FF, intentionally, so this point doesn't apply to FF, whatsoever.
If thats the case I will NEVER play the mod. and as for making maps for it, which I had planned, I wont do that either.

Your probly one of those guys that talked the SI team to incorporate Bhopping into their game as well.. something else that made me quit playing and supporting the mod, which happend with alot of "New" players to the mod.. they got frustrated cause of all these people using Bhop script and the mod DIED.
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Old 06-19-2005, 10:46 AM   #60
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My ignorance? how about the fact that you misread what I said completely.. OF COURSE THERES SUPPOSED TO BE SCRIPTS!!! However I dont think players should be able to make their own.
What? Seriously, you're talking giberish here. Scripts can be created by users almost by definition.

If thats the case I will NEVER play the mod. and as for making maps for it, which I had planned, I wont do that either.
Maybe you should open your mind a little then.

Your probly one of those guys that talked the SI team to incorporate Bhopping into their game as well.. something else that made me quit playing and supporting the mod, which happend with alot of "New" players to the mod.. they got frustrated cause of all these people using Bhop script and the mod DIED.
Bunnyhopping was in S&I by default, it's a feature of the Half-Life engine. The reason the mod died was because of the complexity of the gameplay, and because the regulars were just too good and put new players off. Adrenaline Gamer is a fine mod too, but the community is tiny and highly skilled. The FF dev team are trying to strike a balance between making the game new player friendly and allowing those who want to to develop a high level of skill. Saying "I WILL NEVER PLAY A GAME WITH BUNNYHOPPING" is just sad, really.
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