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Old 03-31-2015, 05:57 PM   #2
Retired FF Staff
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: cow college
Posts Rated Helpful 13 Times
just one comment- I really don't believe it is a good idea to subtract points for dying. Dying itself has it's own inherent punishment and subtracting score would disproportionately affect offensive players. There needn't be any further encouragement to 'not die'.

When you are playing offense it has always been a good sign if you have a LOT of deaths because it means you had streamlined your runs and were putting pressure on the defense that much more often. The nice thing about tfc and FF is that it promotes aggressive and risky play because while dying is punished by taking you out of the action, it is not punished so severely (i.e. no 10 second respawn times) as to make you play very passively and conservatively. If anything players need to be encouraged to be even more aggressive in the game...adding a point penalty for dying would go the wrong direction.
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