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Old 06-18-2015, 01:10 AM   #8
William Shakespeare
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Location: Stratford-upon-Avon, England
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I've created my personal backstories for the Heavy and the Medic. Share your opinions, i you do not mind.

John Rockwell - 'Heavy Weapons Guy'

Age: Forty-Two

Backstory: Initially a Cattle Driver, Railroad Worker, and Dock Worker, Rockwell was strong, but also intelligent. He took no foolishness around machinery, but loved having fun. He greatly admired his uncle (The Team Fortress Classic HWG), and, once receiving a letter from (Insert team here), he took off with his uncle's weapons, destined for greatness.

Dr. Salvatore Alighieri - 'Combat Medic'

Age: Fifty-One

Backstory: A humble, kind Italian-American physician from New York, he was brought into the mafia as the official Doctor. He would also combat those who would attack him, trained by the Mafia's finest. One day, his closest friend, a priest, informed him of the war between the teams, and how a doctor was needed. He told Alighieri to not harm those in the city, but fight for justice, using the same skills. He still actively uses both his medical knowledge, and his fighting skills.
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