07-13-2009 05:26 AM
get off my lawn
Grenade Hud Icons
I was thinking it would be helpful for new players to add hud icons for grenade types on the ammo display.
Here's a poor quality example, but you should get the idea.
Seems like it would be relatively easy to do using the font icons.
Issue Details
Category Visuals
Status Implemented
Priority 9
Suggested Version 2.4
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature
Votes against this feature
Assigned Users
07-13-2009 05:35 AM
Community Member
Yes that's an excellent idea
07-13-2009 05:43 AM
yeah I like it
07-13-2009 06:07 AM
I like it too
07-13-2009 08:19 AM
Stuff Do-er
It's planned.
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