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Old 09-21-2007, 01:24 AM   #341
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It amazes me the bias and elitism in this forum/thread.

Fortress Forever is not the best game ever created. It's TFC Source...

TF2 is a new game, and is by far the most fun I've had playing FPS's in a LONG time...

Grenade spam was a problem in TFC... it was fixed in TF2... All of the classes are very balanced, Anyone who is skilled in the class will dominate.

Fortress Forever was frustrating at best... I still dominated, but the grenades feel retarded when you throw them, the sniper was way overpowered (I went like 70 and 5 or something on Well the very first time I played)... and it felt like TFC... Source... TF2 feels like it's at "the right" pace... you get used to it pretty fast. I really don't doubt people will release modified TF2's that increase gameplay speed etc.

It seems like everyone is bitching about not being able to bunny-hop (which isn't actually designed into the game, it should be considered an exploit) or grenade spam.

And it runs amazing on my machine, X2 4200, 2 gigs of ram, 8800 gts 320mb... running at full settings, 1920 x 1200, 4xAA 8xAF never drops below 45fps according to netgraph... and usually hangs around 60-90

Old 09-21-2007, 01:24 AM   #342
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personally i like keeping a sequal to a game some new idea based on former gameplay but valve just got too radical with the cell shading,i dont believe there is charge time on sniper anymore, it looks more like a cartoon, the game looks like it has no balls or grittiness only thing like like about tf2 is when you kill some with a rocket it has a tad better explosion gore (makes me sound like a crazy person hahaha )
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Old 09-21-2007, 01:28 AM   #343
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Originally Posted by Paintedblak
personally i like keeping a sequal to a game some new idea based on former gameplay but valve just got too radical with the cell shading,i dont believe there is charge time on sniper anymore, it looks more like a cartoon, the game looks like it has no balls or grittiness only thing like like about tf2 is when you kill some with a rocket it has a tad better explosion gore (makes me sound like a crazy person hahaha )
The sniper still has his charge.
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Old 09-21-2007, 01:31 AM   #344
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Being a medic doesn't confine a player to his own base, there are medics on the front lines too. What makes *me* chuckle is all of the self-important tools that believe that the way *they* think a class should be played is the only right way to play it.
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Old 09-21-2007, 01:55 AM   #345
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Summit: I have high standards for games and think they should actually take individual player skill. TF2 did not fit that, and this is the tf2 impressions thread. I just wanted to post my opinion. I dont care if you like tf2, go ahead and play it all you want. I dont like it, it's not for me. I prefer an extremely high learning curve.

Old 09-21-2007, 02:08 AM   #346
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What are we talking about here guys? I mean seriously, I know many of you probably haven't played the Team Fortress franchise as long and as dedicated as others...but if you would just look at a video of one of the past versions you'll see that Valve has a lot of balls in slapping the Team Fortress title on this game...I believe Ihmhi said it...what is there to improve on? OH I KNOW! We can all learn to sap an SG...over...and over...and over...and over...with no consequence to the spy...OR we can stick an HW next to a dispenser and have the player hold down the fire button over...and over...and over...and over...OR we run onto the bridge in 2fort as a scout and die practically instantly over...and over...and over...and you get the fucking point (but not after waiting 39847239847 seconds to spawn, and yes, it feels like its THAT long). Taking out the nades hasn't helped anything TBH, as I stated before the same classes are just as dominant without the nades as they were before. All valve did was market a game that will be released on consoles to us PC gamers and had us test it to see if the console gamers can hack it. Boy did they have to dumb it down, I think I'd rather play Halo with my little sister, she's better than half of the people Valve is going to attract with this garbage.

All of us begged Gabe Newell and the Valve team people forever, we leg humped Valve and cried, and wept; we waited, and waited, and finally there was hope, TF2 was finally coming...It became more apparent as time went on (and especially now having played it) that Valve cares NOTHING for their fan base, their ORIGINAL fan base, the people that gave them their gold toilets to shit in. It's become very obvious they only care about expanding their franchise, cutting their losses, and practically burying one of the most popular and original FPSs ever to be played. Don't gimme the shit that it has the same classes, I also stated earlier that I could make a mod on Source SDK with the same classes and call it TF2.

The Team Fortress franchise is dead, and Valve killed it.

All that's left is pressure Dev team

Last edited by Rutabeggar; 09-21-2007 at 02:14 AM.
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Old 09-21-2007, 02:19 AM   #347
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Been playing since the old Q1 TF days and well dont think there will ever be anything like it .

TFC wasnt really my kind of thing , ETF wasnt exactly it either , just no other game ever felt like good old qw for me , i been playing alot of shooters meanwhile and i just stopped trying to compare anything to the speed and fun of qw .

So when i started playing TF2 i was ready for something different , sure has its downsides wich probably will be changed or fixed hopefully :

Default fov , yeah bump this up to 90 , or let us set our fov as some prefer 90 others 110 etc .

Respawn timer , well this i guess will be something that leagues etc can pick as u can change it , so ppl can just make instant respawns if need be , i think all will depend on how the clan community will grow on this game .

Other than that i pretty much enjoy it so far , i only played 2fort so far cause missed playing the map but overall the balance seems nice , sentries seem quite responsive but still possible to strafe around and kill em long as u got a wall or something to help ye , but ye its harder now without grens , but on the other hand got a whole revamped medic to help attacking now too .
I think balance issues etc will be fixed as ppl play the game and some competition starts etc , so far its hard to judge from playing in pubs .

Well overall i think its a nice game , long as u werent expectin a copy of QWTF or TFC , and are willing to adapt to a new dimension of gameplay .

Anyway just my 2c

In the end the most important thing that made QWTF so fun was the community , i never found a community as strong and mature as the one from good old q1 days , when not every 12 year old kid had a pc and net .
And in a game like TF the community means alot imo

Last edited by Spn; 09-21-2007 at 02:25 AM.

Old 09-21-2007, 02:30 AM   #348
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Originally Posted by Smgzor
Summit: I have high standards for games and think they should actually take individual player skill. TF2 did not fit that, and this is the tf2 impressions thread. I just wanted to post my opinion. I dont care if you like tf2, go ahead and play it all you want. I dont like it, it's not for me. I prefer an extremely high learning curve.
You posted in this thread - I replied. Don't get defensive when you didn't like what you saw. If you can't take what people reply with, then maybe you should just abstain from posting so no one upsets you.

But, I agree - I also have high standards for games. I've come from a Q3 environment (MoHAASH) where individual skill is equally as prevalent as it is in TFC. Don't play the "I know what I'm talking about because I've played other skill-based games" card - I assume most people come from a gaming background.

What's funny is I actually went over my response to you, to ensure it didn't sound like I was telling you how to play, or criticising your opinion. I was only pointing out several things you found wrong with it, and clearly stated if you played more, you may find those non-issues.

Yet again however, some people just want to post how shit it is without being replied to.

SME: You're getting defensive - I apologize for touching on a sensitive subject. Medics are often on the front-line doing what medics do best (healing people - that is their primary role, isn't it?).

Rutabeggar: the franchise isn't dead, it's just dead for you. Valve haven't killed anything. You guys aren't the only people who've had sequels made to games you love. Though you seem to think that unless it conforms with your standards it's officially "failed" (and they are your standards). Making statements like "Valve killed it" makes me want to distance myself from anything you're associated with, because it bleeds ignorance and self-indulgence.

If you wanted something that vindicated TFC, you got it in FF. Your definition of what makes a TF game isn't any more right than someone who disagrees with you (or dare I say, the developers).

If you play it with a TFC mindset, you're not going to like it. It's going to be awful. You're setting yourselves up for disappointment. We've seen this all before with other games (CSS, DoDS, MoH and now TF2). Ultimately if you want to help your own community out, why act like pricks? You know there's something wrong when you've got people who'd ordinarily agree with you pick up on the elitest and arrogant undertones. What's worse is hypocritically enough everyone seems to want to eradicate the "elistism" from FF.

I don't mind arguing genuine points, but the copious and senseless TF2 bashing (for the sake of bashing the game, without substance) is just a joke. You can be a fan of FF/TFC and still present a rational argument - hell half the people here have done that. Pity the minority are so vocal.
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Old 09-21-2007, 02:41 AM   #349
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If you guys don't like TF2... Great, it's obviously not the right game for you, 9 million people subscribe to WoW and I refuse to play it, I hate MMORPGs in every sense, Does that mean that WoW is a bad game? Just because I don't like it?

No... obviously 9 million other people feel otherwise, If you don't like TF2, play FF... but don't bash Valve because they didn't feel the need to make TFC Source but instead a new game with some similar concepts. It's a business, not a "lets care about the fanbase that played our free modification that we supported for free and updated for free, there's a few thousand of them, lets make a new game JUST for them!"

No it's a business, TFC Source (like the concept in 1999) would not have sold as well as TF2 is going to. If you guys want to keep your team fortress dreams alive, do so. But you can't bash Valve for designing a game that you don't like... "It looks cartoony" No shit? That's the idea. Games are meant to be Fun, TFC was never a realistic game. They were half-realistic and half... Video-gameish, the concept of Team Fortress was never realistic, so why try to half-ass it? TF2 is fun. it's meant to be fun, it's meant to make you laugh and enjoy the gaming experience. It's not about serious competition, if you wanna bunny-hop and grenade spam, then play FF... it was designed around the fan-base you all talk about.

Valve wouldn't have given a shit if you didn't support them, TFC was a free modification that they patched, updated, and added to for free... They were spending their time, money, and resources for that game. It's not like you were paying a monthly fee and they decide to abandon you. They have no obligation to continue supporting the fanbase.

Old 09-21-2007, 02:43 AM   #350
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Originally Posted by summit

Rutabeggar: the franchise isn't dead, it's just dead for you. Valve haven't killed anything. You guys aren't the only people who've had sequels made to games you love. Though you seem to think that unless it conforms with your standards it's officially "failed" (and they are your standards). Making statements like "Valve killed it" makes me want to distance myself from anything you're associated with, because it bleeds ignorance and self-indulgence.
I hardly think its ignorant or self-indulgent. For years the original TFC community has yearned for a deserving sequel, upgrade, anything, after all Valve made 2347329487 Counter-Strikes and DoD...I just really am adamant about being loyal to your fans, and Valve has let those, especially me, down who played TFC...this game doesn't deserve, in my opinion, for whatever it's worth, the Team Fortress title, at least have the decency to use a different title and not use the Team Fortress label as a selling point. I am very grateful for what the Dev team here has brought us, an alternative to Toy Story vs. The Incredibles (Buzz Lightyear would win IMO). I respect what Valve has done, wow the game looks pretty, but for me, a game needs more depth than pretty graphics. Go to your steam list and look at the TFC server list, the game is dying, Valve has contributed to that by releasing TF2 without really considering the hard core TFC fans. I refuse to acknowledge TF2 as a Team Fortress game, and there are certainly others who feel that way.

I'm done, I have nothing left to say, if it's not obvious that I now don't like Valve and what they did, then you can PM me and I will tell you more. I really hope that Woody doesn't get vaporized by one of the Incredibles.
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Old 09-21-2007, 02:47 AM   #351
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Originally Posted by summit
You posted in this thread - I replied. Don't get defensive when you didn't like what you saw. If you can't take what people reply with, then maybe you should just abstain from posting so no one upsets you.

But, I agree - I also have high standards for games. I've come from a Q3 environment (MoHAASH) where individual skill is equally as prevalent as it is in TFC. Don't play the "I know what I'm talking about because I've played other skill-based games" card - I assume most people come from a gaming background.

What's funny is I actually went over my response to you, to ensure it didn't sound like I was telling you how to play, or criticising your opinion. I was only pointing out several things you found wrong with it, and clearly stated if you played more, you may find those non-issues.

Yet again however, some people just want to post how shit it is without being replied to.

SME: You're getting defensive - I apologize for touching on a sensitive subject. Medics are often on the front-line doing what medics do best (healing people - that is their primary role, isn't it?).

Rutabeggar: the franchise isn't dead, it's just dead for you. Valve haven't killed anything. You guys aren't the only people who've had sequels made to games you love. Though you seem to think that unless it conforms with your standards it's officially "failed" (and they are your standards). Making statements like "Valve killed it" makes me want to distance myself from anything you're associated with, because it bleeds ignorance and self-indulgence.

If you wanted something that vindicated TFC, you got it in FF. Your definition of what makes a TF game isn't any more right than someone who disagrees with you (or dare I say, the developers).

If you play it with a TFC mindset, you're not going to like it. It's going to be awful. You're setting yourselves up for disappointment. We've seen this all before with other games (CSS, DoDS, MoH and now TF2). Ultimately if you want to help your own community out, why act like pricks? You know there's something wrong when you've got people who'd ordinarily agree with you pick up on the elitest and arrogant undertones. What's worse is hypocritically enough everyone seems to want to eradicate the "elistism" from FF.

I don't mind arguing genuine points, but the copious and senseless TF2 bashing (for the sake of bashing the game, without substance) is just a joke. You can be a fan of FF/TFC and still present a rational argument - hell half the people here have done that. Pity the minority are so vocal.
Summit, I like TF2, but I don't like how you're representing it. You shouldn't force your opinion over others (or "respond" to them as you put it). It's like trying to get an American to like soccer, it's never gonna happen. They have to like it or not. Your words and criticisms are not gonna change that.

Old 09-21-2007, 02:49 AM   #352
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I do understand. But if we're honestly going to crucify one of the few decent game devs for innovation, then there isn't much to look forward to. I do understand where you are coming from; please believe me when I say that I've been in the exact same situation. However, the most annoying/frustrating thing is, usually when you're in that situation, you're a minority. If TFC was dying, it certainly wasn't because of lackluster graphics.

Caseman: I've come over a little too strong, I understand that. I'm not trying to convert anyone - whether anyone here liked it or not I really don't care. In fact, I'm not *trying* to change that.

However, there are some suspect reasons behind why people are saying it's "so bad". I could say "the thing I hate about soccer is that you can pick the ball up and run with it" - it's completely false, but if I've only ever watched the goalie do it, I'm not in a position to comment about the entire game.

Whatever though - this is a FF forum; I'd expect the loyalty (which I support, too). The arrogance/"elitism" however, isn't necessary. And is more than prevalent.
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Old 09-21-2007, 03:07 AM   #353
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I'm tired of the word 'elitism/elitist'. It is becoming a cliche very quickly around here.

I see your point summit, that as long as people are basing their judgements on false information (such as hpdrifter), it can be very frustrating; the game is being grossly misrepresented.

TF2, however, does not seem to be grossly misrepresented.

Here's the reasons for me not liking TF2, without having ever played it:
1. The 'random' factor. Critical hits, etc.
2. The lack of grenades.
3. The slow pace.
4. The lack of advanced movement possibilities (as advanced as bhopping/concing/etc).
5. Movement away from CTF.

If any of those reasons are wrong/untrue, then I am sorry and would love to be corrected. But, as long as they are true, TF2 is not a game that I want to play. It is as simple as that, and I think it's as simple as that for most of the people in this thread. Stop ragging on them for not liking the game. It is completely different than any other previous TF game, therefore some people don't enjoy it.
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Old 09-21-2007, 03:14 AM   #354
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Originally Posted by squeek.
I'm tired of the word 'elitism/elitist'. It is becoming a cliche very quickly around here.

I see your point summit, that as long as people are basing their judgements on false information (such as hpdrifter), it can be very frustrating; the game is being grossly misrepresented.

TF2, however, does not seem to be grossly misrepresented.

Here's the reasons for me not liking TF2, without having ever played it:
1. The 'random' factor. Critical hits, etc.
2. The lack of grenades.
3. The slow pace.
4. The lack of advanced movement possibilities (as advanced as bhopping/concing/etc).
5. Movement away from CTF.

If any of those reasons are wrong/untrue, then I am sorry and would love to be corrected. But, as long as they are true, TF2 is not a game that I want to play. It is as simple as that, and I think it's as simple as that for most of the people in this thread. Stop ragging on them for not liking the game. It is completely different than any other previous TF game, therefore some people don't enjoy it.
Perfect example of a post that doesn't misrepresent the game. Do I care whether you like it or not? No. I'm not "ragging" on people for not liking the game, I've already stated where my beef lies.

All in all, if everyone came across like that, there wouldn't have been a problem. But they don't, and there is.
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Old 09-21-2007, 03:46 AM   #355
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Let's not pretend that the TF fans are the only ones copping an attitude but we may be the ones that are justified after what they've done to TF2. The good news is they're going to add grenades and infection via 3rd party solutions. It's just a matter of time.
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Old 09-21-2007, 04:07 AM   #356
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Originally Posted by SME
Let's not pretend that the TF fans are the only ones copping an attitude but we may be the ones that are justified after what they've done to TF2. The good news is they're going to add grenades and infection via 3rd party solutions. It's just a matter of time.
That solution: FF.
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Old 09-21-2007, 04:53 AM   #357
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Originally Posted by Rutabeggar
this game doesn't deserve, in my opinion, for whatever it's worth, the Team Fortress title
funny... I say the same thing about TFC compared to QWTF
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Old 09-21-2007, 04:55 AM   #358
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Originally Posted by squeek.
That solution: FF.
Not even close.
FF is *not* TF2 with grenades and infection.
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Old 09-21-2007, 05:13 AM   #359
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the tfc community is lucky to have fortress forever. valve could have keept the main elements of the game and made many improvements with tf2 and it looks like they decided to make a completely different game. starcraft 2 is a great example of how to improve a game but keep the core elements of the original. valve continues to prove to be blind to the community, thus who cares about their game. FF is amazing and the answer for real tfc fans who have a love for the original game.
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Old 09-21-2007, 05:41 AM   #360
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