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Old 11-24-2007, 10:13 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by eva01
how do i clear out binds from previous class cfgs? it seems like using the same buttons carry over. i don't know where i got this from but on the top of all my configs i have
not sure if that does anything.
it's weird, i have the same button bound for a lot of classes, and they all work ok, except my spy:
bind “UPARROW” “sentrysabotage”
bind “DOWNARROW” “dispensersabotage”
bind “MOUSE4” “cloak”
bind “q” “scloak”

If you are feeling froggy (no offense to the French) you can create a binds.txt file. It should include EVERY SINGLE BIND.

Start each config with this at the top

exec binds.cfg

Example from TFC
// binds.cfg

// This sets up all your binds that are not class specific (in your <class>.cfg files)

bind "kp_end" "exec onetap.cfg" // executes the one tap grenade cfg
bind "kp_minus" "vent1"			// toggles between the Ingame and the Ventrilo voice/text comm aliases 
bind "capslock" "+vtxt1"  		// ingame voice comm button
bind ALT "changeclass"			// to change to a different class
bind TAB "+showscores"			// shows scores
bind ` "toggleconsole"			// brings down the console
bind INS "snapshot"				// take screen shot		
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"

bind 1 slot1
bind 2 slot2
bind 3 slot3
bind 4 slot4
bind 5 slot5
bind 6 "dismantle 2;dismantle 1;dismantle 4;dismantle 5;say_team -ENGY=[%h, %a]=- Dismantling"  //univ NG dismantle - thx Dough
bind 8 "kill"				// kills you
bind 0 "say H:%h A:%a"		// dispalys Health & Armor stats to mm1

bind , +det5PACK			// sets a 5 second det pack
bind . +det20PACK			// sets a 20 second det pack
bind / +det50PACK			// sets a 50 second det pack
bind b "special"			// special ability 
bind e "+use"				// use - duh!

bind "f" "throwgren; primeone"	// primary grenade throw/prime - double tap nades
bind "g" "throwgren; primetwo"	// secondary grenade throw/prime - double tap nades
bind "m" ""						// ONLY bound in classdefault.cfg to to announce setting a detpack or to announce spy disguise
bind "i" "flaginfo" 			// gives flag information
bind "c" "dropitems;say_team THROWING FLAG [H:%h A:%a];speak flag"			// Throws flag and speaks, "FLAG"
bind "r" "+reload"  			// reload
bind "t" "impulse 201" 			// sprays
bind "y" "messagemode"			// say, mm1 - message mode 1
//bind "u" "messagemode2"		// mm2, team say. In each <classname>.cfg it's bound to the commcfg files specific to each class
bind "x" "discard"																// to throw packs
bind "z" "saveme;say_team Ow! God Damnit I broke a nail.. MEDIC!! [H:%h A:%a]"	// call for medic
bind CTRL "+duck"				// to duck
bind SPACE "+jump"				// jump
bind SHIFT "+commandmenu"		// the main command menu
bind ENTER "+attack"			// selected weapon attack

// movement keys

bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind s "+back"
bind w "+forward"

// mouse button binds

bind "mouse1" "+attack"					// selected weapon attack
bind "mwheelup" "slot2;wait;slot3"    	// selects shotty (scout, demoman, pyro), super shotty (medic, spy, solja, engineer and HW) or sniper's AR
bind "mwheeldown" "slot4;wait;slot5"	// selects highest slot weapon for all classes except Engineer

//bind "mouse2" "#swipe"               	// melee + quick weapon alias.  Each class uses 1 of 4 aliases.  Demo and sniper cfgs bind mouse3.

//bind "mouse3" "ds"            		// dets sentry          -in engineer.cfg
//bind "mouse4" "dpez"					// Det dispenser alias  -in engineer.cfg

//bind "mouse3" "silent"				// silent feign and drops packs -in spy.cfg
//bind "mouse4" "ffeign"				// feign and throw flag/packs	-in spy.cfg

//bind "mouse2" "detpipe; wait; tf_weapon_pl"  	// det pipes and instantly switch to greens
//bind "mouse4" "w00t" 							// Toggles between ability to shoot straight down and not shoot straight down.
//bind "mwheeldown" "slot4"						// selects blues

//bind "mouse2" "special"						// Zoom			-in sniper.cfg
//bind "mouse4" "tf_weapon_sniperrifle" 		// Sniper rifle	-in sniper.cfg

// communication binds

bind F3 "say_team %i I'm right behind you ...Nice ass! [H:%h A:%a]"
bind F4 "say_team w00t..Enemy SG down! Get that flag / key! [H:%h A:%a]"

bind F5 "say_team Affirmative / YES / You da man [H:%h A:%a]"
bind F6 "say_team Negative / NO / Bite me [H:%h A:%a]"
bind F7 "say_team Where is our flag / key? [H:%h A:%a]"
bind F8 "say_team Where is the Enemy flag / key? [H:%h A:%a]"

bind F9 "say_team Cover Me - Out of position / Resupply! [H:%h A:%a]"
bind F10 "say_team Unf. Im capping that Mofo! [H:%h A:%a]"
bind F11 "say_team Need help with our flag! [H:%h A:%a]"
bind F12 "say_team Need help getting the enemy flag! [H:%h A:%a]"
Then if a class needed some specific binds, you'd set them in the <classname>.cfg
TFC example (all I have access to at work)
// demoman.cfg

unbindall				// unbinds all keys
exec binds.cfg			// executes binds.cfg - sets all binds

say_team [DEMOMAN] Spam.cfg Loaded!

// Reference binds.cfg and classdefault.cfg for other binds and aliases

bind "u" "exec commcfg/demoman2.cfg"  			// say_team comm gives player class, health and armour

bind "mouse2" "detpipe; wait; tf_weapon_pl"  	// det pipes and instantly switch to greens

bind "mouse3" "+14swipe"               			// melee + quick weapon

bind "mwheeldown" "slot4"						// selects blues
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Last edited by 4est; 11-24-2007 at 10:23 PM.
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