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Old 09-18-2007, 10:07 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by dr.flexyjerkov
You have to wait up to 20 seconds to respawn = FAIL

No nades = FAIL

Game play is very slow = FAIL
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:19 AM   #42
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It's so slow. Fun, but slow.

And the default_fov is 75, and you cannot change it?
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:28 AM   #43
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Well its fun and thats all a game should be unless its a sim.

Old 09-18-2007, 10:29 AM   #44
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My first impressions (as from another forum):

Well what can I say... I never thought I'd be so underwhelmed about TF2. I was really holding back judgement until the last minute, but now I can simply go right for the jugular.

The pace firstly - it's pedestrian. Even the scout seems to be extremely slow. Next, the general movement and jumping. After you've jumped, there is a slight delay until you're able to jump again, so just to confirm, any kind of bunnyhopping is totally out. I tried strafe-jumping a bit, but it didn't seem to yield much. With regard to weapons, the major point is that rockets are about 20% slower I'd say.

So, what we have so far is a slow game, with dumbed down movement from the likes of TFC and FF. Oh yeah, and there's the respawn timer to slow things down even more.

The next thing I noticed was the fov. default_fov is actually set to 75. Yes, seventy five! And do you know what else? You can't change your fov unless sv_cheats are set to 1. Oh lordy lord.

What else... well, for all the talk about Valve revolutionising the game on both new and old maps, I really haven't seen it so far. I've just come off playing some lengthy stints of 2fort and dustbowl, and they play almost exactly the same as they did in TFC; for example, everybody spamming the bridge on 2fort and nobody actually doing any defending. Ok, so perhaps this might change as people get used to the game, in which case I won't dwell too much.

However, with dustbowl, which really can't be played in any other way, it felt even more like hitting a brick wall than it did previously. If you consider the fact that you have no grenades any more (not even the demo) to take out the insta-locking SGs and you're mowed down constantly bloody invincible HWGuys stomping around with medics on their tails, you can quickly work out how much fun it is being on the attacking team.

Before TF2 came out, I was open-minded about Valve dumbing the game down for the masses. It seemed like they'd formulated a good reason for doing it, and perhaps had a few surprises up their sleeves for extra content to compensate. To my dismay, there really is nothing new of note at all. Despite valve removing some key elements of the Fortress grenre, I can't think of one additional feature they've added to the game to put back some of the depth they have wrenched out.

I can even stoop to a graphical level to make some comparisons (which I rarely every do - gfx do not make a game). Yes, TF2 looks good with its new graphical techniques, but at the same time it makes things look bland in some cases. For instance, my opinion is that dustbowl for FF looks 100 times better than its TF2 equivalent.

There are 2 things I'm glad about when it comes to this TF2 release - number one is that FF came out at the same time, so we at least have a cracking game to toddle off back to. And number two is that once any player who wants a shred of depth or competitive play in their game plays TF2, they will be heading straight (back) to FF in record time.

I've honestly been hoping that Valve were going to impress with TF2, despite some of the negative vibes that have been emanating, but christ, this is not the game we have been waiting for for 8 years, I can tell you that much straight away. I'm really not one to slate a game right off the bat, but I've seen enough of TF2 to be thoroughly disappointed enough to make my mind up already.
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:29 AM   #45
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I think that'll be a must mate - it's just different, but that's why there's FF

Oh and I meant nuances - I may have used the word poorly, but I meant subtle tricks the game has to offer
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:31 AM   #46
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TF2 may look more attractive and be a more polished game but FF underneath, gameplay wise, is far more interesting. I'll be playing FF as long as there's servers for it because of all the hard work put into this mod.
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:34 AM   #47
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Although I don't consider it "dumbing" down it was a constructive post - of course it's geared heavily towards your preference but that's cool, that's your opinion.

Oh and remember guys, beta. Things can and will be changed
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:36 AM   #48
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So far I am really enjoying TF 2 I didn't expect it to be exactly like TFC so im not suprised it is missing some things from the original.

Overall its hard to say weather I like this one more then the original TFC, I had alot of good memories a few years ago playing HL 1 TFC. I didn't expect this to be a "remake" of TFC it's impossible to say its a remake inless you port the original to the source engine.

As for my positive/negetive feelings I have so far about this game are...

+ Medic class- I like the new melee scapel weapon it is pretty cool, I also like the syringe gun. I also like its 100 times easier to heal people now they don't have to be in front of you they can be like a foot or 2 away.

- Medic class- I dislike how we can't give people aids or poisen them like in FF or TFC. I would make a suggestion to give medic a 4th weapon which would be a syringe upon stabbing someone with it you could infect the victim and or the victim could spread the plague to his team. I know this can be implemented cause I saw in the TF 2 picture of the medic holding a syringe.

+ Sniper class Overall I have to say I like the looks/design of this character. I also like the machate melee weapon i killed 5 guys in a row with it kamakazing people.

- Sniper class I dislike that there is no timer on the gun there should be a timer on it and the red dot sighting should show up more clearly it should be a larger radius. Also there needs to be a "taunt" or "battle cry" when he is holding the machate. I also dislike the current battle cries he sounds like a gay swedish man.

+ Heavy weapons out of all the characters themes I like this guys the best the crazy russian with a giant gun.

- Heavy weapons the bullet amount needs to be increased and the gun needs to over heat after a few seconds. Other then that the class seems fine.

As for the other classes I have not played them well enough but I do want to say I enjoy playing scout and beating people with the bat. I find scout class real boring in FF and TFC.

Overall at first glance I was a bit turned off by the "cartoon theme" when I first heard about TF 2. I am not a big fan of cartoon games especilly WoW. However, Once I played it I really enjoyed the game. It is actully was not as cartoony as I thought it would be it has a more American "1950s" retro feel to it. I also liked the "slow pace" feel of the game it is not as fast paced like FF or TFC. This is a good thing in my view as im getting older I don't have the reflexes or the eye cordination to keep up with all these young kids who play the game.

So some final thought to improve it

-add poisen syringe to medic

-fix heavy weapons make it so the gun overheats and has a larger load amount

-make the radius of the pyros flame larger wider but keep the damage the same.

-bring gernades back but make it a "server option" only meaning it can be turned on or off by the admins.

-fix snipers iron-sights make the red dot bigger and add a timer to the sniper like in FF & TFC. Give the sniper a war/battle cry with the machate. And don't give him a gay german/swedish accent.

-Change the spies gun to a pistol with a silencer Why is a assassin carrying a 6 shooter revolver? he is not a bounty hunter he is soppose to be a assassin that is soppose to be silent and deadly.

thats all I can think of for now....

Last edited by Matheis; 09-18-2007 at 10:41 AM.

Old 09-18-2007, 10:39 AM   #49
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clearly there was intense thought that went into FF in the way TF ought to be played. The community spoke and the Dev's listened. That's what makes it such a kickass mod.

TF2 on the other hand is just plain boring. The respawn delay kills the game. I'm so disappointed with all the hype that went into this travesty.
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:45 AM   #50
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I disagree - respawn is in many games, whilst it may ruin it for you, it certainly doesn't change it for some people. Just makes you be a little bit more careful of dying. Anyways I wouldn't be surprised if they allowed a serverside option to dictate spawn time.

I'm finding it a lot of fun at the moment - enemy heals as spy a lot of fun.
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:52 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by summit
I disagree - respawn is in many games, whilst it may ruin it for you, it certainly doesn't change it for some people. Just makes you be a little bit more careful of dying. Anyways I wouldn't be surprised if they allowed a serverside option to dictate spawn time.

I'm finding it a lot of fun at the moment - enemy heals as spy a lot of fun.
well...I'm happy you find it fun. I do not.
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:52 AM   #52
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summit, what reactions do you expect in this forum? I'm just wondering because I checked your post history and you pretty much have only posted about TF2 here and defended when people said they don't like it. You do realize this is a FF forum so the people here are more likely to say they like FF better but you always seem offended when people make comments to that effect and take up the role of TF2 defender...
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:53 AM   #53
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Your entire post was basically "make this game into Fortress Forever" lol...
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:59 AM   #54
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I don't have a problem with peoples personal preference - I've been playing FF since it was released, and wasn't even a TFC fan. I've no problems whatsoever with accepting the fact people will obviously have a natural bias towards something they've been playing for the last X number of years, and I find it inviting that the developers are so grounded when it comes to their communities needs.

However, childish attacks aren't apart of being a fan of a game. It is possible to coexist with both games, or just accept that it isn't your cup of tea - not try to pass off opinions as though they were fact. That is what's annoying, and I think I've got just as much right as anyone else to express that on a forum. I don't bash FF, and I don't unfairly support TF2 - I simply defend it when people have cheap shots at it.

I guess I'm expecting the better in people to surface, and I know it's there because there's been an increase in maturity when it comes to having both games - in accepting that TF2 hasn't been "butchered" - it's just different. And that there is a great difference between the two.

But that's fine, that's peoples prerogative. I'm happy supporting both, and that means saying something when people are unreasonable. I do the same thing on the TF2 forum with FF.
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Old 09-18-2007, 10:59 AM   #55
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When I think Fortress game, I think fast paced, controlled chaos with a grenade or a rocket explosion every second, sniper shots ringing off around (or on) you, medics, scouts, and sollys flying through the air. Out of that list, TF2 has... Sollys flying through the air. They have snipers too, but the zoom is damn close, that it's hard to get a decent shot off.

Old 09-18-2007, 11:00 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by C-Aim
summit, what reactions do you expect in this forum? I'm just wondering because I checked your post history and you pretty much have only posted about TF2 here and defended when people said they don't like it. You do realize this is a FF forum so the people here are more likely to say they like FF better but you always seem surprised and offended when people make comments to that effect...
If TF2 was actually a kick ass game I would have said it here in this forum.

But it's not kick's just the opposite.

I look forward to playing Portal and Episode 2 now...TF2 has come and gone.
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Old 09-18-2007, 11:02 AM   #57
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Point and case: it's your opinion it's not kick ass - there is a difference you know.

I hope I don't come off being aggressive; it certainly isn't meant to be. I just hope people can remember that this is a beta, and that things will be different. Just because something isn't the same does not make it better or worse - I don't argue peoples opinions, just when they're palmed off as fact
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Old 09-18-2007, 11:06 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by summit
Point and case: it's your opinion it's not kick ass - there is a difference you know.

I hope I don't come off being aggressive; it certainly isn't meant to be. I just hope people can remember that this is a beta, and that things will be different. Just because something isn't the same does not make it better or worse - I don't argue peoples opinions, just when they're palmed off as fact

I'm happy you find both FF and TF2 enjoyable.

BTW...who are you? Where do you come from? Who do you work for?
Are you some type of news reporter from Fox News?
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Old 09-18-2007, 11:06 AM   #59
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I commend them for trying some new stuff, god knows we didn't need a tfc:source, but at the same time I bet that would have been better than tf2, but I haven't spent a ton of time with it, stupid crashes.
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Old 09-18-2007, 11:08 AM   #60
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Someone from downunder, so the Fox joke was kinda wasted

No strong affiliation either way - have played more of Spearhead in the last 5 years than anything HL2 related (but as that's gone and died, and we've been screwed over by EA with a proper sequel more so than Valve has with TF2, I'm here).
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