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Old 03-04-2011, 02:21 PM   #7
stray kitten
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The bottom line issue is GOVERNMENT workers paid with OUR (or in this case the people of Wisconsin) TAX dollars which are PUBLIC FUNDS OWNED BY THE PEOPLE - Have a "RIGHT" to collective bargaining. AKA Unionizing against the PEOPLE. Much like a factory worker paid by private funds at a GM plant. When did we get away from the idea that public workers and elected officicials are servants of the people? And when faced with a very hard decision the elected servant of the people ran like little crying babies.

And when did the legions of liberal democrats in this country start to consider this basic tenant of democracy UNION BUSTING? Especially the president who himself takes an oath. And resides over literally millions of people paid by our tax dollars who rightfully to NOT have the right to form a Union AGAINST the people.
6 of the 10 richest counties in America now surround Washington D.C. Our "capitol" edged out Silicon Valley as the nation's richest metro area. Reality Distortion Field = 1. Stream the distractions: One percent, hoodies, and kony oh my.
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