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Old 02-05-2010, 04:26 AM   #46
Eon Seig
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Class/Position: Pyro Scout Soldier / Offense
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Pads should not be taken out, but they should be re-worked to have limitations. Since the Jump Pads are pretty much the closest things to the teleporter we will be allowed to get, they should be made to have similar limitations.

Jump pads should require two separate pads, one you jump off of and one you land on, and cannot divert from. You can jump off of either pad, but you are always directed to the opposite pad. This prevents people air-strafing off of pads into flag rooms or doing pad+conc/frag combos to get insane distances that make the device over-powered.

Also, just do what they did in TF2. Because team-assisted jumps cost virtually nothing and have exponentially high rewards, simply don't allow explosives, concs, and the sniper rifle to have any knock-back on friendlies.

However, this won't stop some inventive players who are running slower classes from jumping on top of dropped enemy concs and riding them across the map. I've done it, it's awesome, and it is infinitely convenient as a Soldier. Since I'm nearly always blocking chokepoints as that class, there's more than enough concs to choose from.

Last edited by Eon Seig; 02-05-2010 at 04:31 AM.
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