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Old 03-25-2011, 04:56 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
Isn't that was the "law" does? Instil "feat" of "consequences"? To be perfectly honest(which I try to always be); Many people on here have crossed the line and not gotten even a warning for it. Censorship isn't what is at issue here... I have absolutely NO problem with people stating their opinion. However, making others(especially people NEW to the Mod/community) feel that their opinion is somehow "wrong", or "bad", lacks basic respect for others. If you want to allow others to give their opinion, then treat them with a bit of respect. If you want to kill the Mod, then keep bashing new people, and making them feel unwelcome.
Assuming the fear-instilling ways of the law is acceptable. It's not. I would rather my followers respect my rules because they were respectful, instead of threatening force. Censoring my opinion because I say some bad words in addition to making my point is censorship, no matter what you say.

It's not my responsibility to ensure the feelings of others. If they take offense to what I say, that's their fucking problem. I made the point on other threads, where you ironically agreed with me. People are responsible for themselves; their reactions to words included. Offensiveness is subjective. What if someone says 'Don't call me a pickle, because that's offensive.' Are you going to enforce their subjective choice of offense if someone continues to call them a pickle? It's stupid. Just get the fuck over it.

Also, please shut the fuck up about the Old Timers and how it's so easy to find another server. No one denies that. It's just, the simple fact that such a family-friendly obsessively-controlling server exists in the server browser of a violent video game irks people, and they state their dislike of it. This dislike is censored, and the censorship of people's opinions just pisses them off more, and you then feel justified in abusing your administrative powers. None of this makes much sense to you because you have a very slim understanding of human nature, which makes you a piss-poor admin.

Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
Yes, feel free to "air out any and all problems".... but what is wrong with doing it RESPECTFULLY?! Threads have been edited and/or locked, because people have been flaming their fellow users. Remember, we are here because we ENJOY this game, and (I hope) want to make it better. Saying "I disagree with (such and so's) rule against cussing" is the same as saying "I disagree with (such and so) server allowing respawn spam".
Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
You call those who run OT fascists... but aren't you the fascist because you want to impose your values on their server? You know, the one they pay for? If you want a server under your rules, then why don't you pay for one?
No. I don't want my values imposed upon their server. I just want it to be known that I disapprove of their values, and so does the majority of Fortress-Forever players. They are the exception here, not those who hate them. I don't want them to be forced to change their values, but as long as they have those stupid values, I am going to be arguing against them. It's that fucking simple. I'm not going to be overtly nice or kiss their ass like you do.

Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
Don't like my opinion? Fine. Don't play on my server.... oh, wait, I don't have one. Consider a server like a home(I'm going to pull an old BBS methodology here)... he who pays the bills makes the rules. Don't like the rules? Get your own. Would you cuss in my home if I told you not to? Would you bitch up a storm and call me a fascist if I threw you out of my home for disobeying my rules? Put the shoe on the other foot. Would you like being called a fascist for enforcing the rules in your home, where you pay the bills?
Again, no one denies the Old Timers their right to do with their server as they please as you deny their non-fans the ability to criticize it nonetheless by abusing your administrative powers (Because you're insecure, and it's a medium of fortifying your ego. This is confirmed with the sentence you used to finish your post.)

Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
You are aware that Scuzztools, you know, the software that autobans for shit like that, is, well, software? Artificial Intelligence isn't quite up to "knowing" what you meant. It doesn't have "Jedi senses" coded in.
Exactly, so why did he think it was smart to use the tool to enforce a rule that so heavily depended upon context? I don't give a shit what you think, the word "nigger" is only offensive in context. If it weren't, then wouldn't you ban me for wrapping it in double quotes and using it herein? Fuck no, because I'm using it abstractly. It is intrinsically useless; a mess of vocalized phonemes or written characters. Yes, it is the Old Timer's fault. It always is.

Last edited by Bridget; 03-25-2011 at 04:57 AM.
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:35 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Majesty View Post
The Arena

I’ve been thinking: This forum is based around a war game where we shoot missiles and attempt to kill each other. I’m not really surprised there are arguments nearly on a daily basis. Then I see conversations get moderated; people are warned/banned for a brilliantly written post because they attacked another person’s character. Our members are repressed. They’re soldiers thrown into suits and then when they behave like themselves we ban them. So here’s the compromise. Make a thread. Call it The Arena. No pedo shit. No racism (except jew jokes. Those are fine). By posting in the arena you are stepping into a ring intended for death: hence you subject yourself to verbal attacks and you know what you are getting yourself into. If you get caught fighting outside The Arena, or you attack someone who hasn’t posted in it, then your ass is banned for a period of time. Consider it forum mulching. It is amazing.

1. No pedo shit
2. No racist slurs (except jew jokes)
3. No server bashing
As the Team Leader of the Jew Team, I can not allow Jew Jokes.

Then again, I am the only Jew in FF so, carry on.
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