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Old 08-28-2009, 01:33 AM   #7
FF Loremaster
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Let me clear this up a bit.

Blizzard has dropped non-B.Net LAN. That is to say, if you don't have an internet connection you won't be lanning.

However, there is an option, for both local and online games, that is LAN. It's just that you have to be on B.Net. That is to say, you have to have internet, be connected to the service (just like you're connected to STEAM when you're playing source games), and then you can psuedo-LAN. It's an odd steam-esque solution to a problem that never existed to begin with.

And, no matter what they say, yes, that 100,000+ people petition actually did something.

This, to me, is acceptable. The entire point of LAN, as well as programs like Hamachi (for gaming), is to allow you to connect as directly as possible instead of routing yourself through the terrible services most games have. Fewer places your connection has to travel through (generally), the faster the connection.
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