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Old 01-16-2010, 04:08 PM   #101
Join Date: Jan 2010
Gametype: Capture the Flag
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tl;dr version: For the most part the damage in this game is based on consistency. Snipers derail this.

Originally Posted by SSCUJO View Post
its seems that you don't want to change the sniper bridget but rather remove it and replace it. a sniper is defined by long range and high damage, in every game. thats the deal.
You are biased to hell. Understandable, of course, since this is probably the only class you really love, but the truth is the truth -- sniper really is out of place. No class consistently gets instant kills across maps, save snipers. That is out of how many classes again? The spy is the only other class that has a solid gib weapon, and yet it happens to be an in-your-face thing that requires patience. Never mind the fact that anyone who is used to the game has a good chance of spotting and countering spy movements, but that is a different argument.

Fuck, change rifles to fire African tribal monkey poison frog darts that damage over time 5x as much as medic poison and travel fast enough to require a little bit of prediction. Remove most of the fully-charged rifle damage and make the victims suffer penalties, such as extra explosion damage taken or something. These are just random bull-shit ideas to counter the main problem at hand: Instant kills from across the map belong in the more realistic war games like CSS, MW2.

The weird hit boxes do not help the problem much, either.
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