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Old 09-22-2007, 05:56 PM   #130
TFL Senior Operations
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Macon, GA
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Admin Discretion With Some Rules

What if you had a league where Off vs Off actaully was banned. What if someone broke the rule by misstake?
Let's say there's an exploit in the game that gets banned. Maybe someone uses it by misstake.
In US leagues where there are rules against excessive O v O and against banned exploits, league admins can usually exercise admin discretion in order to come up with a fair ruling. By knowing our clans and their members' 'style of play,' league admins have a very good idea when accidents happen.

As for clan operated servers. In general, clans usually use their league rules as guide lines when operating their servers. One reason being, using league rules on their servers ensures their members will not pick up any 'bad habits' that could get a clan in trouble if those 'bad habits' are used during league match play. If specfic rules are not listed in the 'motd' it may be a good idea to ask about them soon as you join a team. The large majority, imo, of clan operated servers are good places to better your skills and to frag with good people. Unfortunately as in all things, there are always bad apples. Just please don't judge the many by a few. !TFL Fortress Forever! #tfl-ff

The #1 rule is have a little respect.
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