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Old 02-12-2010, 08:19 AM   #13
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Brazil
Class/Position: D Solly, O Med
Gametype: kill.conc.cap
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Originally Posted by vatterin View Post
Good thing this is TFC.
our players base is almost entirely from TFC
with which game should i compare FF if not TFC?

Originally Posted by VentuSag3 View Post
Interesting idea: what if certain weapons were buffed to deal slightly more damage to a player depending on how fast they are moving?

Like say change the RPG from a straight 102 damage to dealing 80-125 damage depending on speed of your target. Would also balance out the fact that it's stupidly easy to kill a slow target with the RPG while very difficult to kill a concing scout that is literally outrunning your rocket.

Assault Cannon and detpipes could be changed in a similar way.

I can see this working on SGs only. Having this feature on any other weapon would make game unbalanced imo.

Originally Posted by eomoyaff View Post
lmao, really?!

Overpowered offense?.. You can't be serious.. You get a shit load of benefits.

1) You spawn in your own base. You don't have to travel across a map to do anything.

2) You're closer to unlimited amounts of health then any medic could supply for his team.

3) Defensive classes such as the soldier can easily take any offensive class if they follow defensive guidelines, which is easy as hell.

The only way a defense is going to get overpowered is if you brought in like 3 soldiers and a scout. Then it would be fucking ridiculous. Other then that, the offense is fine. The defense always have the upper hand simply because they don't have as big an objective. They can solemnly focus on killing. Duh.

There is no problem with the offense. Everything is how it should be.
1) Yes, D spawn on its own base. Yet you forget to say that EVERY re-spawn for D has been nerfed. on TFC you usually spawn randomly, on FF Defense always re-spawn on the worse/far spawn. Want some examples?

TFC destroy: 2 spawns, Offense spawn on Front Door, D spawn on Mid Ramp.
FF destroy: 1 spawn FD, 1 resupply mid ramp.

TFC 2fort: 2 spawns, random spawning.
FF 2fort: 2 spawns, Defense spawn on the battlement

TFC shutdown2: 2 spawns, random spawning.
FF shutdown2: 1 spawn bottom, 1 resupply Top Ramp.

TFC monkey: 2 spawns, random spawning.
FF monkey: 2 spawns, Defense always spawn on the lower spawn.

2) Yes and No. Yes, you are closer, but you can't afford getting out of your position to run for HP/Armor, die fighting is the best way.
No, not the entire teams is close enough to a resupply. A medic can drop enough med packs for healing 2/3 other players.

3) On an 1v1 situation this is true. But when you have to deal with 2 full medics after rocket jumping from the re-spawn to get in your position faster this is false.

So, after this, you cannot say that Offense is not faster and Defense is not slower/nerfed on FF. Speed is a great advantage on this game. So yes, Offense is overpowered. FF Offense makes 10%~15% more runs in the same amount of time than in TFC.
Otherwise how could a team capture more flags in 15 minutes than it would cap on TFC in a 30 minutes round?

btw, it's funny when you say:

"Defensive classes such as the soldier can easily take any offensive class if they follow defensive guidelines, which is easy as hell."

because you, as soldier, can't easily take care of a scout or a medic. Yet you said following defensive guidelines is easy as hell...
Sounds like a contradiction to me. like when someone just go against an idea because he have a personal grudge against the one who had the idea... but i might be wrong. i hope so.

Last edited by immortal; 02-12-2010 at 08:35 AM.
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