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Old 02-07-2010, 12:48 AM   #371
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Inside of your Computron
Class/Position: O/D Sniper, D Engy, D Soldier
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Affiliations: s^., :e0:, -=[$D$]=-, -AA-, +SUF, .20, [AH(S)]-r, [ . ]-r
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Originally Posted by Green Mushy View Post
Some theories as to why the sniper doesnt fit, in a more objective way:
  • All classes lose effectiveness over range
Yes, the sniper is unique in this sense. Every class is unique and that's the great part of TF. Bridget will say 'this is a potato among fruits' - but completely ignore the fact that this analogy doesn't make this class unique in some magically different way. You can explain WHY a potato isn't a fruit and that doesn't necessarily make it any more different from certain fruits than some fruits from other fruits (tongue twister!). Until you tell us WHY this particular ability is different from the special abilities of any other class, this argument doesn't make sense. The sniper is different and so is every other class.

I understand that the rest of these points try to differentiate though, so:

Originally Posted by Green Mushy View Post
  • All classes must take a risk to deal damage effectively
The sniper takes risk too. On 95% of maps there isn't really a 'safe' place from which to snipe. Yes, aardvark rocks and is a great sniper map (just like there are maps that create an advantage for other classes too); so is 1/3 of anticitizen. On virtually every other map the sniper takes significant risk. More risk than a demoman with pipes laid who's hiding somewhere waiting to blow them up. More risk than an engineer who's built a gun that's killing people while they don't even need to be there. More risk than an invisible spy who's waiting for someone to pass them so that they can be in position for an easy backstab (yeah, you think this one's 'broken' too, but I disagree here as well).

None of these examples fit your very narrow view of a version of team fortress with mulch-style play and nothing else. The appeal of TF is a wide range of abilities and situations.

Originally Posted by Green Mushy View Post
  • All classes have a mechanic where the more risk you take, the higher chance for reward. Meaning that, as u get closer, u can do more damage.
Yes, range makes the sniper unique but that doesn't mean that he's not rewarded for higher-risk situations. There are many spots that are both powerful for the sniper and high risk. The top of the map on well and on shutdown2 are both powerful positions for snipers that are very accessible by the enemy offense and are high-risk, for example. Battlements on 2fort, openfire, congestus.. I could go on and on...

A demoman laying pipes and waiting to blow them from a distance is no different than a sniper shooting people from a distance in this respect either. The engineer can sit in spawn with zero risk while his gun mows people down. All of these situations require less risk than sniping (even on a good sniper map!) and so these classes both excel outside of your one dimensional view of what this game should be (and I didn't even bring up the 'broken' spy!).

It seems like you just want everyone mulching instead of enjoying the variety of classes and situations currently present in the game. Some people like mulch-style play so much that they would prefer to ONLY have that type of game, but I don't think that this is exemplary of why FF is fun.

Originally Posted by Green Mushy View Post
  • All classes are fun to play against
I have as much fun playing a good sniper as I do a good solider or any other good player. If they're good you're going to be frustrated - especially if you're on offense constantly running into this brick wall of a player (of ANY defensive class - I've seen soldiers hold down sprial on 2fort that were next to impossible to get past; there might as well have been a wall there). I also have as much fun playing a bad sniper as I do a bad solider, which is a lot of fun until I realize I'm NEVER frustrated and the game gets boring quickly (some frustration is absolutely necessary for a game to be fun). It's not about the class, it's about the skill level of the player.

Originally Posted by Green Mushy View Post
Its like saying "spy is broken, so its ok that sniper is broken."
Neither is broken.

Last edited by TheKing; 02-07-2010 at 12:50 AM.
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