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Old 08-30-2013, 08:14 AM   #1
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MechWarrior Online

fucking mechs you shoot things is awesome they go boom boom you use trial mechs at first then you get money to buy your own mech and its terrible because you think flamers actually do things when they do fuck all they suck so you stick 4 medium lasers on and go pew pew pew pew pew and is awesome.

Uh, yeah. Mechs. They're a thing. MechWarrior. It's a series (owned by microsoft boooooo).

Anyway, in MechWarrior Online, you can customise your mechs with all the stuff from the MechWarrior series, and then it's CS style 12v12. No respawning, capture enemy base or kill all enemy to win.

Oh, and you have giant Mechs with a couple of ER PPCs and Medium Pulse Lasers and all good stuffs.

And AMS which only shoots down half the friggin missiles.

Also it's funny when people try and fire LRMs at you from close range and they don't activate properly and bounce off your cockpit.

Also everything costs twice as much as it sells for. You waste all your money trying things out. It fucking sucks.
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Old 08-30-2013, 08:26 AM   #2
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I'm always interested in piloting things. But MWO looks a little slow for my tastes, and by a little I mean alot.

As an alternative I've played a lot of hawken, which is a lot of fun and also free. But I'm not really a fan of where it seems to be headed. But if you're into this kind of thing I recommend trying that out too.

What's interesting is that the MWO community is apparently in "open revolt". There are a lot of people that are very upset due to the addition of a few new features the devs stated they'd never implement. It also seems the devs aren't interacting well with the community at all. Trying to hush things up, and deleting a lot of unfavorable posts. Apparently there's this dealio they do where the community can nominate questions and concerns, and then vote on which ones they'd most like the devs to comment on. But it doesn't matter how many votes a question gets, the devs cherry pick comfortable questions, and out right delete ones they aren't comfortable with from the voting process. Things like that are not shaping up to look so good for MWO and it's devs. I'll be interested to see how it all pans out.

Regardless of all that, too slow, not interested.
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Old 08-30-2013, 02:04 PM   #3
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Oh. Didn't know that.

Anyway, the slowness, I don't really get.

It's slightly slower than Hawken in general, but you go in general 40 - 160 KPH based on engine and mech base.

The best thing I have about it is that it is more 'complicated'.

You can aim your arms, torso and legs independently
(or you can make your arms always face the same place as your torso, which makes it easier).

You can choose exactly what throttle to apply and what speed, you can use B to open a tactical map, get command to add tactics to the map, and you can completely change your mechs weaponry so long as it uses the hardpoints (set places for different types of weaponry - ballistic, energy, missile, or anti-missile system), and awesome stuff.

Only problem is that for some reason I now get a third of the money per match than I got yesterday.

Also NS2 is free weekend so I'll be playing that for the next 3 days.

EDIT: If your kinda interested in the mech building or if you want to make a mech you really need to use before you make it ingame, because you can't un-sell stuff and it sells for half the cost you buy it for which is the most retarded thing in a game like this. D:

2ND EDIT: And I'm not playing NS2 because it runs at 12 FPS on lowest settings and 800x600 on my £500 PC. Fucking bullshit. (And it takes 2 full minutes to load into a game. And I thought console load times were bad...)

3RD EDIT: And crashes if I alt-tab.
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Last edited by ddm999; 08-30-2013 at 03:35 PM.
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Old 08-30-2013, 06:38 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by ddm999 View Post
It's slightly slower than Hawken in general, but you go in general 40 - 160 KPH based on engine and mech base.
It looks like there's some mech types that have a fairly decent walking pace, but still pretty slow. And Mainly it's the combat that looks slow. pretty much looks like casual walking around with lasers pointed at someone. Like if QL walk speed was greatly reduced and the only weapon was the LG, but it did way less dmg and you had to worry about overheating.

Here's a video of some guy pooping on dummies in hawken:

It's not always at a breakneck pace, but there are a lot of bursts of high speed. And the DM is more interactive and at a higher pace. The DM is kind of like what you would expect out of a fortress or quake title, just obviously much slower.
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Last edited by FDA_Approved; 08-30-2013 at 06:40 PM.
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Old 08-31-2013, 04:16 AM   #5
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quit comparing apples to oranges! you're crazy
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Old 08-31-2013, 11:10 AM   #6
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I tried this game. Started on a night-time map. Couldn't see anything. Turned up gamma and brightness all the way, still could barely see anything (plus what I could see looked terrible due to screwy gamma settings). I stopped playing.
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Old 08-31-2013, 05:17 PM   #7
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N is night vision, H is thermal vision.

The game kinda expects you to know how to play it through tutorials before you actually play it. :P

That would really suck if you didn't know that though.

Assuming it was River City Night you played on, because that map is pitch fucking black without thermal or night vis.

Really that's bad luck, because you played on the only map where you actually require a vision to see things. :P

I'd recommend you give it another shot.

Also, try out the controls on training (click the button next to ready in top right, and select Training Grounds and any map.

It takes a while to get used to your body being at a different angle to your legs.

A few tips:

- Your health/armor is in the bottom left.

- Stick with your bloody team or you get the shit blown out of you.

- If you want to play the actual game, click to the left of Launch in the main menu and click Assault. (no-one cares about this control point bullshit)

- Press Numpad 0 to lock in full throttle so you don't have to hold W. Tap W or S to cancel the full throttle.

- You can rebind your weapon config in game by using the Arrow Keys to select a weapon and pressing Right Control to add/remove it from a firing group. Make sure to move your selection back to the top left, as Left Click always fires the group your 'cursor' is in.

- Press R to lock onto an enemy marked with an arrow above them to be able to get detailed info about them (and their health/armor in the top right) as well as the ability to fire LRMs / Streak SRM2s.

- If it says 'Incoming Missiles' hide behind something so the missiles hit that thing instead of you.

- Don't fucking overheat, if you are close to overheating, just run like a mf.

- Stick your ammo somewhere where if that part is destroyed, your mech is destroyed, otherwise, if the part containing your ammo is destroyed, your ammo explodes and ruins the rest of your mech.

Also, yeah, MechWarrior Online is designed to be more like mechs would be IRL rather than Hawken. :P

You use tactics a lot more in MWO...

Always the chance an LRM boat will target you and send 40 missiles in your general direction.
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Last edited by ddm999; 08-31-2013 at 05:34 PM.
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