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Old 05-28-2011, 10:17 PM   #43
Everyones favorite FreaK
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Because I'm lazy, I only read about two thirds of the first page.

But still, I like the idea of an "electro magnet device of some sort", an Engineer having a device that can help protect his SG from far away fire, is a good idea.

It could be a similar ish size field to the new HW slowing grenade, but a different looking effect, and the closer the incoming fire is to the center of the field, the more drastically it gets pushed away, since it is stronger in the middle, and nearing the edge of the field, the incoming fire simply arcs away from the field lightly, but still throws it off its original course.

It would help defend from the oh so common Soldier, Scout or Medic sending a straight stream of nails or rockets towards an SG from far away, that an Engineer has trouble defending against.

But it shouldn't effect handheld Grenades, sniper shots, AR rifle, shotgun blasts, minigun or anything I've missed off. Oh and it should affect Team fire too, it must have its risks, team Fire will also arc away.

In theory... that sort of device could be given to any class, any class that is considered a defending class, could throw up one of those to throw off incoming attacks.

To think of it in a different light, a Heavy Weapons Guy could throw this little device out infront of him, that lasts 20 Seconds, and then he could commence to start shooting his mini gun sitting behind this field, and incoming rockets and nails would arc away from him... since a HW guy is almost motionless when shooting.

But it would be great for an Engineer.
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