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Old 01-26-2010, 08:28 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Born_In_Xixax
As I can't bring myself to suggest doing away with concing (this was TF2's solution), perhaps there is more that can be done to give other classes better movement options and even things up (less damage for explosive weapon jumps, a la Warsow?.) And perhaps the sniper can be re-invented to make him less one-dimensional and ease the long range domination somewhat...
While CTF and AvD are completely different animals, this is just going to cripple things more. In AvD, snipers are rarely a big problem. There's just too much coming at defense too constantly for them to be a major issue. The biggest things that erode defense in AvD are this:

-Increased movement speeds period
-Pyro jumps
-lackluster sg push
-inability of sg's to block splash damage

So making things easier for offense and adding even MORE movement options will just collapse things. This isn't to say I'm against them, but I feel like D needs serious help if that's the route you go.

I think the problem may be more fundamental here. As a CTF player, you see offense as being too hard. As an AvD player, I see defense as being too hard. And for the peanut gallery of course there are always exceptions, but I've seen D eroded substantially compared to TFC and FF 1.0 over the course of hundreds of games. 2.4 was better, but still worse than 1.0.


I've never personally found CTF fun, but it obviously has a long history. It sounds like the problem is not so much with offense not having enough capabilities so much as having more incentive to get people out of the base. To me, points were always kind of meaningless. For those that do CTF pubbing, what's your biggest incentive to get the flag? Is there some way to enhance that motivation?

Last edited by chilledsanity; 01-26-2010 at 08:40 PM.
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