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Old 09-16-2007, 11:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts Rated Helpful 0 Times
Description of commands!

I found this config earlier and take no credit for making it.

Mind you that it was made for css so there may be some commands that confuse you when it says like "CAL Limit".

Just thought this may be helpful to some.

//wTK's Fps Configuration
//No Sv_cheats Cvars
//Creators computer specs, internet settings, some helpful stuff, and Stress Test results in the specs.txt
//My shitty buyscript is included in the rar file, if you need it
//Any comments? suggestions? xfire = wartownkilla; aim = imurderredneckz

// Netcode/Rates

rate "20000" // Should be set according to the formula for rates in the specs.txt file
cl_updaterate "100" // It is said that this should be your rate divided by 200. Some leagues require it to be 100, hence here the value is 100
cl_cmdrate "63" // Refer to the rates formulas in my specs.txt
cl_interpolate "1" // CAL requires this to be at 1, which is the optimal setting for non-lan matches anyway.
cl_interp "0.01" // 0.01 Is what most people use. Although some argue it isnt optimal it is forced to this setting by Zblock to my knowledge
cl_interp_all "0" // When set to 0, the new prediction optimization is run only for objects that need it
cl_forcepreload "1" // Preloads server data before entering the server. Can result in smoother gameplay
cl_smooth "1" // Should be set to 1. Enables smoothing after some errors caused by poor connection
cl_smoothtime "0.01" // Amount of seconds that errors must occur before cl_smooth activates
cl_lagcompensation "1" // When set to 1 for both client and server, the server takes your ping into account when it decides if you hit the target.
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1" // Allows for error detecting in lagcompensation
cl_predictweapons "1" // If you use this value, weapon sound and animations will happen in sync with the +attack command
cl_Pred_optimize "2" // Kept at 2 since cl_predict can no longer be changed
net_maxfragments "1280" // Should be Kept at the default of 1280 unless experiencing much choke or packet loss
cl_downloadfilter "none" // Set to none to download nothing from servers, or nosounds to download no sounds from servers
cl_resend "6" // Leave alone unless you have a very good connection

// Major Graphics/Detail Commands

lod_enable "1" // Set to 1 for optimal performance or 0 for better image quality at further distances
lod_transitiondist "100" // Distance at which the level of detail is reduced on objects
mat_picmip "2" // Lowest texture quality setting allowed for CAL (Allowed values are -1, 0, 1, 2)
r_rootlod "2" // Lowest root model quality setting allowed for CAL (Allowed values are -1, 0, 1, 2)
r_lod "2" // Lowest model quality setting allowed for CAL (Allowed values are -1, 0, 1, 2)
r_decals "100" // Amount of decals that stay on objects at a time (such as bullet holes). Defualt 2048
r_3dsky "0" // Disables the 3d sky box in source. Greatly improves FPS for some
r_modellodscale "1" // Lowest CAL legal setting. Determines the level of detail within the r_lod command
r_renderoverlayfragment "0" // Disables rendering of fragments more than once

// Player Models

cl_minmodels "1" // Allows for there to be only 1 visible player per team
cl_min_ct "1" // 1 = Seals, 2 = SAS and so on
cl_min_t "1" // 1 = Pheonix, 2 = Leet Crew and so on
r_drawmodeldecals "0" // Disables model decals
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0" // Disable visible dead bodies, leaves a shadow instead
cl_ragdoll_collide "0" // When set to anything but 0, dead ragdolls do not collide, causing a performance decrease
g_ragdoll_fadespeed "0" // How fast ragdolls "fade" from view
g_ragdoll_important_maxcount "0" // Keep at the same as g_ragdoll_maxcount
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed "0" // Keep at the same value of g_ragdoll_fadespeed
g_ragdoll_maxcount "0" // How many ragdolls are allowed to be shown
r_maxmodeldecal "0" // Maximum amount of model decals

// Interface and HUD

cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" // 1 = Crosshair expands with recoil, 0 = static
cl_crosshairalpha "999" // When "cl_crosshairusealpha" is set to "1" this determines its visibility
cl_crosshairscale "1200" // 0 = autosize, 1200 = small, 768 = medium, 600 = large
cl_crosshaircolor "0" // 0 = green, 1 = red, 2 = blue, 3 = yellow, 4 =
cl_crosshairusealpha "1" // translucent enable. make sure you set crosshairalpha to around 999 for visibility
cl_c4progressbar "1" // Show c4 defuse status while defusing
cl_showfps "2" // Shows a green fps counter in your top right. (1 = fps counter, 2 = smooth fps)
net_graph "3" // 3 is required for CAL
net_graphpos "2" // Position of the network graph on your screen (1 = btm right, 2 = center, 3 = btm left)
budget_show_history "0" // Disables the fading numbers after you buy
hud_saytext_time "10" // Decides how long text stays on your screen
hud_centerid "0" // If 1, player names appear in the center of the screen, if 0 in the bottom left.
hud_fastswitch "1" // Fast weapon switch

// Sound

dsp_slow_cpu "1" // Lowers overall dsp effects which yields a performance increase on slower cpu's
dsp_enhance_stereo "1" // Keep at 1 unless you dont care about hearing your surroundings as well
snd_async_fullyasync "1" // Setting to 1 allows for a small chance of sound going out of sync at times, but it does increase performance.
snd_mixahead "0.1" // Set to 0.1 to gain performance or higher to reduce stuttering and help sync sound.
volume ".6" // Sets the in game volume
voice_enable "1" // Enables in game voice
snd_flushasync // Flushes sll unlocked .wav data
snd_async_fullyasync "0" // Sound does not play until data arrives
snd_digital_surround "0" // Enables surround sound if set to 1
snd_noextraupdate "1" // Disables unnecessary updating of sound files

// FPS General
mat_dxlevel "80" // Sets the dxlevel. If you have different values in launchoptions and config, the game may crash
fps_max "76" // Should be set to 1 over monitor refesh rate in my opinion. (76 for LCD, 101 for CRT)
jpeg_quality "100" // Must be 100 for CAL
gl_clear "1" // 0 is defualt and makes cracks and such look better and more dtailed, however a value of 1 gives performance
cl_drawmonitors "0" // Disables in game monitor images which drop fps due to 3d images appearing on those monitors
cl_ejectbrass "0" // Disables shell casings
// Mouse

m_filter "0" // Disables mouse filter
m_yaw "0.044" // My own personal value for m_yaw to counter m_pitch being a locked command
sensitivity "1.591" // in game sensitivity
zoom_sensitivity_ratio ".7" // scoped sensitivity ratio

// Light

mat_monitorgamma "1.6" // Max brightness for LCD's
r_dynamic "0" // Disables dynamic ligting which can raise FPS substantially
r_lightaverage "0" // disables average lighting
r_maxdlights "0" // Determines the amount of dynamic lights the player will see at any given time
r_worldlightmin "0" // Determines the minimum amount of world lights
r_worldlights "1" // Must be set to 1 for CAL
mat_disable_bloom "1" // Disables HDR blooming
mat_bloomscale "0" // Set to 0 since bloom is disabled
mat_hdr_enabled "0" // Disables HDR
mat_fastspecular "0" // Disables specularity without reloading resources
mat_specular "0" // Disables specularity but changing the value in game will reload resources
mat_filterlightmaps "1" // Filters Lights for gained performance

// Blood

violence_ablood "1" // Enables blood decals
violence_agibs "1" // Enables gib models
violence_hblood "1" // More visible blood
violence_hgibs "1" // More visible gibs

// Ropes

rope_smooth_minalpha "0" // Disables rope antialiasing
rope_smooth_maxalphawidth "0" // Set to 0 because of rope_smooth_minalpha
rope_smooth_maxalpha "0" // Also set to 0 because of rope_smooth_minalpha
rope_smooth_enlarge "0" // Disables antialiasing for enlarging ropes
rope_shake "0" // Disables rope shaking
rope_collide "0" // Like cl_ragdoll_collide, this disables ropes colliding which can yield an increase in performance
r_ropetranslucent "0" // Makes ropes visible instead of translucent
rope_averagelight "0" // Uses average cubemap lighting instead of max intensity
rope_smooth "0" // Disables Antialiasing on ropes as well
rope_wind_dist "0.01" // Disables Cpu rendering wind on ropes past this distance
rope_smooth_minwidth "0" // Set to 0 since there is no rope smoothing

// Map Props

props_break_max_pieces_perframe "0" // Maximum amount of broken props rendered per frames
props_break_max_pieces "0" // Maximum amount of props broken
cl_phys_props_max "50" // Maximum amount of map props (such as cans and papers) created. 50 is lowest CAL setting

// Map Props

r_cheapwaterstart "1" // Starts low quality water
r_waterforceexpensive "0" // Disables high quality water
r_waterdrawreflection "0" // Disable reflection
mat_wateroverlaysize "16" // Lowers overall water quality
cl_show_splashes "0" // Disables splashes
r_cheapwaterend "1" // Ends low quality water

// Model Specifics

r_eyes "0" // Disables eyes
r_eyeglintlodpixels "0" // Eyeball lod
r_eyemove "0" // Disables eye movement
r_teeth "0" // Disables teeth
r_flex "0" // A worthless model detail

// Various r_

r_decals "0" // Disables decals
r_drawbatchdecals "0" // Disables decal batch rendering
r_fastzreject "-1" // Uses hardware setting for fast z

// Texture Filters
mat_envmaptgasize "0" // Sets TGA File size
mat_envmapsize "0" // Goes in accordance with mat_envmaptgasize
mat_disable_fancy_blending "1" // HDR Command
mat_bufferprimitives "1" // Buffers primitive objects
mat_aaquality "0" // Antialias quality
mat_antialias "0" // Disables antialiasing
mat_bumpmap "0" // Disables bumpmap
mat_clipz "0" // No shells
mat_compressedtextures "1" // Compresses textures for optimal performance
mat_fastnobump "0" // Disables fast bumpmap
mat_filterlightmaps "0" // Disables lightmap fliters
mat_forcehardwaresync "0" // Disables hardware and software sync
mat_reducefillrate "1" // Reduces texture filling rate which increases performance
mat_trilinear "0" // Sets to bilinear
mat_vsync "0" // Disables vertical sync
r_occlusion "0" // Disables occlusion system
mat_forceaniso "0" // Forces anisotropic filtering to none

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