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Old 12-08-2006, 09:14 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by FrenchToast
Yeah, your school fairly blows.

Earlier this year I got to school at 8:00 and I couldn't get in 'cause somehow a deer had smashed through the front doors and was running through the halls, so they kicked all the people out and the cops came to get the deer... it was interesting.
Lol, that must have been interesting.

Last year, some idiot pulled the school's fire alarm. I had to do research for a paper (I am in 8th grade, I was in 7th then), and was absent the day before, so I wasn't able do the research on the first of the two days we got to in Science; this happened on the second day. They pulled the fire alarm during the period I had Science, and they had the entire school evacuated the entire period. I had five minuets total to research at school, had to do the rest at home. I was pissed, to say the least.

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Old 12-09-2006, 12:23 AM   #22
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There was a bomb threat at my elementary school when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. There was a fire drill about 4 times a week on average in highschool (I still can't figure out why).

I remember one time there was an earthquake and hardly anyone in the school evacuated. The teachers and students all got bitched at by the administration. As for my class, we all just kinda looked at eachother untill someone reminded us that we were supposed to be under our desks (like we had all been trained to do since kindergarten). Afterwords everyone just went back to what they were doing with hardly a comment. It was senior year right before the Japanese IB test (If I remember right) so we were all too busy studying to be distracted. It was kinda surreal.

I still remember 9/11. I got to school between when the first and second planes hit, and was watching it on tv before class started when the first building collapsed. That was a wierd day.
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Old 12-09-2006, 12:35 AM   #23
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Someone snuck onto the school grounds in the wee hours of the morning and cemented every single entrance door shut last year. Didn't have to go to school
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Old 12-09-2006, 01:02 AM   #24
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This wasn't at my old high school, but it was at a nearby one. Some illegal alien from Mexico or something came to Minnesota, and he was like living in the auditorium. Finally someone found out, but he escaped once again while being deported. Was on national news.
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Old 12-09-2006, 01:20 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by uBeR
This wasn't at my old high school, but it was at a nearby one. Some illegal alien from Mexico or something came to Minnesota, and he was like living in the auditorium. Finally someone found out, but he escaped once again while being deported. Was on national news.
We now know DH's history :O.

Had a bomb threat at one my brief schools.

Suicide attempt in the 7th grade.

Some kid shot himself infront of the principal (he was saved though).
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Old 12-09-2006, 01:33 AM   #26
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What kind of a dumb attention seeking faggot shoots themselves in front of the principal in 7th grade? Too bad he didn't die I say. "Oh but Dancing he had issues." Fuck him, he's a pussy. If he couldn't handle the world in 7th grade, he doesn't need to burden us when he goes and kills other people in 10th grade.
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Old 12-09-2006, 01:40 AM   #27
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I knocked out the entire internet network for the county school system, the board, the elementry, middle, and high school one day. I was working in the server room during study hall (freetime...) and I was taking an older computer apart or something, so I had to unplug it, and I could have sworn that plug went to that computer, but alas it went to the servers... (one of those plug strips) so yeah. And I didn't tell anyone of course so I walked out the door and everyone was like "What the hell, the internet stopped working, and the teachers walking over like "hmm thats wierd, try blah blah blah" lol

9/11 was also very wierd as me and a friend were the first to hear about, since we reported during that time to the assistant pricipals office for computer work (kindof like a computer club, but not official) and Mr. Voth (the assistant principal) had not yet arrived. When we saw what had happend, he got there like 3 minutes later as we where still watching the events unfold, and as I watched the second tower get hit live, which at that point, we all immediately went to inform the rest of the school to turn on the TV's, classes where basically cancelled for the remainder of the day. Which of course is one day I would rather classes remained, and the event have never taken place.

There are a few other things that have happend, the best that comes to mind at the momment being two from middle school. One dealing with a guy named Issac and the other being a guy with his finger getting nearly ripped off. I also failed library class which is fairly funny in itself :P

I went to gym on day, and the dumbass teacher decided that we would play some good ol' fashoned dodgeball. Well this game is fine with regular players, Issac however is just as he sounds... HUGE... I wieghed about 115lbs, Issac probably wieghed close to 160 or so, and was built like frieght train. He looked seriously like he could have been in college. Well, guess who gets picked to dodge Issac's throw? Me... So anyway, I know its going to hurt like hell, but I take off running as fast as I can, and I can hear the fucker flying through the air, and it smacks me strait into the side of the head, I still can't remember how long I was out for, but it was a good few minutes, and I couldn't see anything but black with white dots. The teacher came over (finally) and asked if I was ok, and good to keep playing. I basically told him to fuck off, and went and took a seat on the bleachers :P Never played the stupid ass game again (against Issac).

Finger Ripped Off:
A guy I knew named Justin (who was always a "troublemaker" to the teachers, and who was just funny as hell to all the rest of us) got the idea that it would be fun to jump out the window during class, then run around to the side door (which was about 15 feet away from the window) and come back inside the school to the classroom door without the teacher seeing him so as to "magically go from in class to outside the class door without walking out" well, he'd jumped out the window numerous times before, but never with the teacher in the room, so he jumped out, and we all started giggling knowing it was going to be funny when he knocked on the door, well only, he didn't knock, he busted in with his finger bleading uncontrollably with half the skin ripped off, and the teacher and him running to the office to call an ambulence. What had happend was that we had gotton our class rings the day earlier, and he had put it on for today's jump, which was quite apparently a bad decision. I caught up with Justin about a month ago, and he seems to be doing ok, though you can still easily see the scars around his finger.

Library (quickly):
Basically, the librarian was a total bitch, I never liked her, never will. She gave a total of maybe 3 assignments, all of which my exact reply to was "Fuck off bitch." So yeah, she failed me. And I loved every minute of it. She quit before the start of the next year.

There are many other stories such as the ONLY time I was ever put in detention because another dumbfuck that I was trying to prevent from getting in trouble wrote the N-word on his computer screen in paint. I moved him out of the way to erase the screen at the time the assistant principal walked in. Which was total bullshit >

Do yourself a favor, and don't go to school in kentucky, even if required... heh
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Old 12-09-2006, 11:27 AM   #28
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I remember in about 5th grade, nearly the entire grade got into a fight over a soccer ball. That was pretty amusing, to say the least. I also remember when some kid got knocked out by a soccer ball in 5th grade. An ambulence was called.
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Old 12-09-2006, 12:33 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by uBeR
This wasn't at my old high school, but it was at a nearby one. Some illegal alien from Mexico or something came to Minnesota, and he was like living in the auditorium. Finally someone found out, but he escaped once again while being deported. Was on national news.
he probably moved onto the football pitches. he was last seen with a grassy ass
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Old 12-09-2006, 02:48 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by DancingFool
What kind of a dumb attention seeking faggot shoots themselves in front of the principal in 7th grade? Too bad he didn't die I say. "Oh but Dancing he had issues." Fuck him, he's a pussy. If he couldn't handle the world in 7th grade, he doesn't need to burden us when he goes and kills other people in 10th grade.
He was a senior in highschool. Someone else attempted suicide in the 7th grade.

Principal told me about it all, and if you knew the story... but I won't bother.
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Old 12-09-2006, 06:10 PM   #31
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As a Senior Prank I wired speakers from my iPod to my backpack and walked around school blasting the song School's Out by Alice Cooper. It was awesome until the tiny vice principle jumped me and started riping things off my body .

I got it back a few periods later and just left
It was the only trouble I've ever caused at school and I would say it was some of the most fun I've ever had
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Old 12-09-2006, 06:31 PM   #32
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Lol there was a kid at my high school who had speakers attached to his backpack. It wasn't a prank, just annoying shit while walking through the halls.
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Old 12-09-2006, 07:14 PM   #33
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as prank against some other school, the football players from my high school planted a tree in the middle of the other school's football field.

last year at UTSA a sewer pipe broke in one of our busier buildings, etc, smelled like shit for a few weeks after.
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Old 12-09-2006, 09:02 PM   #34
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A crazy dude set our middle school on fire once.

School was out at the time. When we came back, all middle school classes were held in the high school gym. That sucked, fiercely.

We returned weeks later. Everything still reeked of smoke. 90% of all the books were charred. All of them had smoke damage. It was pretty nuts.
Look at all those dead links.
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Old 12-10-2006, 06:52 AM   #35
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I got a Couple

-First 9/11 was weird, saw it in the morning at home, shocking, school everyone scared and its like WTF going to Happen. This happen in the 8 grade.
- Freshman Year there was a bomb threat
Everyone knew some guy was going to do it because it spread so fast. The day it was going to happen, at lunch, everyone went to the soccer field and we waited till 12 to see the Science department blow up. Nothing happen, we heard to chicks snitch. They caught the guy, found a list of teachers he was going to kill and ways to build a pipe bomb
- Seward broke as well in sophomore year, smell terribly bad and it rain that day. The school always got flooded for some reasons so the stench spread across the whole school.

-Senior year there was a big fight which they call a Riot but seriously wasn't a riot. It was black vs. Mexicans and out of nowhere parents got in the school to fight as well. I forgot why they started fighting, I think it was because some African team won or lost to the Mexican team during the FIFA tournament. Someone said something and then the fight broke out.
That same day at the same time a fight broke out between two chicks that were really good friends and really hot looking.
Really violent day it was
-Remember when Students decided to Protest for Immigrant rights? When students walk out of school and walked on the freeways. Yeah I stayed home those days cause it was so stupid. Students didn't even know why they were protesting and most of them just wanted to ditch school. School was on lock down for the whole week and two others schools join up with ours. The was a lot of sirens that day

-Senior Year we went on a Senior Filed trip to the beach. I got drunk off vodka and don't remember the rest. All I remember is being at the beach and then waking up in bed at home in my underwear lol

What I heard is that I was singing while some guy played the guitar. I sang mostly Red Hot Chili Peppers songs since the Guitar player was a RHCP whore. I threw up a lot. Well my friends try to cover me up and they manage to get me on the bus without getting lost. Well I began trowing up in the bus but my friends started to make noise and saying "06" to cover me. They said I was loud when I threw up. Well I made to school all dirty and some chick let me borrow her shades.
These exacly

That's not me btw

Well there I am, with vomit on my shirt, a bad stench of vomit and vodka and those chick shades. They told me that I walk all wobblely and still no one caught me, no School staff notice lol. So they sat me on the lunch table and I still threw up and on some one backpack from what i heard. So the bell rang and like 10 people stayed with me but none of then knew what class I had next. I didn't respond, I was all sleepy. Security came and told everyone to go to class. Everyone did and I laid there on the table. Security told me to go to class. Told me if I was okay, Well he put me in his golf kart and took me to the nurse office. Right there I remember that he was telling me if I did drugs and I was saying no leave me alone. He ask me again i said no leave me alone. He ask me again and I got piss cause I wanted to go to sleep so I punch him on the nose and then in a sec I went back to sleep. Then I remember being put into an ambulance then mind went blank again. Then I remember being in the parking lot at home under my moms truck trying to go back to sleep. Blank again and then woke up again in bed in my underwear. God damn I thought it was all a dream but then I had hangover on the same

Damn so yeah that was a weird day
I couldn attended graduation but meh I didn't graduate on time anyways.
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Old 12-10-2006, 07:56 AM   #36
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When I was in high school I remember it being closed several times due to pipes breaking.

The worst thing to EVER happen, though, was when Girls Aloud did a concert in our hall. (They are a female pop band to all you yanks)
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Old 12-10-2006, 11:09 AM   #37
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what? lol
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