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Old 06-14-2006, 02:42 PM   #146
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Washington D.C.
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From what I see from the pics is that you have done a great job getting all the basic architecture down, but you need to take the architecture a step further. Place a random vent prop in the top corner isnt going to cut it for detail. Add more pillars to the wall, more supports in areas. And more sensible trims in place (on the bridges) Also use less generic textures, take texture with more lines and then align them to the brush so the edges of the brush are more defined. Currently you map is looking to dark and bland lighting wise. Maybe use more color in your lights (more orange), also I come to find that spot lights look alot better then regular light entities. Now im not saying its bad to use white or gray colored lights, just use them where you feel is necassary but dont use them everywhere, add some variation. It will appeal to the eye more, especially if you use complimenting light colors (blue and orange, red and green.) Well continue with the updates and the work, it seems you got the hard part out of the way already and the rest is down hill from here. keep it up.
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