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Old 06-03-2013, 03:29 PM   #28
Boss 4 all da rite reasons
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: jersey
Class/Position: O scout/med D sol/demo
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Affiliations: Founder of the Goodfellas.
Posts Rated Helpful 6 Times
mooney no offense but your biggest flaw is that you decide not to captain when you clearly know you should be captain in most pickups. Becuase you are a top tier player and most of the pickups lately have been consisting of me and you then 6 others that are a mix of decent and new. A few times lately you have manned up and captained, but your whole "I dont captain" routine gets old bro when clearly the point is just for even teams. at times you can be very difficult and make things hard for an admin.
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