Fortress Forever

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shadow 11-08-2007 06:55 PM

RELEASE: ff_session
Who else is sick of remakes?
Well, here's a new map I've been working on for a while.
This will probably be the last map I make.

Standard CTF, follow the moving lights to the enemy flag.
It can be captured either on your battlements or in your flagroom.
Bags in offensive spawn restore concs.
All other bags are available to both teams.
Jump pads are designated by stationary arrows on the ground.

Download and have a look around.


DrEvil 11-08-2007 07:15 PM


Dr.Satan 11-08-2007 07:35 PM

very nice...have you sent it to Skyrider? He is uploading maps to CrosuS so PM it to him and i'm sure he'll toss it in there!

Details Here

Krusty 11-08-2007 09:12 PM

this map is awesom :)
i totaly like it :) hope to play some matches on this map !

StatisticZ 11-08-2007 09:16 PM

Map looks sweet, can't wait to try it out.

Fragile 11-08-2007 09:58 PM

wow,this map's style reminds me a lot of the original team fortress on quake for some reason.

own3r 11-08-2007 11:10 PM

Nice one good map!

A bit of feedback;
The battlement cap could do with some floor marking to make it a bit more obvious and the area directly around the flag could do with being highly distinctive compared to some areas it doesnt stand out as the flag room. Maybe a few flag logos in that cool gfx style?

squeek. 11-09-2007 01:33 AM

With every new community map that is released, I feel compelled to push the release of my map back because I feel self-conscious about my mapping ability and what I have done so far.

This map is absolute genius and is the standard of quality which other mappers should strive to achieve. Well done shadow; this marks two brilliant maps done and hopefully more to come in the future.

foamy 11-09-2007 01:40 AM

Great i cant wait to play it!

After i reinstall ff...

CaLeB- 11-09-2007 02:51 AM

I came... a lot.

Good work man! Downloading!

I also see that you added an objective map and locations; A+!

FF|Skyrider 11-09-2007 06:45 AM

Added on CrosuS:

Added on HL2Files:;84228

extigyx 11-09-2007 08:38 AM

Awesome map. Well done
This map is awesome, best community map yet and will be hard to beat. Everything is great about it.

1 thing tho, its a offy map really but with a good 4 def or 5 it will be hard to get those flags :D

I love this map.

Well done cheif


Ihmhi 11-09-2007 04:12 PM

Noooo... why is this your last map?

It's like when your datin' a fine lady and she's lake "I'm sorry babe, it's over."

"Noes we don't want to lose you!" :lol:

Paft 11-09-2007 04:32 PM

A great map. The serious players (clanners) will have some good matches on this.

own3r 11-09-2007 05:13 PM

Get this up for a playtest I really want to see how it plays!

shadow 11-11-2007 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Ihmhi
Noooo... why is this your last map?

It's like when your datin' a fine lady and she's lake "I'm sorry babe, it's over."

"Noes we don't want to lose you!" :lol:

I'd like to make another map, I have a good one in mind, but I want to see whether this community crumbles in the next month or so first. I'd hate to start a map while people are playing it and release it for bots (if even bots).

However I am a little bored right now, between playing FF I've been working on a little concmap which I may or may not release. Maybe I should take suggestions for a remake instead?

GhostBuster 11-11-2007 04:45 PM

Really, really good map, very hard to get lost, very easy to find the flag room with those arrows, cool efects like the in the water entrance everything is dark but "shiny" ( or something like that), the speed arrows are cool too!!

We need more maps like this, or better, more (new and not remaked) maps from you ;)

own3r 11-11-2007 05:45 PM

Gets my vote to be included in FF v1.2

redux 11-11-2007 06:09 PM

Wow, what a great looking map; truly a fantastic job. My only concern is the ammo/health bags can work for everyone in the flagrooms, etc, and not just that team only. I really like your ceilings.

Dr.Satan 11-11-2007 08:02 PM

well I had a chance to play this map on friday and have to say...great job man really nice map!

A couple of things...

Need some sort of nade bag for the defenders / offence (SPY) it was really hard to get into the flagroom and cause mahem with only 2 nades as a spy.

Also I love the idea of having the O spawn alone (actually had that same idea for my map!) but it does kind of leave you as an easy target for snipers...maybe if you put a tele in O spawn that would teleport you down below so you had that option.

Definitely could use a logo on the cap on the bats just for asthetics

That's pretty much all I have...really great map!

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