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Old 06-10-2009, 09:09 AM   #41
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That's the most backwards way of thinking I have ever seen. In order to preserve innocent life we must kill innocent life? Would you accept the same idea if the enemy killed your innocent life to protect their own. September 11, 2001, for example.. Do you support those actions? Perhaps they were protecting their own innocents by slaughtering ours, hm? I doubt you'd apply the same standards you hand out, to yourself, nor would you apply the benefits you create in your head to the other side.

Since you're so hip on death and war; Why don't you go serve? Seriously, Darken, go serve in the Army or the Marines. Make sure it's the most front-line oriented branch, too. I want bullets flying past your head faster common sense usually does. Maybe when you realize that life isn't a video game, and you get slugged in the chest with a few 7.62x39 rounds, you'll reconsider your shitty opinion. Well, if you don't, at least you can die to "protect us". (Because nothing says defense like being thousands of miles away from the target you're supposed to protect) Would you willingly embrace that? Please do.

If you kill innocent civilians to "kill or destroy terrorists", then you have in turn become a terrorist, by definition. "S: (n) terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act (the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear)" (Wordnet Search) Therefore, anyone else is justified in attacking you (using your logic) to protect their innocent civilians and to combat terrorism. It's a never ending cycle – a perpetuation of war and violence and bullshit. I think you like that, though, because you're a little hur-dur fucking stupid.

The really sad thing is, Darken's way of thinking is mostly how things are conducted today. America thinks Islamic Extremists are terrorists, and in a sense, America is correct. Though, on one side, the Islamic Extremists think America is a terrorist country, and considering our past actions, they are right to think that. Everyone's a fucking hypocrite, y'see, and no one will man up and admit it. No matter how many tanks you have, or soldiers, or weapons, missiles, bombs, even nuclear weapons, and so on.. at the end of the day; You're a coward like everyone else, because you just can't admit one little fact: That you're a hypocrite and the bad guy. You'd much rather cover it up with blood and guts, shrapnel and debris, and every other fucked up aspect of warfare.

Warfare is an excuse, a coward's game, not a hero's game.
Use your fucking head.

Last edited by Bridget; 06-10-2009 at 09:16 AM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 12:50 PM   #42
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First off how did you come to the conclusion that I did not serve Bridget? I will give you that fact that the Islamic extremisits on their side think the same way as we do but vice versa that we are terrorists. The only problem is that we have as a modern nation and others the means to wipe them off the face of the earth if we do see fit and to continue to do so forever. They have this option as well but within a shorter reach and lethality.

The problem is that we will never back down and someone as all other conflicts needs a clear and constant winner in which in the end will be nations against terrorism. I blame all countries that accepted these ways and schools to let if fester to get to the point. Countries should be dealing with their own trash such as Pakistan is finally doing now before we have to step in. If countries would do this then we would not have to intervine.

The only way to get rid of an Islamic Extremist is to kill them for the benefit of others. There is no rehabilitation that can take place and you must squash him and the communites that support them in order to keep order. If order is not kept then people must die. Pakistan has realized this now and making great strides in taking out there own trash on their own. Hell the US will even give you training, weapons, bullets, helicopters for free or cut rate prices to do it on your own. Since these people only respond to violence there is no other way to control them since it has been this way for thousands of years.

If I need to be covered in blood and guts of others to save my own and to protect the US then so be it which is the policy of the US military

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Old 06-11-2009, 12:44 AM   #43
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Don't forget: History is written by the victors.... and usually, the losers aren't alive to give their side of things.
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See kids? Only Iggy and FT are good enough to post when high.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:33 AM   #44
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