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Old 11-28-2005, 06:13 PM   #1
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Game Design Idea

Hi everyone, I have this idea for a game design and wanted to know what you think. It may be a good idea for a mod.

The game could be called "Clash of the Classes" The game is a class-based FPS game similar to TF. The difference is that the classes in this game will not fill specific niches. Every class will be basically equal to the others but provide a different approach to combat. Furthermore, all classes will share the same speed rate.

Movement wil be emphasized over the speed of the projectiles so that advanced movement patterns can take place. This will make the game unique in the sense that it is not all about twitch aiming.

The range of weapon effects will be cut so that there will no longer be long range combat. Combat will take place at close to medium ranges.

In CTF team mode, the time it takes to respawn will increase significantly. This will insure that opponents cannot return too quickly and thereby disrupt players who defeated them just a moment ago. Instant or nearly instant respawn can become frustrating in my opinion. I want to reward players for their efforts. A player on offense should not have to fight a droves of opponents to get the flag.

Class Ideas

The Gunslinger--A class armed with dual pistols which fire in alternating succession. They have the fastest attack yet the lowest damage.

The Wizard--A class armed with magical projectiles (fireballs, ice spheres, etc.) which cause splash damage on impact with any surface. They have the slowest attack that causes high damage.

The Martial Artist--This class attacks by assuming a striking stance which produces a wave of kinetic energy extending away from them. They have a medium speed attack that causes moderate damage.
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Old 11-28-2005, 06:24 PM   #2
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dude...admins move topics - you should have waited until the one in GD was moved here.... you need to be placed on double secret probation.
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Old 11-28-2005, 06:26 PM   #3
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Yeah, I'm still not getting it.
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Old 11-28-2005, 06:32 PM   #4
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I think it has to do with him being crazy about a certain idea and it not being adopted all of a sudden, he wants to make a mod? Amazing how people nowadays suddenly have what it takes to make a mod after a quick little idea. i don't get it.

im all for people reaching out and working hard but we have suddenly alot of mod teams spring up after stream of consciouness ideas...
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Old 11-28-2005, 06:42 PM   #5
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Well, this is a design I have been contemplating for years now. I just recently came to some key design choices about this. My intention here is to gather input on these ideas. And yes, I am going to find a way to make this idea a reality. Whether that be through a mod or what have you.

I am not saying the same thing here. In the Ideas and Suggestions area I was trying to see if the concept could be applied to FF. Here I am trying to just get some input and perspective on a separate design which also incorporates the idea I talked about earlier.
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Old 11-28-2005, 06:52 PM   #6
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Re: Game Design Idea

Originally Posted by Verson777
Hi everyone, I have this idea for a game design and wanted to know what you think. It may be a good idea for a mod.

The game could be called "Clash of the Classes" The game is a class-based FPS game similar to TF. The difference is that the classes in this game will not fill specific niches. Every class will be basically equal to the others but provide a different approach to combat. Furthermore, all classes will share the same speed rate.

Movement wil be emphasized over the speed of the projectiles so that advanced movement patterns can take place. This will make the game unique in the sense that it is not all about twitch aiming.

The range of weapon effects will be cut so that there will no longer be long range combat. Combat will take place at close to medium ranges.

In CTF team mode, the time it takes to respawn will increase significantly. This will insure that opponents cannot return too quickly and thereby disrupt players who defeated them just a moment ago. Instant or nearly instant respawn can become frustrating in my opinion. I want to reward players for their efforts. A player on offense should not have to fight a droves of opponents to get the flag.

Class Ideas

The Gunslinger--A class armed with dual pistols which fire in alternating succession. They have the fastest attack yet the lowest damage.

The Wizard--A class armed with magical projectiles (fireballs, ice spheres, etc.) which cause splash damage on impact with any surface. They have the slowest attack that causes high damage.

The Martial Artist--This class attacks by assuming a striking stance which produces a wave of kinetic energy extending away from them. They have a medium speed attack that causes moderate damage.
i will do my best to provide feedback without being a jackass, no matter how hard it is, and i will pretend this will actually come into being someday:

1) clash of the classes sounds pretty lame...hold off on the name until you get a better feel for the game. a better name may come then.

2) "The game could be called "Clash of the Classes" The game is a class-based FPS game similar to TF. The difference is that the classes in this game will not fill specific niches. Every class will be basically equal to the others but provide a different approach to combat"

Ok, that makes no sense...on one hand you are saying its class based, but on the other you are saying they will be basically equal. I don't get it. Maybe I'm dumb but seems a bit contridictory. Can you expound? Provide a different approach to combat HOW.

3) Same speed for all the classes. Really? Speed variation is a crucial variable in games. Why the heck would a ninja move at the same speed as an old wizard? Surely a ninja would beable to move faster than a gunslinger??

4) "Instant or nearly instant respawn can become frustrating in my opinion. "

Ahh - I have heard this over the years many times about TFC. Sometimes its more important NOT to kill someone in TFC, thereby adding strategerie (Thanks President Bush) to the game. It's really not an issue.

5) "A player on offense should not have to fight a droves of opponents to get the flag."

Well, with everyone the same speed, thats exactly what is going to happen.

I don't get what you are going for, but whatever it is, good luck.
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Old 11-28-2005, 06:56 PM   #7
o_salty milkshake
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Why not call it 'Big Boobed Brunettes' ? think that might generate more interest.
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Old 11-28-2005, 06:57 PM   #8
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First of all I made a simple mistake. I didn't know the adiministrator would move it. Secondly, why do you seem to have this animosity toward me? I am just presenting my views here. Yet, you insist on trying to tear me down and psychoanalyze me. Do I rub you the wrong way?
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Old 11-28-2005, 07:00 PM   #9
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sorry mate. just getting annoyed with lots of annoying and unecessary ideas (my own opinion) as of late. i know i have had my own. i just dont get what you are seeking and it doesnt make sense (to me).
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Old 11-28-2005, 07:14 PM   #10
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Thank you for your honest assessment of the ideas Puppychow. Hey, I'm glad I restrained myself and didn't try to flame you in retort!

I understand how it would be hard to grasp the movement concept. If you havn't played a game where that particular gameplay is present then it may sound too abstract. I think I need to express it in a better way.
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Old 11-28-2005, 07:17 PM   #11
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So you're suggesting there will be no hitscan weapons? Everything can be dodged?

Is it gonna be slow-mo or will you not be using bullets?

Now that I think about it this just sounds like The Specialists. Lots of movement abilities, no hitscan (zomg bullets move), everyone moves the same speed, different methods of combat... No wizards, though. Sadly lacking in the magic department. I don't think it has any CTF either.
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Old 11-28-2005, 07:32 PM   #12
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My fault Circuitous. The Gunslingers dual pistols are hitscan. The other two classes are not. The wizard has a relatively slow attack but the advantage of the "splash" effect like the classic FPS missile. The Martial Artist has a larger target area but he has to hit you directly. Even though the Gunslinger causes only low damage he can quickly drain away at you with his rapid fire alternating attacks.
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Old 11-28-2005, 07:53 PM   #13
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a wizard, a gunslinger, and a ninja walk into a bar.....
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Old 11-28-2005, 08:01 PM   #14
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So, what ideas in particular do you have for movement? Will the moves be difficult to pull off, or simple? How much control will you have?

If I can bounce some ideas off you...

Movement is clearly going to be key. So in addition to the movement keys, you should have a "trick" key (I'll recommend mouse2). Using this during movement will make you roll, dive, or juke depending on how you're moving and how it's pressed. For example:

Hold direction + hold mouse2: Dive. Good for getting over low obstacles and moving yourself quickly behind cover.
Hold direction + jump + hold mouse2: Long dive and roll. More distance but less height.
Hold direction + crouch + hold mouse2: Slide. Good for getting under obstructions or making a quick pass to cover.
Hold direction + press mouse2: Quick roll. Short distance, but quick.
Hold direction + release crouch + tap mouse2: Spring from crouch into sprint.
Hold direction + release crouch + hold mouse2: Spring from crouch into sprint into roll.
Hold direction + press other direction + tap mouse2: Quick juke in the other direction. Good for avoiding small arms fire.

The juke might not be clear, so I'll expand upon it. Let's say you're approaching an enemy who's spotted you, and you want to continue approaching instead of ducking for cover, and don't want to get your ass handed to you. While holding forward, you tap right and tap mouse2 - you suddenly jolt a little bit to the right, off his crosshair. Tap left and tap mouse2, you juke back to center while still moving forward. Alternate fast enough and you'll be swinging side to side like one of those rope trickers at a rodeo.

Bringing it all together, let's imagine a similar scenario. You're encroaching on an enemy, juking out of his fire - another enemy comes into view, a wizard let's say, and he's got a fireball ready. A juke won't save you here, so after pulling one more to the right, you press and hold mouse2 again (not releasing right), diving far off. You're just short of cover, so you press mouse2 again, rolling you into position. Fire stops as the two enemies change position or perhaps get behind cover themselves. You release crouch while moving and press mouse2, sprinting over to the side while scanning the area for your enemies. They begin firing, so you quickly crouch and hold mouse2, sliding behind some nearby boxes. You continue to hold mouse2 so you keep sliding, coming out the other side with guns blazing. Caught unaware, your enemies take bullets to the face. You revel in the might of your superior movement skillz and crack open a bottle of champagne.

Whoa, think I went off on a tangent there.
Look at all those dead links.
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Old 11-28-2005, 08:03 PM   #15
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Good one Chow!
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Old 11-28-2005, 08:04 PM   #16
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Ben Rofflezberger?
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Old 11-28-2005, 09:20 PM   #17
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Gah! He gets a "good one" and I get jack?
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Old 11-28-2005, 10:57 PM   #18
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Circ I just got home so I can reply to you now.

So, what ideas in particular do you have for movement? Will the moves be difficult to pull off, or simple? How much control will you have?
I guess I was thinking normal movement at the time, just faster. Although I was considering something like the special movements in Unreal Tournament 2004. The basic left, right, forward, and backward lunge.

Hold direction + hold mouse2: Dive. Good for getting over low obstacles and moving yourself quickly behind cover.
Hold direction + jump + hold mouse2: Long dive and roll. More distance but less height.
Hold direction + crouch + hold mouse2: Slide. Good for getting under obstructions or making a quick pass to cover.
Hold direction + press mouse2: Quick roll. Short distance, but quick.
Hold direction + release crouch + tap mouse2: Spring from crouch into sprint.
Hold direction + release crouch + hold mouse2: Spring from crouch into sprint into roll.
Hold direction + press other direction + tap mouse2: Quick juke in the other direction. Good for avoiding small arms fire.
Yeah I like the idea of one button that enables these special movements. I tried to get used to the double press feature in unreal tournament 2004 but I couldn't. This is more practical and has more options as well.

The juke might not be clear, so I'll expand upon it. Let's say you're approaching an enemy who's spotted you, and you want to continue approaching instead of ducking for cover, and don't want to get your ass handed to you. While holding forward, you tap right and tap mouse2 - you suddenly jolt a little bit to the right, off his crosshair. Tap left and tap mouse2, you juke back to center while still moving forward. Alternate fast enough and you'll be swinging side to side like one of those rope trickers at a rodeo.

Bringing it all together, let's imagine a similar scenario. You're encroaching on an enemy, juking out of his fire - another enemy comes into view, a wizard let's say, and he's got a fireball ready. A juke won't save you here, so after pulling one more to the right, you press and hold mouse2 again (not releasing right), diving far off. You're just short of cover, so you press mouse2 again, rolling you into position. Fire stops as the two enemies change position or perhaps get behind cover themselves. You release crouch while moving and press mouse2, sprinting over to the side while scanning the area for your enemies. They begin firing, so you quickly crouch and hold mouse2, sliding behind some nearby boxes. You continue to hold mouse2 so you keep sliding, coming out the other side with guns blazing. Caught unaware, your enemies take bullets to the face. You revel in the might of your superior movement skillz and crack open a bottle of champagne.
Great description Circ. What about recovery time it takes after a particular special move is used?

It would be really kool if you could have different kinds of obstacles around the to provide cover. In a game like this the maps would be smaller because there is no long range combat.
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Old 11-28-2005, 11:02 PM   #19
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Well, if you want movement to reign supreme, why have a delay at all? Go directly from a high dive into a roll... maybe just make it so you can't do the same move twice in a row.

If you want it to be more tactical you could add a delay between moves, or make some moves have a delay but not others (for example, a large dive would have a delay after it, whereas a roll might not).
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Old 11-29-2005, 01:15 AM   #20
o_general levy
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how about these classes:

asylum seekers - illegal immigrants...special attack...a bomb in a crowded area

underclass - chavs, special ability - chips and vinegar breath. special weapon - CSA child support payment claim

semi/un skilled manual - special class ability - parking ticket fines, lol that'll slow him down!!!1111

working class - manual skilled - special ability - tools of the trade attack + working man's club combined ruckus attack when in groups

lower/middle middle class - special defence fortification - semi detached, neighbourhood watch area...

professional/upper middle class - special ability - ...

ahh cant be assed someone else finish it :P
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