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Old 04-12-2015, 04:19 AM   #5
Beta Tester
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Join Date: May 2010
Class/Position: Soldier
Gametype: Capture the Flag is there any other
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last checked is it wrong maybe but the super shotgun had a larger spread making it less effective at long range but more damage. where the single shotgun had less spread making it more effective at range but less damage at least this is how i understood it. so you would not only be exercising ammo trade off but whether you wanted to hit something long or short range. and if its not maybe that how it should work. though im not sure how shotguns calculate damamge exactly is does it count the bbs that hit or just 1 hit registered.

having to constantly click a button is much harder and potentially distracting to a player as hes of focusing on that and not the flag or whatever. revving was just adding a feature that was removed due to air-burst which i thought was useful to the class as a whole.

the reason the sniper is changed at all is because otherwise its class ability would be shift i am addressing a how that would be addressed obviously all classes have to looked at when implemented this system i just stated a few off top of my head. how it should/could be better, im not honestly sure yet. im not even sure its his gun but there seems to be limited interaction with him. he lacks thing to do for team other than snipe people. such as maybe a sensor grenade he can throw or separate tracking mechanic (loading a speical tracking bullet) so there is a trade off for wall hacking someone.

having an arm tranq dispenser like that one mod instead of the tranq gun meaning it can tranq with any weapon though this may be OP.

future purposes
also alot of this is in the future its not what would it do now its the options it would potentially open up later down the road. such as pyro having secondary attack on flamethrower (which i think could help open the class up i feel now hes very 1 dementional and boring tbh spam flame weapons. demo man could have a different spin option applied to piples so they spin on there side like a top and ricochet off walls sideways while spinning. or a charged shot of some kind for his pipes to make them go further instead of unseperating the launcher like i had originally suggested. sniper could have something that triggers tracking dart aka wall hacks instead of just getting by shooting someone. which makes it a choice there are lots of things you could do plenty with potential of mixing up FF game play/adding more depth.
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Last edited by WiFiDi; 04-12-2015 at 05:06 AM.
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