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Old 05-28-2015, 09:20 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Bogdan6 View Post
Didn't know about the skip pledge part.

Anyway I agree with your point, there are a bunch of atheists who are jerks too, everyone side has people who merely picked their beliefs and are happy with them and the ones that are forcing them down to other's throat just to make them feel better.
I agree, I saw only one or two teachers being inappropiate at lessons, because that's what I encountered so far and I'm not assuming that any other religion class is/was as shitty as on my case, but when I started the thread I just pointed out the things I encountered, and IMO arround here things aren't exactly right, but just wanted to know how other people view it.

Evolution, without being empirically proven, is being forced on children as fact. Parents in the US have been trying to get a more balanced approach to this topic brought into the public school system, yet the argument that is given is separation of church and state. These people are either ignorant on the term or using it to manipulate people. The fact of the matter is no one can empirically explain how life came into being, so your belief, be it scientific or religious, is based on faith. Both are theories and in the end everyone is going to find out who was right.

I have had my fair share of ignorant college professors that try to belittle people because they do not appreciate someone questioning their stance. I have had those angry feminists who believe every white male is the devil incarnate. Who refuse to look at the statistics that show women are just as violent as men, and are responsible for far more child abuse than their male counterparts. The stats also show they are far more abusive verbally in the confines of relationships. They can't seem to figure out feminism is male chauvinism without the penis. It is not equality.

I have also had biology and astrology professors who have tried to belittle people because they can't take the fact that their belief in evolution/the big bang is being torn apart by post and current genetic research. They learn to respect others when they are told, after giving proof to back a stance that proves them wrong, they will either apologize for their insult or explain to the dean why the felt they were justified in doing so. These ignorant individuals change their stance when they figure out they can get into trouble for being unprofessional. As I said prior, I cannot claim all feminists or atheists are ignorant, and there is plenty of ignorance on both sides of the isle. But to discredit one because your opinion aligns with the opposing theory should be rethought.

Last edited by _BEAN_; 05-28-2015 at 09:50 PM.
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