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Old 10-19-2009, 01:22 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Bridget View Post
Which is why racism is still powerful, to a degree, as I explained in the moderated forum. Of course, within that context, this rule doesn't apply to people who would otherwise agree with it, because they fear being called a racist for wanting to alleviate racism or they drum up terrible misconceptions. Makes a lot of sense, eh?

It's not about what someone says, it's about how somebody acts. As I said, if some dick came up to me and said 'faggot faggot faggot' over and over in my face in an attempt to annoy me, I would see him off because he's behaving like a prick, not because of what he is saying, though the way he says it gives credence to the suggestion that he is a prick.

However, if that same guy had just hit his toe and yelled "Motherfucking faggot, I just hit my toe with a steel hammer." then he is behaving as expected, and not in an obnoxious offensive way. The way he says the word 'faggot' gives credence not to homophobia, but to his irritation.

Of course, the 'moderated' servers offer no dividing line for situations. They automatically assume that it is done in all harm, all negative behavior. The man who says "Damn, my grenade detted in my face." is just as bad as the man who says "Ha niggers, you're all niggers. doo doo dee doo, fucking fucks." which I think is rather unfair and worthy of criticism.

On topic, I'm not a fan of the false dichotomy here in which you imply that in order to be supportive of the development team and this game in general, you have to be accepting of certain server policies. This is far from the truth and makes no sense at all. Back when I could play, I played in all the beta tests available to me. I gave my suggestions there. I flooded the forums with, granted sometimes odd and bizarre, a ton of suggestions. I argued with those who criticized the game, I advertised the game to strangers, and even got a few friends in the mix as well. All while being critical of stupid server policies and stupid server-based niches.

Likewise, I have been helpful to the community and player base. There have been countless times I have stopped in my 'home turf', the Talos server, FF's most popular server, I might add, and helped a complete new player learn some new trick or generic game mechanic. I have made entire videos for single individuals, wrote up word documents full of tips and sent them to friends, and even planned at one point to fix a website dedicated to the 'learning aspect' of video games, a website where you came to learn instead of solely discuss. All, again, while being critical of certain server policies.

But yeah, whatever.
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