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Old 01-05-2007, 05:26 PM   #106
Retired FF Staff
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Originally Posted by grg
1. That double jump thing is really the Quake trimp? There's 3 jumps on the video, and on all of them you jump twice but use the ramp. So, from what I've seen, is it a trimp where you need one jump before? Or you could just walk on the ramp and then get an extra impulse for jumping (which is the real trimp)?
For double jumping you get more height by jumping off a surface w/in x seconds of your last jump, so naturally that second jump has to occur off a higher object than your first. Trimp doesn't require a jump before it just converts your velocity in say the horizontal direction to contribute to the vertical upon jumping off an incline. So if you approached a ramp really fast horizontally, say from a conc and jumped upon hitting a ramp you would get rocketed upwards to a significant degree.

2. The burning time is the same as in TFC? Because it looked like the HW burned for a little longer than we're used to. Also would like to know if the damage from burn is higher. In other words, is pyro stronger on FF?
Pyro is stronger due to differences in his IC and his increased movement. Damage from direct burn is higher and its easier to hit them directly w/ the flamethrower. The after flame damage still needs to be refined to work how we want it (perhaps w/ stacked flame damage), but functionally and damage wise it works good now.

3. When the AC gets full warmed up, if you still hold fire it will just cool down and shoot or won't shoot at all until you release the button?
Just think of it as the following: pressing +attack increases rotation speed of the barrel, letting off allows it to decelerate. It will fire bullets above a certain rotation speed threshold, regardless of whether you are holding +attack or not. Above a certain speed it will overheat, so you need to throttle it to keep it at a high level in combat. I'd like to halve the ammo consumption, lower the damage and increase the rate of fire..just cause I think it needs to be faster for more awesomeness and coverage. (turning cheats on and increasing the rof to a billion rounds per second is fun...may have an avi of this in the future)

4. The sniper trace thing needs some explanation. It locks on the first person you aim or the first person you shoot? If you shoot another target, will it lock on this one? If yes, is there how to keep tracing the old target? I'm just curious here, I think it's a great (and balanced) feature for the sniper, no matter how it's going to be.
Right now it tags regardless, but there's a timelimit to each tag we will need to tweak. For example maybe there will be a pool of "tag time" of like 40 seconds. If 4 people are tagged theirs would only last for 10 seconds each, if only 1 person is tagged it would last up to 40 seconds. Just an idea, it hasn't been unbalancing in our current implementation, even in hunted w/ president being able to be tagged. It actually makes for some really tense moments for body guards if the prez has a tag. Snipers get a little period to try to be gung ho, if the bodyguards and prez are smart they hunker down in a protected area and don't try to move until it expires.

There's going to be lua control for who can and cannot be tagged. For example we think its a good idea for the president to showup as tagged all the time for the bodyguards, so they can always know where he is if they are in the area.
And some pertinent questions about the spy:

5. Just making sure: when you backstab one enemy, you instantly puts his clothes? Using the knife will take out your disguise (without backstabing, which will get you a new one right away)?
I think you only get the disguise of the player if you were disguised before the one hit kill stabbing. So you could be cloaked and disguised and take out the player w/ a backstab, instantly assuming his position. If you are undisguised before backstabbing it will not take the disguise (I think..).

6. There's two types of cloak. On the silent one, you have to stand still and just get cloaked. On the regular one (you can do it moving) you fake a dead body and then cloaks. I think that there must be some way of "cloak checking" by looking into the body. Something like, you shoot the fake body and it doesn't blood (assuming it does right now), or make some different noise. Or else it'll be just too powerful, IMO. I mean, if you didn't pay attention to the frags on the corner of the screen, there'll be no way to know if he's there or not. Have you guys thought about this?
Of course, but they are slightly visible, and unless they pulled off the timing of their fake death perfectly you'll be able to pick up on it by being alert.
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