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Old 01-22-2010, 12:19 AM   #87
Join Date: Mar 2007
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ok since everyone wants the definitions address'd, the definitions bridget is citing is for a real life sniper. that definition will obviously not include 'deals lots of damage'.

are there any video games where a class is named 'sniper' and that class does not deal high damage at long range? you can't take a real life definition and apply it to a video game that isn't real.

what makes a sniper a sniper in a video game is high damage and long range, i don't imagine there being many video games with sniper weapons or class that do not do that.

that is why i define it as long range high damage.

but since the developers of this game seem to be keeping there minds closed to the ideas and suggestions in this thread i see no more point to it, its just going to turn into another one of bridgets threads if it hasn't already. so pointless.
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