Thread: (Released) Game Rules
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Old 12-26-2014, 09:39 PM   #7
Beta Tester
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I think one mistake you're making is in thinking that anyone wants to take the pub as seriously as you.

I honestly think restricting the pub is one of the worst ideas and I don't really get why you don't just put more of an effort into playing pickups rather than trying to shoehorn people into playing how you think they should. I mean most of our "oh so hallowed" ovd rules are broken by people who've played this game the longest.

And while I'd really like for new players to be able to learn the ways of the game I don't think this is really the way to do it, and could potentially be more confusing than helpful to new players. I feel as though it's better to just let players learn certain things in their own time if they are interested or invested enough. As painful as it is to say that, while at the same time we do watch new players come in and go dm scout, and try to kill soldiers but get stomped, all the while you're trying to somewhat politely tell them scout isn't a dm class, at which point they either ignore you or say "I know!", but still continuing down that self destructive path.

Also we can only hope that after the steam release we can see a couple few pubs, and I can only imagine enforcing ovd for two teams in a full pub would be a complete mess. And I would really really like to see more full pub action with both teams running offense rather than 10 red in foyar 1 red pyro in yard and the cluster fuck that ensues.

All in all I don't think it's a very good way to teach players, and I definitely don't think everyone is trying to be an oj super star in the pub as you might think.
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