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Old 03-12-2013, 07:18 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2012
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Posts Rated Helpful 6 Times
Scores and captures

After now 2 months of playing, although only for a few hours at weekends, I am starting to understand the game and really enjoy the pickups

I have been watching the excellent streams and casts BT Neo and friends and noticed a few things which I would like to get an opinion on

Generally I play soldier on defence and tend to get 30-40 kills per map. Looking at the parsed logs in mIRC after the game, my percentage is usually 50% shotgun, 30% rocket and 20% grenade. There are some people which is the opposite with more grenade kills, and noticed from casts that people kill themselves or go back to respawn to heal and get more grenades

Obviously grenades are powerful so the more the better, but by doing that you are missing on a few people getting in with no incoming to your teammates. So my question is which do people think is better/prefer... A weaker teammate on low health which gives an incoming, or no incomings but possibility of fewer later on as they have grenades and full health?

Also what I think would be useful is a table or some idea of average captures per map, just so you can get a feel of if the team are doing well or not, if you need to change strategy etc
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