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Old 01-30-2005, 09:59 PM   #1
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Greatest moment in TF

Yall knew this thread had to come sooner or later. So what's your greatest TF moment? Greatest play? Most exciting flag getaway? Funniest bit of spy trickery? Perhaps reading this may also give the FF team some ideas, so spill away.

For me it was about three years back in Flagrun; me and an IRC friend on red and five other dudes on blue. We were pretty good (or at least I was at the time lol) so we didn't really care about the stackage. Essentially I stayed way out in the open and he crept around in the innards of the map, disguised. We were never really out of each-other's range, so if I couldn't see him I could just call out and he'd pop out from nowhere. Our strengths and weaknesses worked perfectly together (both classwise and skillwise), so he'd knife an enemy sniper in the back and i'd pop a shot into the head of any soldier or HW guy packin heat. Our knowledge of the map kept everyone from our base, and we got away with the flags 5 times before the map rotated. Truely one of my few perfect plays. The other team was pissed too, crying "hackers!" as usual, generally taken as a compliment by legitimate players
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Old 01-31-2005, 08:26 AM   #2
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few weeks ago when I did conced air and headshot on a medic, just during prematch ¬_¬
but there have been loads more
I am a crap sniper when it comes to sniping against other snipers 1on1, but I know where the head is - my turkeyburgers headshot count is like ~80, of some ~85 kills (accidental sniperrifle kills). Thats per 30 mins.
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Old 01-31-2005, 08:38 AM   #3
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Most of my memorable moments came when I was playing early on.

Sniper fights on well. My first floating SG. Spending the longest time trying to figure out why I died after someone capped on rock2. (I was afraid to ask what I was supposed to do) Grabbing the last suit in rock2 (after being laughed at earlier by the guy who died when I finally asked). Completing my first concmap. Learning you could conc from battlement to battlement in 2fort. Detpacking my own teams grate on well (had no idea it was bad).

My biggest moment was in a pub server running rock2 24/7. It was me and two other medics. They were alot better than I was but I always managed to keep somewhat close to them. We'd always rush in together and everytime we went almost one of us would survive long enough to cap. It was almost non stop. To this day is probably the most times I have ever capped on rock2.

Another one on rock2: I was in the underground passage as a demo and there were four snipers waiting in there. Somehow not one of them hit me and I threw a grenade behind them. To keep from getting hit they all jumped over the passage at the same time I shot pipes which knocked them down into the hole. It was great, fun to think about now.
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Old 01-31-2005, 06:55 PM   #4
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I've played for so long that I can't remember. When you've played long enough, no event really stands out.
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Old 01-31-2005, 08:39 PM   #5
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about 3 years ago on well. i was a sniper and the server was basically full of noobs. it was low g so they had no clue u could move in the air. i ended the map with a score of something like 135- 5 no caps
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Old 01-31-2005, 09:06 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Returner
I've played for so long that I can't remember. When you've played long enough, no event really stands out.
EEsh dunno about that

Played TFC since a week or two after it was released and thers so many good times i can recall..whether it be a memory from the "newb" days... like when we arranged a game with Dtm in Half life chat as they used Tech support as their base of communications....we beat them in the end (the very first Dtm before all the reforms ) was a good game on rock2 (i find u remember all ur first games alot more.... my most prominent memory from this era would have to beeee watching the enemy attack nopt being able to take down our SG ontop of one of the Rock2 watch towers (u can tell these were the newb days)

overall greatest i said hard to pick one out of so many...such a great game which is why i think these FF guys deserve alot of credit for bringing it back, but maybe thats just the rose tinted glasses

anyway.. its got to be one of those moments where you're loosing and somehow manage to pull it back through determination and team work (sick bags!) but they are the best times One time i think this happened was back in (uktfcl) season 7 with KIA -- cant remeber who we were playing, was one of the final div1 matches of the season, on Crossover2 but we were quite a few down, they had loads of demomen dropping demo packs and mirvs down into the pit while we were all trying to keep them out... somehow we managed to keep them off...aswell as have attack doing their we pulled it back and won by 2 caps if i remember rightly, great

oh and my first post here, i stopped playing competative TFC about a year ago (uni etc) but am back if anyone remembers me so Ello
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Old 01-31-2005, 09:46 PM   #7
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That would be a tie between showing some Pub newbs why SG's arent' the best RR defense in 2fort.... 2 Mirvs.....5 SG's....4 VERY surprised Engies....

That and Xarnon running into the base to go wait for the flag....what he did not realize is that as he was entering the base one of our clanmates died directly above him exiting the base....dropping the flag onto Xarnon....and he carried it back to the flag room....

Ok...maybe a 3 way tie...anytime playing pipezone in a match with my clanmates...
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Old 02-01-2005, 11:34 AM   #8
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i was running around with my spy in another teams uniform(demoman) when i saw another demo comming at me so i turned around to avoid suspicition. then like a idiot i hit my primary fire on accident and became my spy again. the stupid demo man didnt do anything! walked right pass me and i thought to either stab him in the back or just watch him and wait for him to meet a rocket with his face. but i said why not went for the kill. he went into a doorway so i chased him right when i came around the corner on the ground the jackass set up a row of gernades and BAM i was dead..... wow did i feel life a idiot...... then he types... "dude i ran right past you and you didnt attack me... what a newb"

just a message for all of you. dont ever think twice. just go for the kill.
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Old 02-01-2005, 01:01 PM   #9
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Winning the V-TFL alpha league last summer.
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Old 02-01-2005, 02:39 PM   #10
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The map was red giant, this was during prematch,and the flag was in the yard, covered by two sollies and piped by the the clan leader (dookiestick from =WaR=). I was up in center divider between the two bases, and conced downward, grabbed the flag, and conced back, all the way up with HH to the top of the yard divider. "Holy shits" filled the screen.

That, and all the times I have returned the enemy flag to thier FR without remembering to cap it.
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Old 02-01-2005, 06:01 PM   #11
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My greatest was on flagrun.

My team was getting hammered and was back against the wall on the home cap point. We couldnt get the opposing team out of our final cap point and we were running out of ideas to push them back. I finally gave up the engi and went spy... told my team to help cover me as I snuck out of our base... then while the opposing team was bottlenecked at our door, I slid thru and ran all the way to cap 4th command point... 3rd command point... 2nd command point and finally the 1st command point. I thought for sure the enmy would gather what was going on and that they would suicide so that they could respawn and catch up to me and get me as I was attempting the next cap point, but they never did. My heart was pounding, my spy was running like a lunatic and I saved the day with a risky stradegy. And it paid off big time as we all did the victory snoopydance. =-)
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Old 02-01-2005, 07:06 PM   #12
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4am, I get a phone call from edz to play in some stupid game against some US clan in the STA. We came back from the dead and won, that is all I remember as it was early :P
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Old 02-01-2005, 10:18 PM   #13
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Coming back from 3 caps down in 3 minutes to draw the map with Lf in the ETFCL final I ran past mick and took the last flag out via the steps on stow as a gamble and it paid off. Everyone went nuts... it was crazy considering we were all playing a dumb video game. Those were ze days.
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Old 02-08-2005, 02:48 AM   #14
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There are tons that I've forgotton, but one that just pops in my mind was on (I believe) TFC and my friend (F3.ReAp) and me told all of our team to go blue (because red was having trouble) and ReAp and I, kept back the entire blue team for the entirety of the map. Now that... was funny it was like 12 vs us. I can't remember what classes we where but Im thinking we where both solly or he was engy and I was solly.

Also my first time concing deck to deck on 2fort was pretty cool. Getting 37 crowbar kills in one game was awesome (I think when you play under the name of an awesome player, it makes you alot better lol, I was doing horrible that day, and I changed my name to uZ.X-eL and got TONS of people with the crowbar. I think I still have some ss's of that :P

All in all, good times
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Old 02-08-2005, 03:21 AM   #15
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My Murderball days were the shit.
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Old 02-08-2005, 05:24 PM   #16
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i was just goin threw my old screenies and found 1 were on rats_ctf of me having a score of 316-6. i forgot about that.
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Old 02-08-2005, 10:59 PM   #17
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I've got a couple of best memories:

When I was in eXeL we played Zt. once 5vs5. The map was evenflow and we all had this sweet strategy and that's probably my personal best map, so we came out hard round 1 and actually won 6-2. Then for round 2 one member of the clan, whom none of us really liked, wanted to play and since he showed up I figured I would sit and let him play. I didn't think he could do THAT badly. Nevertheless on Roger Wilco the entire round he was complaining about their chasing or cheating or some other such crap and we lost 8-3. 10-9 overall. Still, it was pretty sweet because we almost beat Zt., even if it WAS 5v5.

My other best memory of TFC when my friend and I were playing from the same room in a clan match. I can't remember what the map was called (been like 2-3 years ) but I was playing bridge/yard D (each team had their own yard, I was defending the bridge right in front of the front door) and he was playing the ramp room right inside. So anyways I told him that there were a bunch of people coming and he sits there then fires a rocket at one of the possible ways people can come through. It was big ramp room, it would take like 3 seconds for the rocket to get across it, so it was pretty sweet when he hit a guy coming around that corner.... a person who I had shot around the corner then turned around to see blow up. Then, later in that same match, to the SAME guy, my friend shot a rocket across the ramp room and it hit behind the medic blowing him forward into my rocket. My rocket would've missed, badly, if my friend hadn't hit him. As it was they were the two coolest shots I'd ever seen, especially since he recorded a demo of that match and we would always watch it over and over again.
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Old 02-09-2005, 12:15 AM   #18
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close matches are good and tense, like recently:
last week vs at|, lost alchimy 40-80 because of poor organisation
however, monkey we won 30-20, with 2 caps in last 5 mins
they even had 2 hw at some point, demo, 2 sentrys and what not

or today vs LTD, lost 2kfort4 30-50, shutdown2 was 60-50, and we didnt cap last one because I screwed it up ;D
1 min to go, 60-50, we get their flag to fd, 30 seconds to go, its on midmap, finally I die, respawn and see our medic throw the flag on our yard, I figured it was for me so I grab it and try to conc onto balcony - but nooo, they conc me to midmap, after which map ended
I didnt notice our plank soldier that was going to rjump to cap and cap it duh!

then yesterday vs TsK
first map shutdown2, basically a cap race until the end, (80-80)
those flags in last minute can be good avi material, too ;p

edit: also best thing is when the enemy underestimates you and you can prove them wrong
"this will be easy win"
"we raped them last time"
"we dont even have to try"
2nd edit (ffs?)
also getting raped on first map, then coming back on 2nd
giving opponents run for their money
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Old 02-09-2005, 01:09 AM   #19
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Winning the V-TFL alpha league last summer.
You didnt win it you lagged out!

/me runs
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Old 02-09-2005, 01:22 AM   #20
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heh i have a few to add to this discussion

1)-IST- beating Ak47 on, if i can remember, sd_l. It was a terrific result for us vs the star team and we were extremely happy with it!

2) -IST- beating [DW] on stow_l, i didnt actually play this game as i was out on the piss but hearing that my clan (i was cl at the time) beat DW was brilliant

3) [ERA] beating [8th] in wptfcl div 1 championship match, the entire division hinged on this match and both clans were far better than div 1 *standard* (grr i hate the phrase "xxx standard"). 8th were an all star team and ERA were pretty darn good as well, we [ERA] beat them on roasted_l then won 2fort (just)! The whole experience reminds me of why i played tfc.

4) Playing for, and being part of, the welsh team in ECTFC. It was just brilliant

From a selfish point of view, home running a flag in ECTFC vs belgium on 2fort was quite rewarding :P

Also, as a highlight can i just mention that being part of the Euro tfc community was brilliant, everyone in it (bar a few :P ) were clearly top guys / girls and have made the years spent playing tfc well worth it

ps: apologies if ive missed out any special moments :S
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