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Old 09-13-2007, 08:56 PM   #1
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Fortress Forever basic binds/commands

Here's some help and info for those new to the game or simply needing some help:

CLASS           Slot1       Slot 2          Slot 3         Slot 4            Slot 5             Slot 6
Demoman         Crowbar     Single Shotgun  N/A            Grenade Launcher  Pipe Launcher      Detpack
Engineer        Spanner     Railgun         Super Shotgun  Dispenser         Sentry Gun
Hunted          Umbrella    N/A             N/A            Tommy Gun         N/A
Hwguy           Crowbar     Single Shotgun  Super Shotgun  N/A               Assault Cannon
Medic           Medkit      Single Shotgun  Super Shotgun  Super Nailgun     N/A
Pyro            Crowbar     Single Shotgun  N/A            Flamethrower      Incendiary Cannon
Scout           Crowbar     Single Shotgun  N/A            Nailgun           N/A
Sniper          Crowbar     Sniper Rifle    Auto Rifle     Nailgun           N/A
Soldier         Crowbar     Single Shotgun  Super Shotgun  N/A               RPG
Spy             Knife       Tranq           Super Shotgun  Nailgun           N/A
tf_weapon_names - no longer exist. Use slotX instead.
fov - no longer exists. Use default_fov instead.

If you can't get to the console, go into Options - Keyboard - Advanced, and tick the "Enable Developer Console" option. Use the ` key to bring down the console.

General commands

cl_ragdoll_deathview 0/1 - When you die, your view follows your body. For instance, if your head gets blown across the map, your view is too.
hud_fastswitch 0/1/2 - Quick weapon changing [can also be set via "Options - Keyboard - Advanced - Fast weapon switch] (1 = keyboard & mouse, 2 = keyboard only)
dropitems - Throws the flag/item being carried
discard - Drops unneeded ammo packs

saveme - Call for Medic (to heal your health)
engyme - Call for Engineer (to repair your armor)
+medengymenu - Medic/Engy radial menu

primeone - Primes one of your primary grenades.
primetwo - Prime one of your secondary grenades.
throwgren - Throw a primed grenade.
toggleone - Primes and throws primary grenade on subsequent touches
toggletwo - Primes and throws secondary grenade on subsequent touches
+gren1 - Primes primary grenade
-gren1 - Throws primary grenade
+gren2 - Primes secondary grenade
-gren2 - Throws secondary grenade

cl_spawnslot slot number - Weapon slot to spawn with
cl_classautokill - Die as soon as you change classes
cl_grenadetimer - Timer file to use [can also be set via "Crosshairs / Timers - Timers"]
cl_autoreload 0 or 1 - Automatic weapon reload

changeteam - Brings up the screen to select teams
changeclass - Brings up the class change screen
class X - Change class : Takes effect upon next death
team X - Change team : Takes effect upon next death

%a - Shows your Armour
%h - Shows your Health
%l - Shows your Location
%c - Shows your Class

hud_centerid 0 or 1 - Sets player info in centre of screen
net_graphpos X - Change position of net_graph info (1 is bottom right, 2 is bottom centre, 3 is bottom left)

cl_hints 0 or 1 - Toggles Hints

Class specific commands


The Detpack weapon is in "slot6"
"detpipe" is now gone. You must use "+attack2" to det pipes.
detpack time - Sets detpack timer for specified amount of time.


Dispenser is now "slot4"
Sentry Gun is now "slot5"
dispenser - To build Dispenser
sentrygun - To build Sentry Gun

dismantlesentry - To dismantle Sentry Gun
aimsentry - Aims Sentry Gun in direction crosshairs are pointing.
detdismantlesentry - Dismantles or detonate Sentry Gun depending on distance
detsentry - To detonate Sentry Gun
dismantledispenser - To dismantle Dispenser
detdispenser - Detonates the Dispenser

The above commands can all be accessed via the Engineer's "Radial Menu": +attack2


"radar" or "+attack2" - Scout radar: Provides a snapshot of the position of enemy and friendly players.


Medkit is in "slot1", and "+attack2" can also be used


"+attack2" - Zoom the sniper rifle


disguise team class - Spy disguise : [team can be color, enemy or friendly]
eg: bind "x" "disguise enemy soldier"
cloak - Cloak - (replaces feign)
scloak - Silent Cloak - (replaces sfeign)
[You cannot run and jump/bunnyhop whilst cloaked]
sentrysabotage - Places sabotage unit on Sentry Gun
dispensersabotage - Places sabotage unit on Dispenser

The above commands can be accessed via the Spy's Radial Menu using "+attack2"

Available Binds

note - props to Aftershock for this.
Original page (better formatted):

bind listing

Ingame Key Name (Binding)  -  Out of Game Key Name Notes 

SPACE -  Space Bar   
CAPSLOCK -  Caps Lock   
ESCAPE -  Escape   
F1 -  F1   
F2 -  F2   
F3 -  F3   
F4 -  F4   
F5 -  F5   
F6 -  F6   
F7 -  F7   
F8 -  F8   
F9 -  F9   
F10 -  F10   
F11 -  F11   
F12 -  F12   
PAUSE -  Pause / System Break Key   
` -  Left Quote Also known as tilde (~) 
- -  Hyphen (-)   
= -  Equals Sign   
BACKSPACE -  Backspace   
TAB -  Tab Key   
] -  Right Bracket   
\ -  Forward Slash   
SEMICOLON -  Semicolon (;)   
' -  Right Quote   
/ -  Back Slash   
SHIFT  - Shift Key   
ENTER -  Enter or Carriage Return Not Keypad 
, Comma (,)   
CTRL -  Control Left and Right Control are considered the same keys ingame. 
ALT -  Alt Left and Right ALT are consided the same keys ingame. 
1 -  One   
2 -  Two   
3 -  Three   
4 -  Four   
5 -  Five   
6 -  Six   
7 -  Seven   
8 -  Eight   
9 -  Nine   
0 -  Zero   
A -  A   
B -  B   
C -  C   
D -  D   
E -  E   
F -  F   
G -  G   
H -  H   
I -  I   
J -  J   
K -  K   
L -  L   
M -  M   
N -  N   
O -  O   
P -  P   
Q -  Q   
R -  R   
S -  S   
T -  T   
U -  U   
V -  V   
W -  W   
X -  X   
Y -  Y   
Z -  Z   
UPARROW -  Up Arrow Not Keypad 
DOWNARROW -  Down Arrow Not Keypad 
RIGHTARROW -  Right Arrow Not Keypad 
LEFTARROW -  Left Arrow Not Keypad 
INS -  Insert Not Keypad 
HOME -  Home Not Keypad 
PGUP -  Page Up Not Keypad 
PGDN -  Page Down Not Keypad 
DEL -  Delete Not Keypad 
END -  End Not Keypad 
KP_HOME -  Keypad Home, 7 Keypad 
KP_UPARROW -  Keypad Up Arrow, 8 Keypad 
KP_PGUP -  Keypad Page Up, 9 Keypad 
KP_LEFTARROW -  Keypad Left Arrow, 4 Keypad 
KP_5 -  Keypad 5 Keypad 
KP_RIGHTARROW -  Keypad Right Arrow, 6 Keypad 
KP_END -  Keypad End, 1 Keypad 
KP_DOWNARROW -  Keypad Down Arrow, 2 Keypad 
KP_PGDN -  Keypad Page Down, 3 Keypad 
KP_ENTER -  Keypad Enter Keypad 
KP_INS -  Keypad Insert, 0 Keypad 
KP_DEL -  Keypad Del, '.' Keypad 
KP_SLASH -  Keypad Back Keypad 
KP_MINUS -  Keypad Hyphen, - Keypad 
KP_PLUS -  Keypad Plus, + Keypad 
* -  Keypad Star, * Keypad 
MOUSE1 -  Mouse Button 1   
MOUSE2 -  Mouse Button 2   
MOUSE3 -  Mouse Button 3 Middle button, if you have a 3 button mouse and it isnt working, try installing the latest drivers for your mouse and if your mouse software allows it, assign middle button to 'default' or 'middle button'. 
MOUSE4 -  Mouse Button 4 You may need to either install or uninstall mouse drivers for this button to work. 
MOUSE5 -  Mouse Button 5 You may need to either install or uninstall mouse drivers for this button to work. 
MWHEELUP -  Mouse Wheel Up   
MWHEELDOWN - Mouse Wheel Down

Last edited by mervaka; 09-18-2007 at 05:14 PM.
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Old 09-13-2007, 08:59 PM   #2
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Nice! being able to have the SG aim towards where your crosshair is awesome!
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Old 09-13-2007, 09:05 PM   #3
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Thanks, nice to have some commands for FF without having to use the horrible source GUI.
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Old 09-14-2007, 12:01 AM   #4
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How do I get a bind to work with commands that have spaces in them? I was trying to do bind [ disguise enemy soldier

but it gave me binding instructions, because it had spaces in it.. Thanks for help
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Old 09-14-2007, 12:07 AM   #5
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bind [ "disguise enemy soldier"
or disguise "enemy soldier" (not sure, can't check)
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Old 09-14-2007, 01:20 AM   #6
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Nice work Goovyf. That is 1000% more readable than the stuff I threw together in the beta forums. You just saved a lot of people some work and confusion.
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Old 09-14-2007, 01:54 AM   #7
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Class Bind Tutorial

I know how to set binds in console but how do you set player specific binds? Edit the scripts, right? I'd love a tutorial.

I also noticed the console is hard bound to tilde. Can this be moved?
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Old 09-14-2007, 02:12 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Doughnut-4|4-
I know how to set binds in console but how do you set player specific binds? Edit the scripts, right? I'd love a tutorial.

I also noticed the console is hard bound to tilde. Can this be moved?
If you want specific commands/binds for each class, simply create the following:


Some ppl just throw all binds and aliases into autoexec.cfg. That works fine for most players.

If you want to make your life more difficult, Flamewave had a rather funky system of configs and learned to do this from his website. You have to create 3 new files, binds.cfg, settings.cfg and classdefault.cfg

binds.cfg - contains all non-specific binds
settings.cfg - contains all settings
classdefault.cfg - contains all aliases (almost all)

Nothing is in autoexec.cfg.

Each class config only contains class specific binds aliases and nothing else. They start with:

exec binds.cfg
exec classdefault.cfg
unbindall - wipes out all keys ** DO NOT USE IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING**
binds.cfg - has all general use binds
classdefault.cfg - contains all non-specific aliases

The last line in binds.cfg executes the settings.cfg file.
exec settings.cfg
Naturally, settings.cfg it only contains settings.
Here are the ones I'm using for some aliasing examples:

*spy.cfg is NOT finished yet* and could cause issues.

Last edited by 4est; 09-14-2007 at 03:17 AM.
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Old 09-14-2007, 03:55 AM   #9
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Where do these cfg files go? Can I just copy my tfc cfg files and alter a few binds?
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Old 09-14-2007, 04:05 AM   #10
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Old 09-14-2007, 04:32 AM   #11
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how bout some fps commands!?
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Old 09-14-2007, 04:43 AM   #12
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How do u make it where u don't die when u switch classes?
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Old 09-14-2007, 05:47 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Marshmallow Noob
How do u make it where u don't die when u switch classes?
An issue was lodged in another thread where it was said that an option for this does not exist in the GUI. There might be a cvar for it, but you would have to ask a dev about that.
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Select the pistol, and then, select your horse.
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Old 09-14-2007, 06:25 AM   #14
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does cl_autoreload 1 delay weapons like it does for autoreload scripts in tfc?
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Old 09-14-2007, 06:30 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Marshmallow Noob
How do u make it where u don't die when u switch classes?
cl_classautokill "1" that line is in the config, change it to 0
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Old 09-14-2007, 06:47 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by tu!
does cl_autoreload 1 delay weapons like it does for autoreload scripts in tfc?
No. It's simply coded into the game.
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Old 09-14-2007, 08:46 AM   #17
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hay, wonder if anyone could help with my script

in my old tfc script i used this
Bind "1" "scout"
Bind "2" "sniper"
Bind "3" "soldier"
Bind "4" "demoman"
Bind "5" "medic"
Bind "6" "hwguy"
Bind "7" "pyro"
Bind "8" "spy"
Bind "9" "engineer"
Bind "0" "changeteam"
to change between players so the next time you died you'd swap to that class.
so what are the new commands to select a class?

to fix ive tried
bind x "changeclass;wait;slot3"
but that doesnt work as when you are on the change class menu it doesnt recognize slot1-0 as a selection, only the physical press of 1-0
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Old 09-14-2007, 08:56 AM   #18
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try simply bind "1" "class scout"

In console it should say you'll respawn as scout after next death (or similar)
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Old 09-14-2007, 09:02 AM   #19
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Spy Disguise Bind

For spy can someone tell me how to bind disguise enemy soldier to "x" please?
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Old 09-14-2007, 09:06 AM   #20
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Looks like I'll be spending most of tonight creating cfg's for my classes then.

Thanks for the heads-up. This should be a useful reference - but most of the commands are the same as they were in TFC, so it should jog my memory a little..
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