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Old 04-25-2006, 04:32 PM   #1
o_crazy carl
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Nutty map ideas

Back in my TFC days I used to come up with some pretty weird map objectives. Some remained just as ideas, but some I actually began building. They might not have been any fun or even have worked, but I thought they were at least interesting.

Pretty simple objective: camp the enemy's respawn. The map has no flags, so for each enemy player you kill coming out of the respawn, your team gets a point. Once a player gets outside the respawn area, there's no score for killing him.

non-violent CTF:
For every enemy you frag, your team loses a point. Normal CTF rules apply. I originally just wanted to mod 2fort to do this, but I couldn't find a way to make the scoring work (Suicides obviously couldn't count as kills)

Double Hunted:
Two civilians, two bodyguard teams. If both civilians make it to the safe point, they go into an arena alone and fight to the death with their umbrellas!

Offensive hunted:
Like a hunted map, but there's no safe point. The president gets points by moving around the map. The riskier the area, The more points awarded.

collect 4:
Four flags, rather like flagrun, but the capture points were scattered about the base. I actually finished this map and playtested it, but entity bug was discovered during the test that made the flags disappear . The testers also seemed really confused as to the map objective. I thought it was simple enough. Maybe they didn't read the map text?

A CTF map, where a cap resulting in your shooting a missile at the enemy base. However, if you kept control of a tower in the center of the map, you could shoot down the missile and prevent a score. I built a map like this but it ended up getting really big and out of hand. I ended upi recycling the bases for another map.

scorched earth
a dustbowl-type A/D map. The difference is that the defense has the ability to destroy their respawns and ammo bags before the offense captures them. They have to be careful not to do this too early, though.

Double attackers
An A/D map where two teams each try to score against a third defensive team. Will the attackers fight each other or work together to wear down the defensive team?

What do you think of these ideas? If you've got any of your own share them!
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