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Old 09-28-2007, 11:23 PM   #61
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Why are people giving this game such a hard time? Firstly it is free! Its great fun to play!
As for dead...well.. its been out only a few weeks and is v1, give it a chance ffs! I think if the ff team have come this far to release the mod, then i look forward what is going to be in the patches

Old 09-29-2007, 12:16 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by Mach3

got 'em.
Yeah, like a cockroach, shine the light on them and they run away. He hasn't posted since he got quoted, imagine that. Yet another winner for the ignore list.
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Old 09-29-2007, 01:35 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by be_
Minus the ardvark suggestion, I did all of that in TFC. No thanks, mmkAy?
You somehow did all of than when FF wasn't out to do that in? If I knew you could play FF in TFC I woulda done it a while ago. And what is wrong with TFC? Seriously, just because you did it in TFC doesn't mean it's not fun. Your post just pisses me off for some reason...

Also, I'm gonna try to get some videos made.
What was left of my sanity implored me not to enter...but that voice was just a whisper now.
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Old 09-29-2007, 01:41 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by cdotter
Of those twelve, seven are playing ff_well. Is this game already dead?
Yeah that sucks, seriously. Well is a great map and all, but only well? There's no point to actually capping or anything, since when you get in the score is like 1050 to 890
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Old 09-29-2007, 01:59 PM   #65
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My server is well only for now, it simply cannot survive a map change. Literally everyone leaves, or the server is left with 4 people and 2 spectating of which 2-3 leave after the first death. I've yet to find a map that people will play on a regular basis through out the day.

I can't even rotate well, when the map refreshes everyone leaves. No playerbase is part of the problem, high load times for people with TFC era computers is the other.

It' hard to cater a good server, good rotation and good round times when there's nobody to cater to.
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Old 09-29-2007, 06:52 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by ajniN
My server is well only for now, it simply cannot survive a map change. Literally everyone leaves, or the server is left with 4 people and 2 spectating of which 2-3 leave after the first death. I've yet to find a map that people will play on a regular basis through out the day.

I can't even rotate well, when the map refreshes everyone leaves. No playerbase is part of the problem, high load times for people with TFC era computers is the other.

It' hard to cater a good server, good rotation and good round times when there's nobody to cater to.
My question is: Why do you care if it empties? Do you make money, when players join, or do you pay the same no matter if it's full or empty?

Personally, I don't have anything to GAIN from players, on any of my servers, I run one to support a good fortress mod and to be able to have the type of game that I want. I had one retarded kid, mouthing off on one of my servers because he thought he was important, that I somehow "lose" something if it's empty. He was deluded...and banned. I'd rather have an empty server, the way I want it, than a full one that's not how I want it. YMMV.
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Old 09-29-2007, 09:20 PM   #67
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Why the heck would I pay for an empty server?

wow.. I'd like to be able to play on my own server is why I'd like people to be in it? It's pretty hard to enjoy a server I pay for when it's empty.

"Hey this maps nifty neato son! But wait batman, there's no one here but me!"
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Old 09-29-2007, 09:52 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by ajniN
Why the heck would I pay for an empty server?

wow.. I'd like to be able to play on my own server is why I'd like people to be in it? It's pretty hard to enjoy a server I pay for when it's empty.

"Hey this maps nifty neato son! But wait batman, there's no one here but me!"
Do you pay the same if it's empty or full? If you're paying for the server either way, the number of people on it doesn't matter. What good is a server if you have to play what other people want and not what YOU want? If you *like* 24/7 ff_well with no round rotations, that's completely different but if you think you're forced to run it that way, INSTEAD of what you want, that's ridiculous. I'd shut down my servers before I'd run them in a way that I don't like. YMMV.
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Old 09-29-2007, 10:56 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by paranoidkirb
Training mode would be great, though I think you need to implement Achievements. LOL.
Actually, this would probably help.
I don't think it would be that difficult to implement.
In all seriousness, I think this should be done!

Don't worry!
When 1.1 comes and 2fort with it, we have 24/7 2fort AND well servers, and the pub scene will be just like tfc!
Hell, maybe dustbowl will no longer be broken with the impending HW nerf! Defenders definitely shouldn't spawn with full armor and grenade bags should not spawn so quickly though.
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Old 09-29-2007, 10:57 PM   #70
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I like ff_well enough that I'll keep it up as is until more people find out and start playing FF yes. If I didn't I'd have shut it down already. I am a little disappointed but that's life.

I'd love to have a rotation, but if playing FF with actual ppl vs. an empty server then I guess it's ff_well for now.

Life comes with sacrifices if you want to build a community and help a mod out, I just wish it were easier.
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Old 09-29-2007, 11:33 PM   #71
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If you're going to do 24/7 well please set the round timer to the default. Otherwise people just treat it as mulch and jerk eachother off in the middle, because there's really no point flag running when each round is 500+ minutes
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Old 09-29-2007, 11:38 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by ajniN
I like ff_well enough that I'll keep it up as is until more people find out and start playing FF yes. If I didn't I'd have shut it down already. I am a little disappointed but that's life.

I'd love to have a rotation, but if playing FF with actual ppl vs. an empty server then I guess it's ff_well for now.

Life comes with sacrifices if you want to build a community and help a mod out, I just wish it were easier.
As long as you're happy with it that's all that matters, on your server. Personally, I'm waiting for badlands and maybe epicenter for 24/7 servers.

If my server is empty, when I join it, it usually doesn't take long before others join, in my experience.

Yes, I don't get paid to run a server, that's my contribution. An empty server is still a choice and there is no benefit to having one full vs empty, imo. To each their own...
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Old 09-30-2007, 08:13 AM   #73
Holy shit, thats kerrigan!
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Originally Posted by cunnelatio
If you're going to do 24/7 well please set the round timer to the default. Otherwise people just treat it as mulch and jerk eachother off in the middle, because there's really no point flag running when each round is 500+ minutes
i wholeheartly agree!
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Old 09-30-2007, 10:02 AM   #74
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Yeah because public players really try to cap flags when the time limit is normal.
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Old 09-30-2007, 03:23 PM   #75
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The most boring aspect of FF as a veteran TFC player was playing the same maps again that we'd played for years before. It would've been a lot more fun for me personally if the initial release came with brand new fresh maps to learn (Aardvark anyone?), perhaps with a classic map pack coming along in a future patch.

That's just my personal view and I have no idea if it is shared by others.
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Old 09-30-2007, 03:27 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Sabre
Yeah because public players really try to cap flags when the time limit is normal.
...i do
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Old 09-30-2007, 05:14 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Sabre
Yeah because public players really try to cap flags when the time limit is normal.
Some do, they'll even grab the flag without knowing where it goes sometimes.
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Old 10-01-2007, 05:53 PM   #78
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Look at all the controversy my one post made!

I still believe it is dying...because it is. Nearly all the maps clash with the game play style. Take ff_well for example: the yard is big and open, okay that's good. The game is fast paced and concs plus skimming = you're a fucking rocket. You conc across the yard and get through the front door, and...what the fuck? Why is the ceiling like 1.25 players high? Why is it so low? A single hw can lock down the front door like it's nothing at all because there's no where to go. You might get lucky and skim past him and get into the ramp room, but if there's someone in there you're fucked too because there's nowhere to go. ff_well is way, way too cramped inside the bases. The yard is fine but why is the inside so small?

And, of course, the only map that gets played is ff_well. Which is a shame, because for the most part ff_aardvark is a good map. With the ramp + concs a scout can get up enough speed to skim all the way to the flag then conc out of the flag room and down the ramp without stopping for more than a few seconds. Why aren't all the maps like this? Crossover is another shitty map...the yard and basement are huge, but all the hallways are tiny. The hallway between the top spawn and the flag cap out front is barely wide enough for one player. Why is there such a small choke point? Why are the map ceilings so low on cz2? Why is everything so narrow in cz2? How did this get past "beta testing"?

Now for the classes...hw is way overpowered. A hw with half a brain can pretty much shut down offense. The overheating thing is bullshit, how did it even get past the beta testing? Clicking really fast = any offense class is dead within a second or two. And conc aim is just like it is in TFC (easy). I thought there was supposed to be random conc like in ETF?

Engineer is also way too powerful. The rail gun is supposed to be a weak piece of shit. Why is it so powerful now? Not only does the engineer get an overpowered automated gun, but now he gets a rail gun that can do some damage AND a super shotgun, frag grenades, and emp grenades? And why is the sg so overpowered? It used to be a medic could crouch down just barely seeing the sg and nail gun it. Now the sg locks on to you instantly even if it can barely see you. And the range on it is ridiculous. I've been killed on the other side of the yard on ff_well by a yard sg.

The pyro's flamethrower is way overpowered too. Not only does it do way too much damage but the flame pattern is huge. You can never tell where the pyro is behind the flames because the pattern is three times as wide as the pyro and the flame holds in the air for a good second or two.

With engineer, pyro, and hw being overpowered, the offense classes are fucked. Scout can be really fast (only if the map permits...which means ff_aardvark) but a half decent hw/pyro/engineer can fuck up a scout like nothing. Medic can do some damage to a pyro with the grenades and shotgun, but a medic vs sg + engineer or medic vs hw = no contest, the medic always loses. The sg will kill the medic way before he gets close enough to nail gun or toss grenades, and the hw's ac will tear him up before he gets within grenade distance.

About the only balanced classes are sniper and demoman. It took me a while to get used to the new sniping but it's not that bad. The AR isn't horribly overpowered and the sniper rifle does a good amount of damage. The only thing I'd change is make the charging a little faster...maybe 75% of what it is now.

The demo man is pretty much perfect. The pipes all do good damage and they launch pretty nice...air shots with blue pipes are easy. The only thing that needs to be fixed is the detpack bug.

Honestly, you guys wonder why this game is doing so poorly? Nearly all the maps clash with the gameplay, and the ones that don't no one plays. The defense classes are way too overpowered, and as you all know barely anyone on public servers play offense. And now those that DO play offense are completely fucked because defense is way overpowered. Between the maps and the balance issues, I'm surprised the few servers that do have players are still around.

Old 10-01-2007, 06:18 PM   #79
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You sire are completely clueless and why is all this supposed to be this way in your opinion? Is this TFC?
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Old 10-01-2007, 06:21 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Sabre
You sire are completely clueless and why is all this supposed to be this way in your opinion? Is this TFC?
Thanks for completely ignoring all the points I made. Do me a favor and fuck off.

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