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Old 10-08-2011, 03:19 PM   #18
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Location: Ruining #pickups
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Quake has quad damage. Both players can duke it out over the quad damage before it even spawns, since map control over one area can be intense and quite difficult, yet obviously rewarding. If he gets it you have the option of either trying to fight an enemy with quad at a massive disadvantage, with the possible benefit of taking the quad for yourself; or you can try to escape for a few seconds, take more items from around the map, etc.

And I still feel this is more diverse than CoD. Where being able to counter someone else's killstreak is luck - did you choose the proper feats to counter it? Did anyone on your team take those feats? Do they have the killstreak necessary to use that counter? And you can't fight someone over their killstreak if they're camping in their little hole with 3 people defending them as they're about to get their plane/nuke/whatever sent out.
7:00 PM - zE: eh tbh i like some stuff in us but a lot of stuff in us messes with my nerves
7:00 PM - zE: like watching fox news
7:00 PM - zE: its like wtf
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