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Old 12-11-2011, 07:36 PM   #39
Beta Tester
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Class/Position: Spy/Engy
Gametype: Capture the Flag
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I can clearly see why the nail grenade was changed to a laser grenade. Part of the balancing aspect for the Dev team (in my opinions mind you) is to make the game more about the class and less about the objects that the class can use.

The spy grenade was removed because it was not much more (I'm not saying this was it's only use) then throwing it down a hallway to confuse, harass, grief. Did it have other usefulness to the spy? your damn fucking right, but as a whole for the game it was a mindless spam rock. ( the only gripe i had about gas pill being taken out was lack of anything put back in.)

The laser grenade was changed so that the solider would use it more effectively as a tool, and less effectively as a spam rock. Can it still be used as a spam rock? Your damn fucking right it can be, but it's not as effective that way as it was previously.

What the FFdevs did (in my opinions mind you) was make the laser grenade as a rocket hot spots for the period of time it was up. Ya you can hop over the lasers and avoid the damage, but guess what? that laser grenade your hoping over only has 2-3 logical spots you would hop over it to avoid damage, thus making you more vulnerable to rocket fire from the solider.

If you still don't understand try to imagine the elbow water hallway on siege. You got a solider sitting there guarding, well a scout comes in and he could jump, move anywhere down the hallways to avoid rocket/shotgun fire. He could hug the walls juke left, juke right. Much harder to determine where the scout will go, land, bounce towards for a solider that is less experienced in watching scout movements to predict where he will land.

Now you look down that same hallway and chuck a laser grenade down, suddenly there is only 3 ways the scout is going to try to pass it without taking any damage. He'll either try to fly over it, step in between the lasers on the left of it, or on the right of it. Now all the solider has to do is pay attention for which spot he tries to bypass the laser grenade at and he can fire at the scout and take advantage of the tools he used to do it.

Does the laser damage need to be increased a bit? your damn fucking right it does, but it doesn't need any kind of prestige, ending pop, boom, explode that puts more emphasis on the grenade and less on the solider using it.


Last edited by Drakonal; 12-11-2011 at 07:36 PM.
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