Thread: "New-Timers"?
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Old 10-04-2009, 03:56 PM   #12
DudeWheresMyMedic's Avatar
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The New Timers server has nothing to do with Rap3d or Talos, This is just my own thing. And like I said on the Steam group page, "Never said anything about hatred towards o-t, it only a group for people that been ban or wants to join. I understand why o-t does what they do, they pay for server they make the rules." I mean this is nothing against Old Timers just a fun group, but how small FF community is I don't think the server will last that long anyway with: o-t,:eO.Talos on the America front and zE Palace controling the EU, don't have much to worry about. Its only a fun server, I made it New Timers hoping I can get people to play in it. But now knowing only 2% is banned I may leave my server to rot and go back to Talos server.
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