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Old 07-18-2010, 11:49 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by squeek
The results don't provide us with any new information. Okay, the community agrees that the SG is underpowered.
It's "new" enough. At what point was there a recognition of this trend in the community? A month ago? This year? To me, these are the same old arguments ever since it got nerfed heavily 2 years ago. The main difference is now there seem to be less people saying it's fine (if they left FF, the irony on that would be pretty thick). Also I address this question to any dev, not just squeek.

Originally Posted by squeek
] I understand that the responses to the thread will provide that information, but then why even include the poll?
My guess is without the numbers of Bridget's poll to back it up, some devs would still be saying there's no consensus in the community on the issue, thus undermining action and direction on the issue. So this does accomplish something. While it's a small sample (but hey, FF has a small playerbase), 85% is pretty damn high.

Originally Posted by squeek
] If there were more options, and, say, "Barely underpowered" got a large majority of the votes, then it'd be quite obvious that a small damage increase/push increase might be a decent quick solution. If "Underpowered" won, then it'd be clear that we'd need to look at testing more drastic changes.
This won't help for two reasons:

One: say you play primarily as a scout. The sg is ALWAYS going to be overpowered. You play the weakest class in the game, your opinion shouldn't count for much on this issue. Now say you only play pickup CTF as engy where you only have light classes to contend with. You'll probably think the sg is great, since you don't have to deal with heavier classes. This is worth noting for that game mode, but a bad basis to make a whole decision on. Now say you're like me and focus on AvD where you think the sg has become a joke and almost never see the situations where it's actually effective. That's also worth nothing for that gamemode. It's essential to consider the source and the situations where it is or isn't working so you can get the full picture. "Slightly underpowered" just doesn't do that.

Two: Pretend 70% of people put "majorly underpowered." Decisions made primarily off that can be just as bad. Say the pickup scout selects that, because he can never outrun the gun. That suggests that the tracking speed should maybe be lowered. Now say the AvD defense guy selects that because the gun doesn't stop head-on attackers from capping, even though they die. That suggests the gun needs more push. Now say the dev team sees "strongly overpowered" and increases the gun's damage and rotation speed, but leaves push the same. This would indeed make it stronger, but would still not help either party who selected the option. Then you get more people complaining because the problem wasn't solved and the dev team sees this as the FF community not knowing what they want. Hard to imagine, I'm sure.

Originally Posted by squeek
] If "Underpowered" won, then it'd be clear that we'd need to look at testing more drastic changes.
Well since "underpowered" with 3 options won, I think drastic corrections make sense since it was drastic changes that made it underpowered in the first place.

Last edited by chilledsanity; 07-19-2010 at 12:02 AM.
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