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Old 09-16-2007, 03:47 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Clank's Engy Script!

Ok, so after tweaking a while, I came up with this script. Its the closest thing I could get to the "hold a button, build a gun/disp" script.

To use it, bind a key to +sentry for your gun, and +dispenser for your disp. You then hold the key, and you pull up the sentry/disp placer, then +attack (usually mouse1) to drop it. To stop building, release the key, and you will stop and switch to your shotgun. (Note: For dispensers, you must have the build meter over the line to stop building) After you are done building, release the key, and you will automatically pull out your shotgun.

To det/dismantle the sentry/disp, just mash the key you hold to build it.

//Clank's Engineer Build Script
//Replace X and Y with your Dispenser/Sentry Keys
bind "X" "+dispenser"
bind "Y" "+sentry"

alias "+dispenser" "detdismantledispenser; slot4"
alias "-dispenser" "+attack; w1; -attack; w1; slot3"
alias "+sentry" "detdismantlesentry; slot5"
alias "-sentry" "+attack; w1; -attack; w1; slot3"

alias "w1" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
(You may have to add more waits to w1 as needed)
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Old 09-16-2007, 01:16 PM   #2
The "other" white meat....
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Thats pretty cool, will have to try it out. After reviewing some of it, wondering, just switching to slot4/slot5 initiates the "build". Or are you stil having to click to initialize the build.

Also shouldnt switching to slot3(or to any gun) be like a "cancel" of the of the build anyways. I cant test because im at work right now, but would love some feed back.
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Old 09-16-2007, 04:36 PM   #3
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No, you have to click to build it.
the command sentrygun automatically builds a gun.

and switching doesn't stop it.
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Old 09-17-2007, 12:26 AM   #4
Paddn Ur Stats
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I lost my spanner

I tried the first engy config file- didnt like it and somehow my spanner switch wouldnt work- it would just blow up my dispenser and sentry.

So i removed it and tried clanks. So far so good- except I have completely lost the ability to pull my spanner out. So once I'm done building no more spanner. Any hints or tips on what to do ?

All I want is a key for blowing my dispenser and blowing/building my sentry- not the same key
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Old 09-17-2007, 12:53 AM   #5
Mapper ^^
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Here is my cfg if you like. But I can't make "+/-" Aliases work. Don't know why.

//----------- Engy -----------

echo [Engineer] cfg loaded.
say_team Playing as <.Engy.>

//*****		    *****
//*****		    *****


//*****		    *****
//*****		    *****

bind "shift"		"+aimsg"	// Aim sg by pressing ALT and clicking mouse 1.

//-----------Numeric Pad-----------

// Sentry Gun (1,2,3)

bind "kp_end"		"sg"		// Build/Detonate SentryGun + Team msg
bind "kp_downarrow"	"multisg""	// Build/Dismantele/Detonate SentryGun (Depending on Distance) + Team msg

// Dispenser (4,5,6)

bind "kp_leftarrow"	"dp"		// Build/Detonate Dispenser + Team msg
bind "kp_5"		"multidp"	// Build/Dismantele/Detonate Dispenser (Depending on Distance) + Team msg

//*****		      *****
//*****		      *****

//------ Sentry ------

alias makesg  	"sentrygun; say_team [Building] => <.SG.>; alias sg detsg"
alias detsg   	"detsentry; say_team [Detting] => <.SG.>; alias sg makesg"
alias sg      	"makesg"

//------ Dispenser ------

alias makedp  	"dispenser; say_team [Building] => <.Dispenser.>; alias dp detdp"
alias detdp  	"detdispenser; say_team [Detting] => <.Dispenser.>; alias dp makedp"
alias dp     	"dispenser; dismanteledispenser; detdispenser"

//------ Misc ------

//     --------------------
//---- Build/Dismantele/Det ----
//     --------------------

alias multidp	"dispenser; dismanteledispenser; detdispenser"
alias multisg	"sentrygun; detdismantelesentry"

//     --------------
//---- Aim Sentry Gun ----
//     --------------

alias +aimsg	"bind mouse1 detsentry; bind mouse2 detdispenser; bind mouse3 aimsentry"
alias -aimsg	"exec mouse.cfg"
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Old 09-17-2007, 01:31 PM   #6
The "other" white meat....
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remove the +aimsg deal because just rightclicking once will aim the sg if im not mistaken
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