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Old 05-31-2012, 09:26 PM   #53
stray kitten
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Ross Perot was also labeled by the media as a crackpot but he made some sense. That was before Fox News, but they would have been all over his ass as well. The only difference between MSNBC, CNN or Fox is who is blowing who and which elite asshole or witch hunt group is paying the mouth piece on TV spew their propaganda:

take Ritalin
take psychotropics
take everything
your children are in danger
your planes are not safe
your food is not safe
eat expensive supplements or you'll die
meat will kill you
chickens will kill you
eggs will kill you
mad cow is everywhere
flu will kill you
Iran wants to nuke you
hollywood is good
drones are good
oil is bad
nuclear energy bad
coal bad
solar energy bad
solar energy good
Obama good
war criminals good
war criminals bad
UN Good
every violent act outside the USA is Al Queda
Syrian government bad
Bahrain government good
Obama gets a peace prize!
Mexicans bad
Muslims Bad
congress good
my government is good
I trust my government

The Brown shirts are here in the EU, everywhere. And "political correctness" and "social justice", American Idol, Big Brother, Lady Gaga Gaga, Justin Beeber and people like Wolf Blitzer are their tools.

Ah who cares, Oprah is on.
6 of the 10 richest counties in America now surround Washington D.C. Our "capitol" edged out Silicon Valley as the nation's richest metro area. Reality Distortion Field = 1. Stream the distractions: One percent, hoodies, and kony oh my.
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