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Old 07-19-2005, 01:17 PM   #161
o_travis dane
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Originally Posted by pizzahut
Originally Posted by Deadly Furby
A spacecraft moving through a finite universe eventually could return to its starting point, like an ant crawling on a soccer ball.
There's a small problem though, the universe is expanding so fast, that it's impossible to catch up. Replace the soccer ball with a balloon which is inflated very fast.

edit: Rebo wrote that already on the 1st page.
It has been said that this expendature of space will eventually come to a halt, and the universe will collapse back in itself. In which case Deadly Furby's point still stands.
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Old 07-19-2005, 02:30 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by Travis Dane
Originally Posted by pizzahut
Originally Posted by Deadly Furby
A spacecraft moving through a finite universe eventually could return to its starting point, like an ant crawling on a soccer ball.
There's a small problem though, the universe is expanding so fast, that it's impossible to catch up. Replace the soccer ball with a balloon which is inflated very fast.

edit: Rebo wrote that already on the 1st page.
It has been said that this expendature of space will eventually come to a halt, and the universe will collapse back in itself. In which case Deadly Furby's point still stands.
This is dependent upon the amounter of matter in the universe. If there is enough, then gravity will slow the expansion, eventually stop it and then reverse it.

Calculating how much matter there is (or things that can also produce lots of gravity) is tricky and theoretical. The amount of luminous material is nowhere near enough to cause such a reversal. The amount of dark matter and other possibilities may swing the balance the other way.
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Old 11-27-2005, 01:07 AM   #163
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The world is full of science folk proving that god doesnt exists but today the world is in a new era... Science and religion should be united

All these people around the world breaking peoples hope in god.. why???

First of all because athiests dont understand hope and faith, and cant show empathy for it being taken away from them...

People fighting against religious beliefs believe that they can reduce religion to nothing and all they do it for is popularity and publicity. They dont care who they hurt.

Billions of people, who represent diverse sociological, intellectual, emotional, educational makeups... believe that there is a Creator, a God to be worshipped. Now, the fact that so many people believe something certainly doesn't make it true. But when so many people through the ages are so personally convinced that God exists, can one say with absolute confidence that they are all mistaken?

The more we explore the universe the more we realise that their is a God. We havent even scratched the surface.

Poor Athiests.... Today its all insults and degredation towards religious belief... The future is Religion and Science united resulting in more hope and faith for peoples own beliefs. No set of beliefs has more merit that another. Each individual and religious set of beliefs in God is different and I see each belief as possibility. Think outside the box your living in....

Just back to the topic about homosexuality... Homosexuality breeds evil..
Their are the controlling gays that have more PRIDE than anyone on earth when they have this pride for most of their lives... All they want is power to control people and their are actually homosexuals that CREATE submissive gays.. Submissive gays are the ones they want to be controlled, or are made to be controlled.

Submissive gays have been proven to be more likely to become petafiles when their older... because they want the control and the only people they have the balls to control is children....... This controlling and submissive effect doesnt occur as much with lesbians anywhere near as much as it does with gay men, but yes im sure it still does happen.
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Old 11-27-2005, 02:26 AM   #164
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you win the moron prize
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Old 11-27-2005, 03:08 AM   #165
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I'm gay. You're stupid. I don't have anything to add to that.
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Old 11-27-2005, 03:39 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by weetbix
The world is full of science folk proving that god doesnt exists but today the world is in a new era... Science and religion should be united

All these people around the world breaking peoples hope in god.. why???

First of all because athiests dont understand hope and faith, and cant show empathy for it being taken away from them...

People fighting against religious beliefs believe that they can reduce religion to nothing and all they do it for is popularity and publicity. They dont care who they hurt.

Billions of people, who represent diverse sociological, intellectual, emotional, educational makeups... believe that there is a Creator, a God to be worshipped. Now, the fact that so many people believe something certainly doesn't make it true. But when so many people through the ages are so personally convinced that God exists, can one say with absolute confidence that they are all mistaken?

The more we explore the universe the more we realise that their is a God. We havent even scratched the surface.

Poor Athiests.... Today its all insults and degredation towards religious belief... The future is Religion and Science united resulting in more hope and faith for peoples own beliefs. No set of beliefs has more merit that another. Each individual and religious set of beliefs in God is different and I see each belief as possibility. Think outside the box your living in....

Just back to the topic about homosexuality... Homosexuality breeds evil..
Their are the controlling gays that have more PRIDE than anyone on earth when they have this pride for most of their lives... All they want is power to control people and their are actually homosexuals that CREATE submissive gays.. Submissive gays are the ones they want to be controlled, or are made to be controlled.

Submissive gays have been proven to be more likely to become petafiles when their older... because they want the control and the only people they have the balls to control is children....... This controlling and submissive effect doesnt occur as much with lesbians anywhere near as much as it does with gay men, but yes im sure it still does happen.
The fact that you are religous and then spew this anti-homosexual garbage reminds me of why I'm an Atheist. You don't want those who don't believe in what you do to oppress others, stop doing it to others. Before you tell me that the Bible says homosexuality is bad, think about what the Bible has to say about judging others.
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Old 11-27-2005, 07:39 AM   #167
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[post removed because I went too far off subject]
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Old 11-27-2005, 08:52 AM   #168
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here is disagreement over whether the universe is finite or infinite in spatial extent and volume.

However, the observable universe, consisting of all locations that could have affected us since the Big Bang given the finite speed of light, is certainly finite. The edge of the cosmic light horizon is 13.7 billion light years (4.19 gpc) distant. The present distance (comoving distance) to the edge of the observable universe is larger, since the universe has been expanding; it is estimated to be about 78 billion light years (7.8 × 1010 light years, or 7.4 × 1023 km). This would make the comoving volume, of the known universe, equal to 1.9 × 1033 cubic light years (assuming this region is perfectly spherical). The observable universe contains about 7 × 1022 stars, organized in about 10 billion galaxies, which themselves form clusters and superclusters. The number of galaxies may be even larger, based on the Hubble Deep Field observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. The Hubble Space Telescope discovered galaxies such as Abell 1835 IR1916, which are over 13 billion light years from earth.

Both popular and professional research articles in cosmology often use the term "Universe" when they really mean "observable universe". This is because unobservable physical phenomena are scientifically irrelevant; that is, they cannot affect any events that we can perceive.

We live in the centre of the universe that we observe, in apparent contradiction to the Copernican principle which says that the Universe is more or less uniform and it has no distinguished centre. This is simply because light does not travel infinitely fast, and we make observations of the past. As we look further and further away, we see things from epochs (times) closer and closer to the limit of time=zero of the Big bang model. And since light travels at the same speed in any direction towards us, we live at the centre of our observable universe.

Also religion is not building on facts but the human sciense does.

Is life a game we play?
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Old 11-27-2005, 10:02 AM   #169
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Right.. I have some points.

The Universe can't have an end (as in distance end), beacuse it is constantly expanding.

Some things don't have ends (the earth for example - you will have to walk around it for an inifinite amount of time before you reach the end and fall off)

Religion is a way of telling people that we are the center of everything, so it makes us feel significant and wanted.

FACT: For every grain of sand on the earth, there are around 100 stars inthe KNOWN universe.. Does that make us feel significant? I think not.

Just back to the topic about homosexuality... Homosexuality breeds evil..
Their are the controlling gays that have more PRIDE than anyone on earth when they have this pride for most of their lives... All they want is power to control people and their are actually homosexuals that CREATE submissive gays.. Submissive gays are the ones they want to be controlled, or are made to be controlled.
Get a life man. This is the 21st Century.

Do you believe that every NON-Christian will burn in hell?? I know alot of Christians do. If this is the case then the Jews, Hindus and all the other religious people will believe the same thing.. Thus concluding that everyone will burn in hell..

1. God Said Let there be a Planet earth and a planet earth appeared.

2. One or two days later God said let there be the sun and and a G type yellow
dwarf appeared on the scene.

3. A couple of days later God said let there be stars and 10^22 stars appear
(as per Richard-ga estimation) along with Planets , moons of planets,
asteriods, pulsars, quasars, galaxies,brown dwarfs, planetary nebula and
many other types of astronomical bodies which we may never have heard

4. And then god said let there be man and a man appeared on October 23rd
4004 BC (was a pretty hectic week all round!!)
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Old 11-27-2005, 10:22 AM   #170
o_salty milkshake
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I know this kind of thing at least leads to lively debate, but I don't this forum should be a platform for people to spew forth their moronic, half baked hate filled agendas.
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Old 11-27-2005, 02:29 PM   #171
o_travis dane
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Originally Posted by weetbix
Please create a new thread if you feel like deviating from the subject at hand (finites of the universe), as bumping month-old unrelated threads isn't a jolly-good idea.
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Old 11-27-2005, 02:38 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by RobG
HotW isn't it?

Anyway alot of this is based on nothing. Of course Christians shouldn't condemn other people. But that doesn't mean that they don't believe certain things are wrong/right. If I see someone doing something I believe to be wrong, I can pretty much respond in four ways:
  • Condemnation. I shout them down, I accuse them of wrongdoing, possibly even publically. I make their life a misery.
  • Tolerance. I see them doing something which I believe is utterly harmful to them long-term, but ignore it, and feel good about ignoring it because I believe tolerance is always the greater good.
  • Disinterestedness. Like a judge, I don't care either way about them, I just believe/know that they're wrong.
  • Love. I still believe that they're wrong, but I treat them with respect and gentleness and love. I don't accuse, and I don't judge. I am no less a sinner than they. I will attempt to do what I can for them, but either way, I will not compromise my friendship/relationship with them. If I don't know them, I may well not get involved directly.
There. Please, don't go around accusing Christians of being all judgemental. The fact that the best argument that seems to have emerged is "oh, but some Christians are bad too" is so fallacious it would be funny if it didn't indicate such an absence of reason.
Christians believe in non viloence, yet a few hundred years ago they were buring people ('witches') just because they were told to...
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Old 11-27-2005, 02:42 PM   #173
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Because violence is awesome.

Gandhi watched wrestling every week, you know.
Look at all those dead links.
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Old 11-27-2005, 02:47 PM   #174
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I think people should just stop pushing their own beliefs on people, I mean I'm an atheist, and since a small child I've had other peoples relgions thrust upon me, because I live in a christian country.

Up until I was 13 I beleived there was a god, then I suddenly looked past what other people were telling me, and came upon the conclusion I can only go through my life believing and trusting the things I know are true.

If someone gave me a blank peice of paper and said theres fifty pounds, I wouldn't beleive them straight off, I would go and ask someone else and do tests to see if people would accept it as such, and derive from that that it wasn't £50 it was infact just a blank peice of paper. Regardless of how much you beleived it was £50, its still just a blank peice of paper. I came it this conclusion that it wasn't actually £50 through my own personal investigation, rather than something I have simply been told. And at the end of the day, what is £50 except just a peice of paper in the first place? :P

And through this personal investigation, I also came to the conclusion god also doesn't exist. Theres no reason I wont change my mind in the future when the facts change, or new evidence appears, but as it stands, some old book with glaring continuity errors, and the ever changing personality of god, one minute he is vengeful the next he is kind and forgiving. It just doesn't butter my bread.

Back to the question whats at the end of the universe... nothing... just like at the end of life :P
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Old 11-27-2005, 02:51 PM   #175
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people shouldnt push their beliefs on others. however, it shouldnt matter if people try because anyone that has good beliefs will be unswayed by others. plain and simple.

at the end of the universe....welllllllllllllllllllllllllll i hope it says "Counter-Terrorists win." after that i wanna see what the next map is.
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Old 11-27-2005, 04:03 PM   #176
o_salty milkshake
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Originally Posted by kashew
people shouldnt push their beliefs on others. however, it shouldnt matter if people try because anyone that has good beliefs will be unswayed by others. plain and simple.
I think if people were more open minded and their beliefs were subject to change, then the world would be a far better place.

I hate this thing of people having their own ideas or beliefs that are imprinted on them with no room for change or incorporating new information into their ideas, only adding things that complement those ideas.

Drives me up the wall. I have friends who seem to pickup an idea from somewhere, I'm not just talking about religion, could be about anything.

E.g. "Someone in the I.T. department told me that Intels are much better than AMD, they don't run as fast and theybreak a lot, Sorry but I wouldn't want a PC with an AMD processor"

I'll then have to spend hours trying to undo whatever strange idea they have, if I can be bothered.

Some people's ideas though are set in stone.

You're born into a society, could be anywhere, and ideas are imprinted onto you. People should question those ideas more often.

As I said, the world would be a better place.
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Old 11-27-2005, 04:39 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by Salty Milkshake
Originally Posted by kashew
people shouldnt push their beliefs on others. however, it shouldnt matter if people try because anyone that has good beliefs will be unswayed by others. plain and simple.
I think if people were more open minded and their beliefs were subject to change, then the world would be a far better place.

I hate this thing of people having their own ideas or beliefs that are imprinted on them with no room for change or incorporating new information into their ideas, only adding things that complement those ideas.

Drives me up the wall. I have friends who seem to pickup an idea from somewhere, I'm not just talking about religion, could be about anything.

E.g. "Someone in the I.T. department told me that Intels are much better than AMD, they don't run as fast and theybreak a lot, Sorry but I wouldn't want a PC with an AMD processor"

I'll then have to spend hours trying to undo whatever strange idea they have, if I can be bothered.

Some people's ideas though are set in stone.

You're born into a society, could be anywhere, and ideas are imprinted onto you. People should question those ideas more often.

As I said, the world would be a better place.
thats what I mean about coming to your own conclusions through personal investigation, rather than someone telling you what is black and white.
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Old 11-27-2005, 06:06 PM   #178
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but see i'm catholic because i choose to be.
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Old 11-27-2005, 06:46 PM   #179
o_salty milkshake
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Originally Posted by kashew
but see i'm catholic because i choose to be.
well good for you sport
but I imagine you were brought up in a catholic family, the chances of you choosing to become Muslim were fairely remote. Had you been brought up in Saudi Arabia to an Arabic family the chances of you deciding to become Christian would be pretty slim too.
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Old 11-27-2005, 06:50 PM   #180
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meh i thought about other religions. even buddhism. however, i had a....spiritual(for lack of a better word) experience that confirmed my beliefs.
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