Fortress Forever

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GambiT 11-16-2007 04:17 AM

lol i saw the snow makes the spy ALOOOOOT easier to notice.

the fog is going to be pushed back a good bit more, thats one of those things i like to test while doing a full compile to get a good feel for what it needs to be.

the spawn room wont look like that when i drop in the skybox, the whole map is going to be in the middle of the mountains. i've already made the different blend textures for it(or the vmt's anyway). right now im trying to see what i can pull off with terrain generator, but it just doing smooth well to me, may just have to touch it up in hammer.

[AE] 82694 11-16-2007 04:26 AM

Talked to Gambit yesterday threw friends voice now when ever I read his posts I hear his damn voice.:shock: :lol:

Kapoentje 11-16-2007 07:00 AM

First of all, good luck with this project, I'm looking forward to the final result :)

Second, a little question: if I remember correctly the Redgiant map in TFC had mirrored bases (instead of the usual rotated), is this also going to be the case in your incarnation of this map?

Keep up the good work!

GambiT 11-16-2007 11:45 AM

no it wont man sorry..there are a couple of reasons why, but i think it works out good like this.

thanks for the comment's y'all.

barronofhellion 11-16-2007 01:09 PM

serious though i still would put a railing there just for people to get the idea that you can't keep walking there... that was the 1st thing i wanted to do , was see how far down the drop was ... then noticed oh theres just skybox there

Kapoentje 11-16-2007 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by GambiT
no it wont man sorry..there are a couple of reasons why, but i think it works out good like this.

thanks for the comment's y'all.

Well I prefer rotated over mirrored as well fyi ;)
I never understood why the TFC version was mirrored in the first place.
Other than that Gustavo's work has always been top notch :)

4est 11-16-2007 01:17 PM

I would love to see the night version

Ihmhi 11-16-2007 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Kapoentje
Well I prefer rotated over mirrored as well fyi ;)
I never understood why the TFC version was mirrored in the first place.
Other than that Gustavo's work has always been top notch :)

I think when you have identical bases, rotated is always best... when you enter the base, if the flag room is to the left, it should be to the left on both bases, ya know?

GambiT 11-16-2007 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by barronofhellion
serious though i still would put a railing there just for people to get the idea that you can't keep walking there... that was the 1st thing i wanted to do , was see how far down the drop was ... then noticed oh theres just skybox there

im working on the skybox now

trepid_jon 11-16-2007 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by GambiT
i love dark maps. this is how that section looks currently:

it is still early, and alot of tweeking to do im sure, it'll look ALOT better once i get the mountains in.

Very cool.

And I agree, night maps are the best. Playing around with different lighting is the shit.

zSilver_Fox 11-16-2007 04:33 PM

I'd want fences with a huge drop down into a valley, with a climb & conc course down below in an entirely seperate visleaf, with lots of snow and stuff. And penis.

Kapoentje 11-16-2007 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ihmhi
I think when you have identical bases, rotated is always best... when you enter the base, if the flag room is to the left, it should be to the left on both bases, ya know?

Agreed, in CTF having identical bases is needed. Otherwise people start argueing about advantages towards other teams, although this is not the case when an author just mirrors bases imho.

Sorry to go offtopic, but would it even be possible to create a CTF map with 2 distinctly different bases which is balanced? In TFC I know of only one reasonable attempt, I believe it was by either Zouave or Gustavo (unfortunatly I don't have the name of the map).

Ihmhi 11-16-2007 06:14 PM

I think that was darkness... one base was human design, one was Xen design.

Dr.Satan 11-16-2007 08:08 PM

yep darkness, and even in the leagues they forced you to switch teams 15min in to make it fair for both teams so it was 4 15min rds instead of 2 30min rds.

4est 11-16-2007 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Satan
yep darkness, and even in the leagues they forced you to switch teams 15min in to make it fair for both teams so it was 4 15min rds instead of 2 30min rds.

WTF league was that? I don't recall STA, TFL or UGC doing that.

GambiT 11-17-2007 07:11 PM


soooooooooooooo here i am working on the mountains now for about 5 hours off and on, and i accidentally right clicked my task bar(vista) and must have clicked something and closed hammer!!!! and did NOT prompt me to save!!

son of a bitch....

luckily i save often but didn't because i wasn't sure i wanted to keep what i was doing, turns out i did but didn't save..

Ihmhi 11-18-2007 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by GambiT

soooooooooooooo here i am working on the mountains now for about 5 hours off and on, and i accidentally right clicked my task bar(vista) and must have clicked something and closed hammer!!!! and did NOT prompt me to save!!

son of a bitch....

luckily i save often but didn't because i wasn't sure i wanted to keep what i was doing, turns out i did but didn't save..

Shoulda saved a copy of the file so you would not lose the work you did and not mess up the original either.

Is there no autosave that you can recover? >:

GambiT 11-18-2007 02:31 AM

yea but i dont like autosave, but i tell ya what, i turned it on after this.

this doesnt mess up the original, every time im about to change something major i "save as" something else. i usually save as 1 then 2 then 3 and so on, the beta is 30 i believe and im on 34.

shadow 11-18-2007 03:53 AM

I like the night snow theme, but I'm gonna have to agree with player on the curves. Though you don't abuse them as badly as some people do, I would caution you to remain sensible with them. :)

GambiT 11-21-2007 01:07 AM

beta DL in first post, please post some feedback

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