Thread: lack of players
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Old 11-16-2007, 01:37 AM   #45
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
Hello, I had stopped playing fortress forever a while back. I played for about a week, until Team Fortress 2 Beta came out. I laugh at those, No Offense, who say that FF was better than Team Fortress 2. Team Fortress 2 ripped FF right off its feet. I hadn't remembered FF, until I visited Planethalflife. I realized that they had posted some news, saying that FF had a new patch release. Now reading this topic, I have found that you guys have been planning to make this mod more popular. For the first week FF was released, things were going great. So many people, half of the players in Team Fortress Classic left that game, and decided to move to FF. Then a week passed, the FF players and servers dropped, Team Fortress Classic regained it's place, and Team Fortress 2 got popular.

A huge mistake you made was the timing. It seemed, towards the end you we're rushing... so that caused some problems.

Another big mistake was, I believe, a forum member posted saying that they refused to use Valve's Offer of advertising and also included that FF was too buggy. That really, well it lost you a lot of players. Haven't valve said themselves, they will be updating TeamFortress 2 just like they did with CSS? I mean CSS had bugs at first, but those got fixed. Since you did not advertise from the start, let alone accept the offer, that screwed you over. It doesn't matter if the game was buggy, you could've followed the path the Valve took, and updated it along the way. I agree that advertising on other forums will just create a mess and so on and so forth.

Last be not least, was the style of the game. The looks of the character and the maps made me feel like playing Unreal Tournament or something. I remember reading a review on FF, and they showed a chart. First was TF, then was TFC, then Came TF2 and each had a distinctive picture of a Heavy Weapons Guy. But what was under TFC? A picture of HWG from FF and stating under the picture of the FF HWG, " The Bastard Child. " I've also read the review saying that the style is not the same as TFC, and I totally agree. And yes I am sorry for being cruel.

Originally Posted by EngeeMan
Garry's Mod was very original, nothing really had existed like that in online PC shooters up until that point. Running around with buds and building contraptions and scripting your own gamemode. There was a vacuum for creativity-based mods in Half-Life 2 and Gmod filled that void.

What mods are out for Half-Life 2 now?

Insurgency. DoD/CS in the desert. Dead.
Zombie Master. You know how many zombie mods there are for Gmod, CS, DoD, and probably HL2: DM? And yet someone makes ANOTHER zombie mod. Dead.
Pirates Vikings Knights 2. Sequel to unpopular mod is unpopular. Dead.
The Ship. Technically a retail mod, but see the comment for PVK2. Dead.
Dystopia. I actually liked this, but the map design had horrible chokepoints. Suicide.
The Hidden: Source. WAY WAY easy to cheat on this and ruin the entire point fo the game. Dead.
Then there are a bunch of deathmatch mods that are all dead as well.

If someone comes up with an original game experience that isn't just a rehash of either older mods/games or slight tweaks of current mods/games then they can do well. Rehashing a good game again leads to failure, and rehashing the a game that was unpopular leads to epic failure.
I think your forgetting a mod under there also. Since your are saying that mods with little amount of players are dead, well then shouldn't FF be in that list also? Because Insurgency has more players than FF, and uhh Hidden is still alive... and Zombie Master has more players than FF.