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Old 09-30-2014, 11:54 PM   #10
Fortress Forever Staff
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AFAIK they won't accept mods on an old source engine so we'd need to port it before we can put it on greenlight, but porting is a huge amount of work - it's a nightmare. I tried once in the past, I sunk about 8 weekends into it and got about 4% of the way through or something. Jon tried to port it all in one go a while back, and loads of stuff wasn't ported properly and/or was totally broken. The latest attempt was squeek and dexter, I don't know how far they got, but I suspect they got burnt out before getting too far (heresay only - I wasn't involved).

The main benefit of greenlight was auto updates and an ability to push a beta test build I believe - but didn't squeek get auto-updates working anyway?

I'm sure FF could un-die too, even with a few interesting changes to bring people back again that would probably be enough.

I think the best thing to do right now is improve the current game to bring players back. It's when the game stagnates that the playerbase falls. The problem is basically that we've often been super scared of releasing changes even if we're fairly sure it'd be better for the game in the long run. Pretty much every change we've ever made has had at least one player violently opposed to it, but if we never change anything, the game stagnates. It's a catch 22.

Another issue we've had is trying to balance simultaneously for competitive / pickup play, and keeping public servers enjoyable. Some changes have been targetted at public play to the detriment of pickup play, and other changes have been for pickup play, to the detriment of public play. Turns out it's pretty difficult to deal with both at once.
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