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Old 05-26-2013, 04:29 AM   #22
Beta Tester
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Originally Posted by Lynus View Post
well certainly graphics played a bit of a decision for me back in 07 or whenever i picked up the game. the source engine was the tits.

the game itself is pretty good, most of the fun maps are ones that weren't tfc ports. the community and game used to be better imo... now it just feels desperate and cheap. too many changes from the gool ol days of no hard or soft cap w/ speed leaves something to be desired.

like others have said, ff is tfc's natural progression. however, recently ive been playing way more tfc - simply because as Features stated the community here blows cocks. id rather suck farts and fecal matter out of a herpe invested tranny ass. they not only annoy me, but they scare off potential new players nearly instantly in my experience. the majority of this low-life egotistical whiney baby, drug-addicted, tfc-rejected community are suckin fucks who fuckin suck and i don't liek em.

i only wish i was trollin.

play pubs a much better enviorment while less organized, there are also less douchebags.

found out about FF while scouring the internet for free games and mods to play because i was bored.

the reason i started playing FF was because i found it fun. i played tf2 before that and co-currently for quite awhile then the mann co update happened and there was to many items not enough balance and well a bunch of other problems. in the mean time i just kept on playing FF.
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Last edited by WiFiDi; 05-26-2013 at 05:54 AM.
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