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Old 05-28-2015, 07:11 PM   #11
El Hombre sin nombre
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Originally Posted by _BEAN_ View Post
As far as your statement about your teachers running people down. Because you see one or two people doing something inappropriate does not mean the everyone does. Look at the way many atheists treat those who believe in God. Do you really believe they have an open mind as they belittle others? Can I state all atheists are ignorant people? No. Not to seem rude to your beliefs or anything, but I have dealt with far more zealots who are brainwashed by science textbooks that flat out lie to them then people who force their religion on others.
Didn't know about the skip pledge part.

Anyway I agree with your point, there are a bunch of atheists who are jerks too, everyone side has people who merely picked their beliefs and are happy with them and the ones that are forcing them down to other's throat just to make them feel better.
I agree, I saw only one or two teachers being inappropiate at lessons, because that's what I encountered so far and I'm not assuming that any other religion class is/was as shitty as on my case, but when I started the thread I just pointed out the things I encountered, and IMO arround here things aren't exactly right, but just wanted to know how other people view it.
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